#jamietanna[m]Is there an automated "conformance suite" for IndieAuth? Looking at getting into implementing my own server, but thought I may start from the angle of creating a automated suite to verify whether it actually compliant
#jamietanna[m]Yeah agreed - but the main thing I'm thinking of is the minutiae of the spec, and making sure all edge cases are covered. This also isn't just for me but to be shared / built with the community
#sknebelthe biggest non-obvious trap is IMHO to remember all the content-type and accept: headers, which you need sometimes for compatiblity
mickael joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]sorry jaimetanna and sknebel I misunderstood what you wer discussing, apologize for derailing convo
bradenslen joined the channel
#bradenslen@jgmac1106 sorry I was surfing third party comments is a stopgap measure for me on MB but needed because IMHO it's not a blog if you don't have the option of comments
[kevinmarks], eli_oat and mickael joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]aaronpk swentel when you add a Twitter feed to your social reader do you just drop a link to someone's profile...thinking of making a n "exclusive" list of the 20-30 people I actually talk to and ignore the other 2570 people I follow
#aaronpkYeah, you can make a Twitter list and add that via granary too
#aaronpkMy twitter timeline became useless years ago
#aaronpki guess I could unfollow a bunch of people
zero-gravitas and [Vincent] joined the channel
#[Vincent]I almost wish Twitter would hard limit the number you could follow. It might reduce the noise and force people to think about which connections matter. But that wouldn’t be a good business model I guess!
#[jgmac1106]not me [Vincent] but I can not follow my own timeline it is useless I gave up on follow a long time ago a follow is a h/t , you follow ideas and not people, I do have 32 columns in Tweetdeck right now
#[jgmac1106]Going to make the list and then add that to granary, thx all
#[jgmac1106]and most of these are for weekly scheduled chats so social readers wouldn't work...need the websub tweetdeck like experience if that could be a thing
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
#snarfedi actually really like facebook's dual approach of friending vs following for this
#snarfedesp since afaik you can't tell whether a friend follows you or not
#snarfedlets you separate the etiquette of friending vs the personal info mgmt of following
todrobbins joined the channel
#ZegnatThere is no way to check for following, no. To follow is one-sided, to friend is two-sided.
limiting-factor, nitot and snarfed joined the channel