[tantek]Medium << Criticism: 2019-04-13 [https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/71-Medium-tedium Medium tedium] <blockquote>Medium hasn’t invented anything, they’ve just tried to commoditize long-form blogging and put a sheen on it. There are so many better ways to share your thoughts to the world.</blockquote>
Loqitw2113: Jeremycherfas left you a message 1 minute ago: Also really handy for sampling single episodes as long as the podcaster doesn’t do silly stuff with frames or hosting.
ingoogni, [tantek], seblog, rEnr3n, [Rose], seekr, anotheryou, quite and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
doubleloopPhilosophically speaking, if I create a bookmark post of an article, and then also save the same article that I'm bookmarking to e.g. Wallabag, is that POSSE/syndication?
doubleloopI agree. The context is that I'm adding this Wallabag cross-publish to my Wordpress site, and the Syndication Links plugin (and syndication targets via Micropub clients) provide an easy way to do it technically, but it would then sit probably in the wrong place in terms of UI.
[jgmac1106]If the time slot works out [chrisaldrich] could set it up like a dialogue..have a few guiding directions but I am not much of a planner for talks. Kinda wing it
chrisaldrichWhile I like the general idea of IndieMark for people building their sites from scratch, I'm not sure it's the best way for WordPress people to approach IndieWeb for the first time.
tw2113while definitely a detail that would want to be addressed, which would be more important? the details of implementation? or at least getting people on board with the idea of indieweb?
chrisaldrichMy emojis changed, but it was the result of going from http to https. A change may also occur if one uses (or doesn't) a trailing slash possibly (you'd have to look at the code to confirm this last part) or perhaps schmarty would know.
[tantek][chrisaldrich] agreed we need an update to the general WordPress getting started page! And yes it doesn't need to depend on or use IndieMark per se which is (currently) much more directed at people who code their own sites. It definitely needs iteration for a broader audience but for the moment consider it dev-focused