[tantek](Seriously not looking for, well I know other software/service has a UI. Just care about what you are doing on your own site, that’s the ultimate litmus test)
[tantek]So far, *everyone* who said they add alt text (yesterday) do so by editing their HTML (that’s their UI), most after they’ve used some actual UI to make the post (thus an explicit second step, *after* publishing, in a different UI)
[tantek]Also have you memorized the markdown image alt syntax or do you have to look it up when you use it? (And how long did/does that take, in either case)
[Rose]Interesting, I ran with plain Markdown for years no problem, and then "upgraded" to multimarkdown because that's what Grav supports. I never thought about looking for a specific sub variant.
[tantek]Maybe there’s a threshold of initial usage or frequency of usage that one needs to get over before it becomes easy/natural and “no thoughts required”
jeremycherfasSorry [tantek] I got distracted. Like [Rose], I try to add an informative alt-text, and I do it right in the Markdown post creator. If I'm composing in the Grav backend, it creates the link for you and I add the alt text in the markdown (along with {.left} etc for alignment.
jeremycherfasIf I am composing in Byword, more often, I'll add directly to the markdown by hand. I have a Textexpander link, but to be honest I often forget to use that that.
jeremycherfasYay! Also, the thing I find most frustrating in Markdown is the different flavours for footnotes. Everything else I find entirely natural.
[tantek]Also do you always add alt text to your photos? As in is the markdown (UI) easy / simple enough that you “just do it” or does it require you to think/remember “extra”?
[tantek]E.g. I felt the MD link & image syntaxes were too noisy (for me) in terms of their (ab)use of punctuation that I decided to just autolink and autoembed plain URLs instead in my text notes
[jgmac1106]I will go in look on my main Domain I write in HTML so words are my UI...not sure about Known... I should look.. I add in description but I do not know if that becomes alt text or ID... Shame on me
[tantek]I have past the threshold of having to think to type HTML (it’s all memorized), and yet, I find it just enough extra work that I prefer to write plain text notes that can be read and used as-is without any weird perl-like punctuation.
[tantek]Frankly even for those of us proficient with HTML, writing in it is just enough of an annoyingly different cognitive task that for me at least it detracts from the creative act of writing itself
jmacStarking a bit from last night, but: I'm on a committee with accessibility experts, including screen reader users. Would it be useful to y'all for me to ask them how best to word alt-text? (And whether "Graphic: photo of..." is confusing, or whatever.)
jmacIt's a good question... the committee is all about accessibility aware technology (if not independent personal websites, per se) so I'll see if I can sneak the question in
[tantek](TLDR: if you’re not actually publishing, then it’s not clear how any advice about how to write something to publish is any good, because you’re not actually following or using your own advice in practice)
[tantek]jmac, to be clear, advice about writing good wording is useful, but only secondarily to the accessible tools to do the writing in the first place
[jgmac1106]that is the photo post type from Known, it converts the post title into alt text.....I won't be using the photo post type until I can figure out a solution
[jgmac1106]when I use the article (which means TinyMCE WYSIWYG) you add an image description that becomes alt text..which is better....but I would add an a UI clue that this becomes alt tex
chrisaldrichjeremycherfas, I don't think I've ever used backticks on the wiki (in the same way that GitHub allows). An alternate method (for inline use) is to use the <code> tag the way that Chris does on that same page (as an example).
[tantek]On the wiki I use <code> as [chrisaldrich] noted, which works ok inline but has the downside of remembering HTML. For code blocks I do that and wrap it in a <pre> I think
LoqiNeoCities is a free website hosting silo in the spirit of defunct silo GeoCities (Yahoo shutdown in 2009) that looks like a stepping stone to getting started on the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/NeoCities
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Is every like a bookmark or every bookmark a like? I might want to bookmark an image gallery that captures the pains of Jim Crow in the United States but I DO NOT want to "like" the gallery.
Might want a different word than like. Maybe a light bu...
jgmac1106what I originally wrote but in chat: "Is every like a bookmark?" is a trigger phrase in IndieWeb crowd....also used a a Rickroll that can ruin conversation or quiet working working hour