#indieweb 2019-02-28
2019-02-28 UTC
snarfed, emceeaich, [schmarty], [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] jacky, feel free to add an entry in /event#Brainstorming documenting your use-case and thinking/design/approach

Loqi An invitation is an optional feature of an event post (an event with invitations), or a reply to an event post that also notifies a list of invitees that they've been invited to the event, or a special case of that, an RSVP to an event that also invites additional people to it https://indieweb.org/invitation

[jgmac1106], jackjami_, jackjamieson, electronicmaji, [eddie], wolftune, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, barpthewire, cweiske, stevestreza and stevestreza4 joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
petermolnar not since gopher

petermolnar apart from that, I've started taking over a site, set up WordPress, and I though I'll play nice and do it with Gutenberg; this thing is a disaster

petermolnar the more I use it the more terrible it becomes

petermolnar example: 2 column layout, called "media and text" - if you allow "stack on mobile" depending if the media is on the left or right, it will either be above or below the text when stacked, and I can't find a single way to make the image always on top on mobile

petermolnar built-in feature

petermolnar and then the bugs

petermolnar my god, the bugs

[kevinmarks], catsup, [frank], [Vincent], [Rose] and jeremych_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas Morning IndieWeb and zegnat petermolnar

jeremycherfas Going to continue my Listening script, trying to decide whether I want to capture the cover art and, much harder, whether I want to pout this in my stream on withknown or into my main site on Grav. Both have pros and cons.

jeremycherfas Ah well, as you know, that's complicated.

jeremycherfas The thing is, I have been keeping away from Micropub in Grav because I could foresee all sorts of difficulties syncing production and local. Whereas there is no such problem with Known. And I can just feed an RSS stream from Known to Grav.

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] FYI: .dev domains are available today: https://domains.google/tld/dev/

jeremycherfas But for something like listen posts, I would be perfectly content to create the listen posts locally here, once every few days and then sync from here to production.

jeremycherfas And that would give me an opportunity to get Micropub working better locally too, because it wouldn't matter if it messed up occasionally.

jeremycherfas So, Rubber Ducky, I think I have decided what to do.

IRCsum joined the channel
jeremycherfas [Rose] are you abandoning Grav then?

jeremycherfas Phew.

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I am going to finish porting my podcast now that snarfed added mf2->rss

swentel and anotheryou joined the channel
[jgmac1106] WordPress will be a great stop for Rose until she takes her PHP skills and joins us on Known

[jgmac1106] I know I tease...awesome to get more folks on team WordPress

[jgmac1106] but all jokes aside Rose Known..out of the box is way less work than WordPress,

[jgmac1106] ahh yes

[jgmac1106] that is where WP rules the world

[jgmac1106] there is a plugin for any possible thing you can think of

[jgmac1106] my strategy was to use a page builder and wrap an IndieWeb theme in it so I could get the pretty designs and photos I liked

[jgmac1106] rose++

[jgmac1106] we will have another WordPress theme

[jgmac1106] ...I don't want to touch my website....I am writing my own theme....I 'd hate to know what your definition of "hands on" is...building a computer and a CMS from scratch...can't wait to see what you do

[Kristof_Bernaer joined the channel
[Kristof_Bernaer Toolset plugin is a pretty decent (payable 1-time) plugin to create whatever Custom Post Type to give ur content good structures
[jgmac1106] if you know feel free to answer in WordPress channel but you can strip away old micoformats and add in correct ones with that plugin?

[tantek], [Vincent] and dg01d joined the channel; dg01d left the channel
petermolnar had anyone tried to PESOS reviews of their product|thing|article|etc from silos? I don't mean the usual ones, but like Yelp, booking.com, etc.

[jgmac1106] not but I started reviewing more for Google Maps..I should

[frank], nloadhol1, Toby, [kevinmarks], Guest44, [schmarty], [davidmead], wolftune, tbbrown, iasai, [Rose], singpolyma, [pfefferle], eddiehinkle, [eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/write-on-your-own-website/" to the "See Also" section of /why https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57505&oldid=56474

[schmarty] owning my 3D printing: https://martymcgui.re/2019/02/28/made-a-pyportal-stand-by-adafruit/

aaronpk oh hey he linked to https://indieweb.org/why at the end

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Write on your own website" http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/write-on-your-own-website/ (from https://aaronparecki.com/2019/02/28/9/)

[schmarty] oh yeah we should have full-on indieweb badges by then.

[Vincent], [jgmac1106], gRegorLove_, barpthewire, sfoster, [grantcodes], eli_oat, aalmazan, bronzehedwick, yar, leg, snarfed, Adam1, wolftune, [eddie], [manton] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] jacky forget invites build me an indieweb version of the doodle poll...wow that sit is getting more and more heavy with tricky nav adds

[Vincent] joined the channel
bronzehedwick hi all! i've been really getting into the indieweb principles and have started building out my site's implementation. i'm interested in attending a meetup, and heard there was one in NYC, but i can't find it on the site. am i missing something obvious?
[schmarty] hi bronzehedwick! thanks for letting us know! it is indeed hard to find.

[schmarty] we last met on Feb 20 (last Weds) https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-20-homebrew-website-club-nyc

[schmarty] we plan to meet next on March 6th but I need to add info about the event. https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-20-homebrew-website-club-nyc

[schmarty] whoops dupe link

snarfed joined the channel
bronzehedwick thanks! sorry, was pulled away for a bit
bronzehedwick i'll mark my cal and keep checking the site
[schmarty] bronzehedwick: no worries! we previously met at Aroma Espresso Bar (100 Church St) but their current hours close at 7pm. we last met at The Bean at Cooper Union (3rd Ave @ 9th St) and it was fine but no easy power outlet access. We may be in a new location TBD!

[schmarty] you can find us planning events like that in #indieweb-meta !

bronzehedwick oh snap! thanks, i'll head over there :)
eddiehinkle, snarfed, adamz[m], gRegorLove and Adam1 joined the channel
Adam1 Came here from Riot.im. I've had my own indie website since the early 90's. I even migrated my old Geocities Guestbook to my current site. ;) Seems like this channel might be my kind of people. Also sounds like I missed a meetup in NYC recently. :( www.adamlein.com
[Vincent] and [manton] joined the channel
[manton] [tantek] Inspired by the discussion at IndieWebCamp, I added a "Save to Internet Archive" setting to Micro.blog. Still debating whether it should be on by default. I think for now "no", just in case someone has a semi-private blog they don't expect to be shared anywhere. https://www.manton.org/2019/02/28/automatically-save-to.html

[schmarty] hi adam1! we have another HWC NYC brewing for next Wednesday 3/6. still need to lock down the location before we put up the event. it'll likely be somewhere in Manhattan south of 3rd St. :}

gRegorLove nice site, Adam1! I like the history page too

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Adam1 Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for the NYC 3/6 event details. I haven't read my history page in a while... almost forgot about the things FrontPage extensions used to do. Ha!
j12t and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich good morning indieweb

chrisaldrich I've been thinking about /discovery and /groups lately. Do we have a concept like neighbor that extends beyond /location to things like /tags?

chrisaldrich I just ran across the concept within /CiteULike at http://www.citeulike.org/neighbour/list/ChrisAldrich and it seems common enough to be useful to us

chrisaldrich though I'm not sure if anyone has built anything like it outside of the silo spaces

chrisaldrich What is related pages?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "related pages" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "related pages is ____", a sentence describing the term)

chrisaldrich What is related reading?

Loqi Related Reading or related posts or related content is a discovery feature of some blogging silos (like Medium, Wordpress.com) where at the end of a blog post, the system suggests another deemed-likely-interesting-to-you given your assumed interest in the topic that you just read about https://indieweb.org/related_reading

chrisaldrich snarfed, you mean that ^^ ?

chrisaldrich That's pretty close, and I'd added some material to it yesterday. Any other examples folks can think of?

chrisaldrich Swarm does a version of neighbors that is both location AND time dependent is another example I've got.

chrisaldrich I also want to make sure there isn't some other common definition that I'm missing or which is commonly used amongst the social silos or their algorithms.

[eddie] joined the channel
chrisaldrich So if I make follow posts and explicitly tag people as IndieWeb, then that could be a group of related people....

chrisaldrich So https://boffosocko.com/?tag=IndieWeb&kind=follow, but obviously not as extensive as https://boffosocko.com/about/following/#Indieweb

chrisaldrich I'm thinking "neighbor" defines the relationship(s) or common data types and a conglomeration of neighbors makes a /group

chrisaldrich what is audience?

Loqi audience is an experimental property of a post that indicates the intended recipients (readers) of the post https://indieweb.org/audience

chrisaldrich and audience could potentially be a way of narrowing down or filtering a larger group...

chrisaldrich eddie, I vaguely remember someone mentioning aggregating liked articles within readers lately as a means of creating nuzzle-like discovery. Was that you?

[kevinmarks] and kisik21 joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] manton++ wow awesome! definitely add Micro.blog to /Internet_Archive#Services - and agreed with opt-in (default off / no). Also consider the difference(s) between "send all my posts to internet archive" and "send everything I link to, to internet archive". Is there a downside to making just the latter on by default?

chrisaldrich Not audience specifically... more around using readers as aggregators of data to help in discovery.

Loqi Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery

Loqi ok, I added "[[related reading]]" to the "See Also" section of /discovery https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57517&oldid=57461

jeremycherfas I rate movies sometimes.

chrisaldrich I've done book and moving ratings, though not always consistently

jeremycherfas Not till tomorrow morning. And Iโm pretty sure theyโre not marked up.

[manton] joined the channel
chrisaldrich I find that typically I'm never doing rating-specific posts, but it's a sub-category of data that might appear in a Review post or in /watch or /read posts

[tantek] review << example with [[rating]]: https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/30/mary-poppins-returns-2018-walt-disney-pictures/

Loqi ok, I added "example with [[rating]]: https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/30/mary-poppins-returns-2018-walt-disney-pictures/" to the "See Also" section of /review https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57518&oldid=46081

chrisaldrich tantek, I've seen people frequently on micro.blog who are doing PESOS from Letterboxd to their sites where the rating is more forward.

[frank] joined the channel
chrisaldrich rating example: https://arnoldhoogerwerf.net/2019/02/2334/

chrisaldrich and the Syndicated version: https://micro.blog/ArnoldHoogerwerf/2411147

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "rating" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rating is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tantek] rating << example: https://arnoldhoogerwerf.net/2019/02/2334/ (POSSE copy: https://micro.blog/ArnoldHoogerwerf/2411147)

Loqi ok, I added "example: https://arnoldhoogerwerf.net/2019/02/2334/ (POSSE copy: https://micro.blog/ArnoldHoogerwerf/2411147)" to a brand new "See Also" section of /rating https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57521&oldid=57520

iasai joined the channel
chrisaldrich tantek++

chrisaldrich If we're going to go with GWG's Year of Discovery starting in June, we've got to start building some runway... ;)

jjuran_ joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed [tantek]: i have lots of inline ratings on eg (scroll down) https://snarfed.org/booksย , https://snarfed.org/beerย , and most other pages linked from https://snarfed.org/lists
iasai joined the channel
chrisaldrich snarfed, at least it's more dynamic range than Netflix allows now with thumbs up/thumbs down

sivoais joined the channel
electronicmaji joined the channel
chrisaldrich oops, forgot unrated...

gRegorLove_ and iasai joined the channel
petermolnar silos gonna silo? https://youtube-creators.googleblog.com/2019/02/more-updates-on-our-actions-related-to.html "More updates on our actions related to the safety of minors on YouTube" - read: comments on videos of children are now mostly banned.

chrisaldrich What is moderation?

Loqi Moderation is the process of holding comments for review by a human, and sometimes a source of frustration when a comment is written on another site that the commenter has no control over https://indieweb.org/moderation

Loqi ok, I added "https://youtube-creators.googleblog.com/2019/02/more-updates-on-our-actions-related-to.html" to the "See Also" section of /moderation https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57528&oldid=54177

chrisaldrich That YouTube article is generally their response to https://www.wired.co.uk/article/youtube-pedophile-videos-advertising

KartikPrabhu and iasai joined the channel