[dmitshur]on GitHub, you can "watch" a repository. when you do, you end up getting notifications whenever activity happens in that repo. github is the owner of the information of whether or not you're watching a given repository. e.g. https://github.com/facebook/react/watchers
[dmitshur]on twitter, you can follow people. when you do, you get their tweets in your stream (more or less). twitter is the owner of the information of which accounts your account follows.
[dmitshur]on gerrit, you can add yourself to a /cc list. when you do, you get notifications from gerrit whenever activity happens there. gerrit is the owner of the information of which CLs you're being /cc'ed on
[dmitshur](with a bunch of work) it's possible to invert that to some degree and own your own subscription data. i.e., to be the owner of the information which twitter people you follow, which Gerrit CLs you're /cc'ed on, which GitHub repos you're watching, etc.
[dmitshur]Thanks for pointing me in that direction, I’ll read up more about microsub. But is it compatible with the likes of GitHub. Twitter, Gerrit, etc.? Or would they have to do something different to provide a microsub-compatible feed?
LoqiOPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language, an XML-based format and defacto standard used for feed lists interchange https://indieweb.org/OPML
[dmitshur]That page is quite cool. I was thinking that one of the benefits to owning your subscription data, assuming you manage to own all of it, is that it becomes very easy to visualize it in aggregate, etc. your following page seems to be a good example of that.
chrisaldrichPart of the value of OPML and OPML subscription is the ability to share your follow lists with others. I don't think that piece of functionality exists easily/quickly within Microsub (yet?).
LoqiReddit is a link aggregator and bulletin board site where community members may submit links and text posts, vote on the submitted entries, and post comments on them https://indieweb.org/Reddit
Ruxtonbut I was thinking more like insta, where reddit has no concept of where else it's syndicated, just push stuff into reddt as normal, have syndication link on site
Zegnat!tell dmitshur re: owning subscriptions. I follow basically everything through RSS outside of the silos, and then manually follow things within the silos if I want to boost the creator (e.g. YT channels get judged by subscribers, so I make sure to subscribe), but that is just for show
Loqi[indienews] New post: "Super late at night but I just published a IndieAuth library for Ueberauth! Now I can drop authentication using one’s site super easily (less than ~25 lines of code). I have a mirror of the code ..." https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/62e01ea2-ae86-41b4-a2f4-6fee75d37cc9
[Rose]Alright, well I can help with a Shortcuts solution. If you let me know what you want to produce (Pinboard, WordPress, MicroPub), I can do some prep
[cleverdevil], [Rose], wolftune, iasai, [kevinmarks], mauz555, juju2, [jgmac1106], nitot, snarfed1, [grantcodes], snarfed and [asuh] joined the channel; Viaken[m] left the channel
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