[eddie]Hmmm the very fact that Loqi has existed for 10.52 years is the first amazing part!! Lol then the fact that it’s been that long since a scan is crazy as well
Zegnat!tell [tonz] incase you are here: I just read your post about authorised access posts and wanted to chime in that the system discussed (AutoAuth) offers the ability to serve different content to different people on the same URL, you do not need separate posts if if you have another way for your site to know when it can show what
ZegnatIt was something we saw as a requirement. If you subscribe to a feed, the feed URL will always be the same but could contain different posts depending on who is logged in :)
[tonz]“different posts ” or “different elements inside the same posts”. Yes, I suspect I’d need to come up with some sort of markup/shorthand for how I designate different layers of access / details
[tantek], swentie, seekr, chrisaldrich, iasai, snarfed, [davidmead], KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], [schmarty] and jackjamieson joined the channel; BenWerdmuller[m4 left the channel
LoqiA push notification (AKA client notification) is a notification that shows up on one or more of your client devices without you having to explicitly request it — it's "pushed" to you, instead of you having to poll for it https://indieweb.org/push_notifications
[tantek]I haven't checked my FB notifications (as in actually clicked on the globe with red number and looked at the list) since 2017 late January. So, over a year+.
[jgmac1106]... Or plan to... it is still migration
[kevinmarks], iasai, chrisaldrich, [schmarty], [grantcodes], IRCsum, [cleverdevil], snarfed, barpthewire, Mikaela and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; leg and Mikaela left the channel
[cleverdevil][aaronpk] suggestion for Aperture – allow us to embed our subscriptions (or some subset of those subscriptions) in a publicly shareable OPML file.
aaronpkmost of the conversations we've had in the past have suggested doing it the other direction, having that live on your site and having aperture consume it
[jgmac1106]I follow someone in Aperture and a follow post gets syndicated to my site through micropub. An h-card gets added to my Following page if the channel is public, anyone can add my feeds to their reader by the h-feed on each category...or by copying my channel when logged into a reader.... Ohh and build planets that my dream
Loqi[pirate] ArchiveBox: 🗃 The open source self-hosted web archive. Takes browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
[cleverdevil]I like the idea of deploying this somewhere up in the cloud, and then adding an endpoint to it to automatically save/archive everything I bookmark/like.
LoqiIndieArchive is a project to collaboratively grow an archival copy of pages replied to (possibly also mentioned) in indie web posts https://indieweb.org/IndieArchive