2019-05-03 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 00:07 [chrisaldrich] I also got a copy to read in the next week or so. Maybe a good reason to start up the IW book club? ;)
[eddie], dougbeal|iOS, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], seekr, wolftune, scifi, [Michael_Beckwit, gxt, AkyRhO, [frank], swentel, nitot and [Rose] joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 08:16 [Rose] I hope Berlin is drier than Vienna this morning 😛
KartikPrabhu and [Zegnat] joined the channel
# 08:21 [Zegnat] As long as there is no snow, it will be an improvement on my end!
nitot and cweiske joined the channel
neceve, KartikPrabhu, [Yulia], catsup, [jgmac1106], [tantek], nitot and jeremych_ joined the channel
[calumryan] joined the channel
# 10:42 jeremycherfas I'll try, but my weekend may be fuller than I think. At least the time zone suits.
anotheryou_, swentie and swentel joined the channel
[Joel] joined the channel
# 11:18 [Joel] But I didn't receive anything, so I did reset password and that happened:
# 11:18 [Joel] Good news, though — you’ve been invited to join that workspace! Click the button below to create your account.
# 11:18 [Joel] It turns out that your email address ... doesn’t have an account for that workspace yet, so there’s no password to reset.
# 11:18 [Joel] So I guess the invitation app is broken?
swentie and swentel joined the channel
# 11:30 [Rose] I think it automatically sends you "no account, here's an invite" if you reset a password for a non existent account and there's no restrictions on the slack sign up (e.g. requiring a particular email domain)
# 11:38 [Joel] [tantek] did a search and checked spam still nothing.
# 11:38 [Joel] And yes like Rose said there was an button to join in the password reset (weird but it worked)
[Yulia], swentie, swentel and [jgarber] joined the channel
# 12:34 j605 being in irc feels more indieweb tbh :)
nitot, [tantek], KempfCreative and [JuJu] joined the channel
# 12:49 [JuJu] Joined via SLack yesterday, did not have any issues though
# 12:59 aaronpk Sounds like slack's problem since they send that first invitation email too. Email is hard these days.
nitot, ben_thatmustbeme, KempfCreative, [Yulia], [jgmac1106], [Rose], snarfed and [Joel] joined the channel
# 14:21 [Joel] [aaronpk] [tantek] Actually I did something "unusual", I registered with `name+indieweb@domain.com` so maybe there is a bug with your app with this can of email? (I registered with Slack successfully many times doing that so the problem should be on your side I guess)
# 14:22 aaronpk all the "app" does is send the email to slack and slack send you the confirmation email. since you were able to reset your password, it sounds like it sent it to slack successfully.
leg, [schmarty] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# 14:57 [kim_landwehr] I hope that all who are going to the IndieWeb Camp in Berlin have a great and successful time
test, nitot and todrobbins joined the channel
[Yulia], jnoh, wolftune, gRegorLove, [calumryan], [jgmac1106], snarfed and nitot joined the channel
# 17:21 [Rose] !tell Zegnat I assigned you a task, working on better instructions for Tito. This is noted in the Etherpad. I hope that's ok
# 17:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:22 Zegnat Sure. I started a thing, but it quickly spiralled out of control. So many separate knobs you can tweak
wagle, [schmarty], nunatak, KartikPrabhu, MarkAtwood, nitot, jnoh, eli_oat, gxt, [tantek], [Rose], todrobbins, wolftune, IRCsum, edsu, emilbayes, echarlie, viaken, GWG, ishj1984[m], __4matter_, Mikaela, NinjaTrappeur, perflyst[m], jeremycherfas, afrogeek[m], milkii, Guest48517, PierreOzoux[m], ejfox, jamietanna|wwwjv, mxuribe[m], ElMago[m], jfkimmes[m], adamz[m], myfreeweb, Salt[m], voss[m]1, chimo and electronicmaji joined the channel