aaronpkvideo of the demos is up! I cleaned up and re-edited everything so if you were on the choppy livestream today this video has everything in good quality and without all the waiting for people to switch laptops! https://youtu.be/wSu0zbb0ty4
Loqisl007: petermolnar left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: he? Who attended? What were the sessions? Where is the photo? Saying "biggest European indieweb event" is... interesting.
sl007It was realy all free for you incl. transport from AMS/DUS and accomodation [as described]. Organizing was some days but in the end the watertower was huge for 2 people ;)
sl007btw FOSDEM was so cool as well together with the ActivityPub, Mozilla, SOLID and Conservancy people and the OpenSource community of the world. We missed you.
[jgmac1106]whhoooooo whoooooo hoooo the Federal IndieWeb grant.... 1.2 million dollars in funding made it through peer review and moved on to the final funding stage.....not awarded yet.....but this is good news
[jgmac1106]yeah, went unfunded but expected..takes 2-3 submissions..why federal edu research dollars so bad for the web...who knows what picture looks like in 4-5 years
[manton]It's interesting to view Micro.blog in both Monocle and Together. Because we put the "Mentions" as the notifications channel, they appear under the bell icon in Together. I guess that's correct.
[manton][grantcodes] Thanks! The one thing that [aaronpk] and I were talking about this weekend is that ideally a Microsub client should query q=config on the Micropub endpoint to see what post types the server supports. Aaron uses that to hide "like" and "repost" buttons, for example, and I think Together could probably do that too.
[grantcodes]Yeah makes sense. Only reservation with that would be the number of sites that support likes and reposts without exposing it to the q=config
[manton]Probably time to promote that Micropub extension to a more formal page on the wiki and/or spec so it's easier to find. I think it is mostly documented in GitHub right now.
[jgmac1106]petermolnar A: why I make a photography credit page prominent on my blog B: if you want to own and control your content get a website and not Twitter... I stay off hacker news... But was tempted by the of you don't want content crawled don't put content on the web
[jgmac1106]Buzzfeed using a NC-by-nd would be a violation of license..unless we get into murky fair use.. My rule do best to try and give thx to those who support the Commons
[jgmac1106]Petermolnar..... Then we would get into international copyright laws... In US.. Fair 7se refers to practice regardless of license chosen... Yes buzzfeed should not use anything with NC....
[jgmac1106]Just thought the article portrayed such a misunderstanding... Don't profit off of work by using said work in away that does not violate the ToS of where I published it....want to own your stuff. Then don't sign away royalty free rights by using Twitter
snarfed, jjuran_, [cleverdevil], [manton], [grantcodes], [Collin_Kunisch], iasai, [eddie], IRCsum, [aaronpk], andersju, jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu, raucao and masterdonx joined the channel