tw2113, iasai, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, snarfed, [eddie], [asuh], [Rose], deathrow1, JasonO, barpthewire, rEnr3n, jihaisse, cweiske and chrisaldrich joined the channel; tw2113 left the channel
iasai, [kevinmarks], AkyRhO, catsup, friedcell, [Rose], rEnr3n, [aaronpk], [jgmac1106], pierrolunaire, KartikPrabhu and eli_oat joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
[cleverdevil]Vicky *is* good people. I almost recommended to her based upon Manton’s successful migration of his very large WordPress site. But, I think that would violate the spirit of her request 😀
@ceejbotLet us henceforth reserve "content generation" to describe the process of making things that some surveillance advertising broker is going to make money from. If you're putting it on your own blog, it's called "writing". (
[frank]Crossposting myself from #chat: In better news, the location for IWC Utrecht is set. We will be at the offices of, a small company with a SaaS solution to build your own webshop. Website, registrationform and Indieweb-RSVP thingamajiggy is coming up asap. I will update the wiki later tonight.
Loqi[Marty McGuire] Me: [scrolling through posts in Monocle, the IndieWeb reader]
Me: I don't want to open up 8 tabs for Twitter. I'll just visit Tantek's homepage where I bet he shows these tweets in full context.
[tantek]schmarty, I take exception to the "website similarly has no context for these tweets" in your alt text - as your alt text quotes, I do provide at least the *author* @-name context for those tweets!
[tantek]same question for you jmac, did you author that HTML with img and alt by hand, or do you use a UI of some sort to upload/attach images to your blog post and enter alt text for them?
[tantek][schmarty] did you add the alts "by hand" into the HTML of your post, or some other format (Markdown? Does Markdown even support alt text on images?) or UI?
jmac[tantek]: Attaching media to my posts is mostly manual, for me. I have a streamlined and very personalized setup where I pop the image onto dropbox under a name I choose, then in my post source I whistle up a BBEdit "clipping" that plops in an apropos blob of <figure> or <img> HTML with placeholders, which I then proceed to fill in.
[tantek]caption is not the same as alt. there must be a separate UI from alt distinct from caption; the caption is intended to be visible *in addition* to the image itself. whereas the alt is only displayed *instead of* the image
[tantek]looks like linebreaks inside of an alt attribute actually work to display in a browser as line breaks (with explicit white-space:pre on the img) when the image source is missing! e.g.
[tantek]so it's *possible* to do, just curious if anyone is actually publishing multiline alt text, and if so, how did you enter it (e.g. editing HTML directly or something else)
Loqi[arush] @jgmac1106 YOur alt text should be brief and to the point, so it should contain a lot less than your paragraph description. For example, if you were selling clothing, and you spent a paragraph describing/marketing the clothing, and your image was of ...
gRegorLoveThe guidelines we've quoted on /alt have been the easiest for me to remember. "Use alt text that makes sense when read out loud along with the context of any text before, and any text after the image.
[tantek]Hmm, I wouldn't assume that unless that's been documented somewhere. Haven't seen any alt authoring advice anywhere that says "assume the screen reader starts with 'graphic' or 'image' before reading your alt text outloud"