#indieweb 2019-03-25

2019-03-25 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
What is manyverse?
Manyverse is a decentralized, "off-grid" messaging and sharing mobile app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) https://indieweb.org/Manyverse
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Manyverse is _nice_ when it works lol
seekr and IRCsum joined the channel
And I just want to answer back.. It all works pretty well from my website... I do need to play more in Beaker.. Fun sandbox
I just saw manyverse in f-droid and I have never played with scuttlebutt didn't know much about it
electronicmaji joined the channel
A blog and a feed is a doable today decentralized approach.
KartikPrabhu and electronicmaji joined the channel
ssb has in-built following and sub support
makes a bit more compelling for some
tbh it couldn't be hard to 'publish' a site over SSB
same thing with Dat
but it'd just be another 'transport layer'
that's the "heel" of this stuff; just being able to follow people/feeds
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, wolftune, electronicmaji and cweiske joined the channel; tw2113 left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb, I feel I like I slept the entire weekend because I haven’t been on chats
Good morning Zegnat
jihaisse, barpthewire, nitot, AkyRhO and [sebsel] joined the channel
Being on top op chats is one of my biggest IndieWeb struggles right now :)
friedcell, iasai, AkyRhO, nitot, seekr and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
sebsel, surely that is when you declare log bankruptcy?
iasai and [sebsel] joined the channel
yes, and when I revisit our plans of writing a bot to summarize the chats.
Right, that used to be a plan, haha
[frank], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Are some syndication slack bots https://slackdigest.com/digest.html
Be cool in IRC you highlight a bunch of chat and then msg the bot and they get added to the daily digest
I bookmark the start of some convos...no clear way to mark end
[kevinmarks], [keithjgrant], nitot, iasai and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
With the wonderful weather here this past weekend, I was glad that the chats were quite quiet.
[kevinmarks], iasai, friedcell and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Nice to visit the same spot by a stream and not worry what the current washed by already
Though always wanted to plav with Nicholas Carr idea of the "shallows" pretentious privileged dribble IMO and either use tidal pools teaming with life or a lock and canal metaphor
iasai, eli_oat, wolftune, friedcell, nitot, [kenbauer], KartikPrabhu, jackjamieson, [jgmac1106], aalmazan and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Hello, IndieWeb 🙂
[manton], gRegorLove_, [Rose] and snarfed joined the channel
Hi [cleverdevil]
wolftune, nitot and [tantek] joined the channel
Didn’t see any chat about it this past weekend but EU Parliament is voting this week (maybe tomorrow?) on the Copyright Directive Article 13 etc. it’s a pretty big threat to any site which quotes and links to stuff. So basically nearly all indieweb sites
I put a call to action banner at the top of my site Tantek.com and posted briefly about it: https://tantek.com/2019/083/t1/europeans-no-article17-article13
[Tantek Çelik] Europeans! (yes you too UK folks) Call your MEP to vote NO on #CopyrightDirective #Article17 (ex. #Article13)! See @EFF thread & instructions https://twitter.com/EFF/status/1109737081478119424 #SaveYourInternet
Zegnat, sebsel, Jeremycherfas I hope y’all are able to call your MEP to oppose it!
And pass it on to other European Indieweb folks
!tell [tantek] I wrote to both local MEPs for London and got a reply from one, pointing me to his earlier vote http://syedkamall.co.uk/why-i-voted-against-article-11-and-article-13-today/ I expressed the hope that he would maintain his opposition this week.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jeremycherfas has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
nitot, KartikPrabhu and [asteres] joined the channel
Hi all I remember someone linked to a site that would let you grab a snippet from a podcast and turn it into a fancy video with transcription and waveform
Learn Gallery Pricing Blog Login Sign Up Create social media videos for free ...
That looks like what I want, thanks
I feel like it was open source though
made by wnyc?
Oh, that's much more complicated. Hang on.
That's the one. On github. Called audiogram.
I used it, and so did (does?) schmarty, but it is not nearly as easy.
I found audiogram but it looks like it was bought by headliner
what is audiogram?
An audiogram is a video clip where the primary content is the audio, and is accompanied by a visual aspect, usually a graphical representation of the waveform, the text of what is being spoken, or a still photo of the person speaking https://indieweb.org/audiogram
ok, I added "https://github.com/BBC-News-Labs/audiogram" to the "See Also" section of /audiogram https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=58553&oldid=40588
[BBC-News-Labs] audiogram: Builds upon the WYNC audiogram project, which was created to share audio content as mp4 on social media platforms
Thanks sknebel. Had to step away for a minute.
nitot, iasai, jackjamieson, [manton] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell jeremycherfas snipcart does a $10 monthly fee if sales under 500, so there is 120 annual cost....or you have to remember to activate and deactivate the account
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nitot and benfrancis joined the channel
Hi. When self-hosting web applications like MediaWiki, NextCloud, Ampache etc. on a home server, do people here prefer to manually install via .tar.gz packages, install via your distro's package manager (e.g. apt, rpm) or some kind of container-like solution like snap or docker?
[asuh] joined the channel
I find that self-hosting and updating web applications like wordpress, trac, drupal etc. on my websites each app seems to roll their own update process and they're a nightmare to keep updated. In the past I've used .deb packages, but they always seem to be very out of date.
iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
welcome benfrancis!
I believe j12t has a pretty good setup and understanding of that set of issues, in particular having to manage the various different update processes
what is UBOS
UBOS (pronounced You-Boss) is a new Linux distro that makes it much simpler to install and maintain indie web and IoT applications on physical servers, cloud servers and devices such as as the Raspberry Pi https://indieweb.org/UBOS
pindonga joined the channel
Already supports keeping WordPress, MediaWiki, NextCloud update according to https://indieweb.org/UBOS#Features
wordpress nowadays has well-working automatic updates for itself
nextcloud probably too
What packaging system is UBOS based on?
Looks like it is a derivative of Arch?
I recently installed Nextcloud on Ubuntu Server and as an experiment I tried the Snap package. Snap is cool in many ways as it isolates each app and its dependencies and provides a nice update mechanism, but it also results in a lot of duplicated dependencies and there really aren't that many packages available.
On other servers I have a mixture of .deb packages (on Debian/Ubuntu) and manual installs from tarballs. All of which have proved a real pain to keep updated over the last 10 years or so.
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
I was already aware of UBOS because Johannes has been trying to package the Things Gateway app I work on for that distro, but I will take a closer look.
I'm interested in developing a more intuitive web interface (as opposed to command line interface) for installing these kinds of applications. Kind of like cpanel, but for home servers.
I'd definitely chat with j12t (Johannes) about that as I think he too is interested in improving the UX of UBOS accordingly
[jgmac1106] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Wow, PWA support in iOS 12.2 is *vastly* improved.
Together works like a *champ* now.
Oo what's different?
doubleloop, [eddie] and [borismus] joined the channel
what’s together?
what is together
Together is a reader that was initially conceived at the 2017 IndieWeb Summit in Portland by Jonathan LaCour and several others during the Putting it all together session https://indieweb.org/together
[asuh] joined the channel
benfrancis: have you looked at freedombone? (https://freedombone.net/) based on .deb, has a minimal web interface.
iasai joined the channel
The major one that enabled Together to work was proper handling of external links. Before, you could add Together to your home screen, but it wouldn't let you authenticate, because it would kick you out to Safari during the process.
It doesn't do that anymore.
In addition, things feel way snappier, state management seems smarter, and things just work smoother in generral.
Honestly, Together feels pretty great on iOS now 🙂
720 minutes until good morning! vHWC EU participants, please vote for timeslots that fit your schedules: https://indieweb.org/User:Www.svenknebel.de/vHWC-timeslots
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-03-26 10:46am CET (#6529)
(of course you can vote before that countdown :D)
iasai, nitot and [Rose] joined the channel
How can I quote reply to a tweet?
what is a quote reply
It looks like we don't have a page for "quote reply" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "quote reply is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Not on Twitter, naturally. I'm having a brain blank.
Awesome, thanks tantek++
tantek has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
wait we have this somewhere
It's a great start!
what the prompt to create a new page? 😂
swentel joined the channel
what is a quotation
A quotation is a type of response post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post https://indieweb.org/quotation
quote reply is /quotation
ah quotations, took me a while to get that right in Drupal
I find it weird somehow it needs to be inside e-content (at least for bridgy it seems)
Rose, this should now be sufficient for the quote tweet use-case: indieweb.org/quotation
chrisaldrich, nitot and MorningMoon joined the channel
If I had to pick one format to expose a consumable feed, what would it be?
tbbrown and iasai joined the channel
I'm not sure I understand the point of JF2feed, JSON feed, etc. RSS2.0 enjoys wide support, it seems easier to just extend RSS2 than further divide the already balkanized feed landscape.
Atom specifically has support for extending it with new fields. So JF2 and JSON feed seem to be destructive in terms of the ecosystem.
MorningMoon, you nailed it. *If* it had been easier to "just extend RSS2" then none of those, nor even Atom, would have existed. But it wasn't, regardless of how it might "seem easier", years & years of bitter fights could not meaningfully extend RSS2.
I'm currently planning on exposing Atom.
You're also right about Atom having a much more formal mechanism for extending it, and there were Atom extensions for a while, but nearly none of them gained any traction, and once again, the extensibility failed in practice.
How does it fail in practice?
I just don't get what JF2 seeks to solve
Lack of adoption by consuming code
And while people fought about extensions to Atom, JSON effectively replaced XML as the developer data syntax of choice.
This is more of a dev conversation though so we can take it to # indieweb-dev for more details as to why all this happened as it did and why did we end up where we are
KartikPrabhu, iasai and chrisaldrich joined the channel