#indieweb 2019-03-02
2019-03-02 UTC
snarfed, Guest44, [grantcodes], emceeaich, [tantek], [jgmac1106], eli_oat, jackjamieson, wolftune, seekr, [jackjamieson], electronicmaji, treora and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] php-micropub/README.md at master · dansup/php-micropub · GitHub

leg, [pfefferle], [kevinmarks] and iasai joined the channel; leg left the channel
jeremycherfas Good morning IndieWeb

catsup and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] What is Getogether?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Getogether" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Getogether is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[jgmac1106] worth documenting: https://gettogether.community/about/

[jgmac1106] nvm, pretty much just an idea..no real code yet

seekr and nitot joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "GetTogether" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "GetTogether is ____", a sentence describing the term)

jacky GetTogether is an http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=ActivityPub-based meetup platform.

[jgmac1106] ohh sweet!'

[jgmac1106] jacky go to bed

[jgmac1106] ohh okay, that's better..has to be like 2am

[jgmac1106] go to bed Jacky...run when you wake up

[jgmac1106] I like our morning/late night chats

[kevinmarks] and [voss] joined the channel
eli_oat joined the channel
jeremycherfas Morning zegnat

jeremycherfas IndieWeb? Maybe, if I get this audio edit done.

jeremycherfas Currently in the middle of my Anki stack for Italian.

[schmarty] joined the channel
jeremycherfas You would think I would have it already, after 18 years. But I am useless.

[tonz] and sketchess joined the channel
sketchess good morning Indieweb
sketchess Oh what a pitty, the Indieweb Podcasts stoped in September.
voxpelli joined the channel
sketchess Yeah that is true.... I got a bit lost.
sketchess But I learned ROM hacking.
sketchess Catching up on WebCamp Berlin. Looks like that I have not missed much.
sketchess Any changes on HWC?
Loqi Join us for an evening of IndieWeb personal site demos and discussions!
Any questions? Ask in the chatroom! More… https://indieweb.org/next-hwc

sketchess What? o.O Morzilla hosted the WebCamp?.... And I totally missed it, nooohooo.
sketchess Uh so soon.... and May. Month of Student fairs.
[Rose] joined the channel
sketchess Hmm. Which platform are you going to use, Zegnat?
sketchess Well.... I have a Discord Server.....
[jgmac1106] vHWC Americas will be on jitsi again as we do last dry run before IWC Online

barpthewire joined the channel
[jgmac1106] sketchess we have an IWC Online coming up next week

sketchess jitsi...... yeah there rings something in my memories
[jgmac1106] yes, will double check with Eddie but that is the plan

[jgmac1106] really for online the fall back can be on thesession facilitator but we hope it works

sketchess uuuh next weekend.... man I have a lot to catch up
[tantek] joined the channel
sketchess Tell me soon enough Zegnat, if you guys like to use discord for sessions. I would have to get some things ready, you know. In case you do not know anything about discord, chats and audio rooms are normally separated.
sketchess Ah. I see. On the video funktions I havend had my hands on yet. I somehow have doubts that Mumble is the better choice. I remember it not pretty stable.
sketchess What do you think, Zegnat? What is your experience using Discord Audo Channels?
sketchess afk... making some tea
iasai joined the channel
sketchess Well, we will see how things will come together. You know about my vote. Okay, time for me to go for now. Have a nice day guys.
sketchess And greetings to schmarty and jeremycherfas.
[jackjamieson] and barpthewire joined the channel
sketchess bye, see ya
jeremycherfas Oh. Sorry to miss you sketchess. I was finishing something else.

[eddie], iasai and a_chou joined the channel
Guest44, [schmarty] and anotheryou joined the channel
[schmarty] oh! hi sketchess! see you next time! sorry i missed you. also sorry to drop This Week in the IndieWeb podcast. i had life stuff that came up. thinking i might bring it back with the help of some automation.

[voss] joined the channel
[schmarty] eddie, sknebel: the jitsi setup could probably be duplicated to run in an EU data center. :}

[schmarty] sknebel: great point. keeping in mind that an EU setup would be "better, probably, by an unknowable amount"

[tonz] joined the channel
[schmarty] oh yeah, i don't want to suggest we set that up for IWC

seekr joined the channel
sandro joined the channel
sandro Hey folks. Anyone done work toward aligning DIDs and IndieAuth? Alas, it's impossible to websearch on DID. @aaronpk
sandhawke (I lost the name sandro on freenode some years ago. figure I should switch to something I can register, I guess.)
sandhawke ok
KapiX, wolftune, sandhawke, Guest44, [jgmac1106], [tonz], [eddie], jjuran, KartikPrabhu, electronicmaji, [kevinmarks], swentel, Breadbasket_, iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] still a neat idea

iasai, wolftune and Breadbasket__ joined the channel
iasai and snarfed joined the channel
brennen joined the channel
tw2113 and iasai joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
[tantek] C2: https://www.google.com/search?q=ttk.me+t4PV2 (without the site: term) - still fails to find it (finds one page of a few other rando results)

[tantek] Can anyone else verify ^^^? If so I want to add it as an issue on /Google_Search and add it as a reason why you should own your own site search (because clearly Google is not actually indexing all the text on a page, or they've got weird bugs that cause it to act like they don't actually index all your visible text)

wolftune joined the channel
Breadbasket_ joined the channel