[cleverdevil]!tell eddie I have questions about your Switch code, when you have a chance. Notably, I am a bit lost as to where to find a lot of the settings that you have in the config... grant_type, client_id, session_token, etc.
Loqi[eddie]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: I have questions about your Switch code, when you have a chance. Notably, I am a bit lost as to where to find a lot of the settings that you have in the config... grant_type, client_id, session_token, etc.
[cleverdevil], wolftune, eli_oat1, eli_oat, rEnr3n, snarfed, gRegorLove_, [Rose], iasai, nitot_, friedcell, catsup and neceve joined the channel; tw2113 left the channel