[jgmac1106][tmiller] if you are still going to use your Known site for the small biz making an h-product and adding ecommerce solution plugin going to be quite doable. Could maybe suggest session for New Haven
[davidmead], electronicmaji, snarfed, [kevinmarks], Dhewy, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
ZegnatI just don’t like calling that email-to-webmention. I feel like calling it that confuses what a webmention is. Instead that is email-to-mailing-list where the mailing list happens to have a webpresence and send out webmentions
Loqidmcweeney: jeremycherfas left you a message 2 weeks, 2 days ago: It depends a lot on the specific theme and they are all somewhat different. Grav convo is on Discord, if that’s a help. Or we can move to # chat or #dev
[jgmac1106]dmcweeney out of town visiting with my mother. You can also RSVP to remote into Austin, or wait for Online or New Haven.. Have feeling will be Known sessions at all three
snarfed, snarfed1, snarfed2 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel