[schmarty]fluffy: just saw your note about the webring. i think i have the webring keeping track of the state parameter in a cookie, so it can fail if cookies are blocked. that's all that comes to mind at the moment! happy to help debug if we can sync up.
iasai, nitot, tglobe and tglobe_ joined the channel
aaronpk[rose] you asked the other day about marking everything in a channel read in monocle right? I'm thinking about adding a right click option to the little unread indicator number which would drop down a menu that can mark all as read.
chrisaldrich[kenbauer], GWG's repo gets more involved because it takes out Post Formats in preference of Post Kinds and assumes you're using the Post Kinds Plugin.
chrisaldrich[kenbauer] one of the things that's missing from that little child theme of mine is that it doesn't fix some of the microformats problems that David's does. (Though it also does reasonably well without those fixes....)
Zegnataaronpk: a marking things as read option I like is the one Feedbin does: lets me “mark everything above as read”. I could click it on the last item and mark everything as read, but I can also click something in the middle after scrolling through a number of titles and mark all of those as read.
[cleverdevil]But, I thought it'd be nicer to have something a bit more bespoke, that could potentially be extended with things like externalized notes on a per-slide basis.
chrisaldrichI remember kevinmarks jokingly mentioning about selling a per-minute call service for his experience. I'm not sure if anyone has built it into their site, but I just ran across the silo equivalent: https://clarity.fm/
LoqiAsk Me Anything or AMA is a public facing page which allows people to ask questions online they'd like the originator to answer https://indieweb.org/AMA
[cleverdevil]A plugin for Known that lets me upload a PDF of my slides, then enter slide-by-slide HTML notes, with a nice UI for users to read the deck and the notes as they page through the slides would be pretty neat.