2019-05-04 UTC
jnoh, [tantek], wolftune, gRegorLove_, nitot, [chrisaldrich], [asuh], electronicmaji, snarfed, todrobbins, benfrancis, johannh__, jimpick, gxt, doubleloop and [Rose] joined the channel
[frank] joined the channel
# 07:41 [frank] [tantek] I just saw the photography policy updates on the wiki. In Utrecht we _might_ have a professional event photographer who is interested in taking some photos during the day. I'll update him on the policy. I didn't consider it but it's a good one. Thanks.
# 07:41 [tantek] [frank] the photo policy is very new and we definitely want your input as an organizer!
# 07:42 [tantek] In particular to be respectful of people’s personal preferences
# 07:42 [frank] Yeah I'll def check with the photographer as well how he deals with this at other events.
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 07:43 [tantek] We have used red borders on name tags to indicate “no photo” at last November IWC Berlin and this weekend we are using red stickers for “no” and yellow stickers for “ask”
# 07:44 [tantek] Also we realize this is still very new so it may take a while to get all the IWCs to use it. Suggestions welcome!
# 07:44 sebsel Yea, don't forget to mention early on that the event is live streamed too [tantek]
# 07:45 sebsel I remember last year in Berlin we were kind of late with mentioning that
# 07:45 [frank] Is there a specific reason to exclude green/OK stickers? So it's fine without asking. We could include at our IWC to see how it turns out.
# 07:45 [frank] Now /me needs some coffee to write a short blogpost on our IWC and pointers to Berlin and DD.
# 07:46 [tantek] (That’s the list of things I’ll be going over at the Introduction this morning)
# 07:47 sebsel ah nice. but since the introductions are in that room also, it might be a bit late :)
[calumryan], gRegorLove_, nitot and anglophilic joined the channel
# 08:44 Zegnat Good morning IndieWeb! Berlin is starting officiall, tantek kicking it of!
# 08:45 Zegnat (That was a little bit of a short note, but I was called upon to stand up)
# 08:45 Zegnat Going through some house keeping, about the venue, about our name tags, about photo preferences (we have stickers for the name tags)
# 08:47 Zegnat Showing indieweb.org/coc on the screen, if anything is “not awesome”, get to your friendly organiser for help
[Rose] joined the channel
# 08:49 [Rose] How to join chat is now being discussed, hi new people!
# 08:52 Zegnat Showing the indieweb.org/2019/Berlin/Schedule
seekr joined the channel
# 08:55 Zegnat We live in a world full of services that help us with the things we do daily: communicate, etc.
# 08:56 sebsel sknebel I'm muted. At least, that is what the software tells me
# 08:56 Zegnat It is easy to think you engage in one way with a service, while also engaging in a different way: like giving up ownership rights
# 08:56 [Rose] I think we have muted all participants on our side now too.
# 08:56 Zegnat Yulia went from “everything is fine” to being a bit hallowed.
# 08:57 Zegnat And then she was approached by tantek and show her the indieweb: where these services do not control how you interact
# 08:58 Zegnat Yulia happened to organise an IWC event, the first time she was also learning about the indieweb.
# 08:59 Zegnat The people in the room helped her a lot with getting started
# 08:59 Zegnat You can incrementally add things to your website: hook up to services that offer a thing you want to use
# 09:00 Zegnat IndieWeb can be used in the same way as existing platforms: and that is important, because the ease of use is why other platforms get so much use
# 09:01 Zegnat Being able to sign-up, get an app on her phone, and then being able to post to her own site (ownership!) and have it syndicated to Twitter (reach!) is great
# 09:02 [frank] Takeaway for me from Yulia's talk: The indieweb helps you change the ownership model of your content.
nitot joined the channel
# 09:03 Zegnat First up for intros: tantek. Showing his website. Since last time he added https.
# 09:03 Zegnat Sometimes posts photos of “going up in the hills”
# 09:04 Zegnat Because of the 20th anniversary of the matrix, his website has been restyled in old terminal style green on black.
# 09:04 Zegnat Would like the styling to be configurable (CSS variables)
[tantek] joined the channel
# 09:06 sebsel Tracks his weight since a long time, but now has a way to draw the graph only from a certain date
# 09:06 sebsel makes it easier for people to stalk his weight
# 09:07 sebsel has a lot of questions answered on his site, encourages people to ask more, so he can put more info on it
# 09:07 sebsel does a shout out for everyone to put their pronoun on their site
# 09:08 sebsel also point out: you don't have to blog to be at the Indieweb
# 09:08 [tantek] you don't need the blog and syndication, if you want you can just be online with a single page
# 09:09 Zegnat kept losing information between different services, but moved to WordPress now where it is easier to centralise the information into a single place
# 09:09 Zegnat syndicates back to her website from other websites and apps, but would like to turn it around where she can post to her own website and have that send out to the external apps
# 09:10 Zegnat Shows a nice animated timeline thing produced with Guthenberg
# 09:10 Zegnat Feed of different types of content, a grid layout of replies, checkins. Occasionally a thing about brexit.
# 09:11 Zegnat Added the indieweb webring to his footer last camp
[Chris_Adams] joined the channel
# 09:11 [Chris_Adams] is there an etherpad here for this stuff, or is it better to dump into here instead?
# 09:11 Zegnat Been looking at bringing in more content from other platforms
# 09:12 Zegnat We do not have an etherpad for the intros, but feel free to create one!
# 09:12 sebsel [Chris_Adams] There are etherpads for the sessions, but these intro's and later demos are usually logged here
# 09:12 [tantek] ( [Chris_Adams] feel free to add notes for the current IndieWebcamp session here inline! )
# 09:12 Zegnat calum has a nice event page with all the things he goes to. And allows people to RSVP
# 09:13 Zegnat “Nobody ever thinks their website is as attractive as they like it to be”
# 09:13 Zegnat Has to fix a timezone issue, which should be using local timezones based on his location of the posts
doubleloop joined the channel
# 09:14 Zegnat There are people who use the tools GWG builds more than he does.
# 09:14 Zegnat He keeps plugging at it, hoping to make it better all the time
# 09:15 Zegnat Tried RSVPing to the IWC, but his photo never made it
# 09:17 Zegnat Next up Matteo (lafabbricadellarealta.com). Showing his business website, which he sees as his most personal website
# 09:17 Zegnat Used to have the microformats and rel-me, used to have a live stream of his tweets. It “used to be an IndieWebsite”
catsup joined the channel
# 09:19 Zegnat Is a researcher, so his website is mostly a researcher portfolio
# 09:19 Zegnat Has a photography section linking to Flickr, and would like to bring that under his own control
catsup joined the channel
# 09:21 Zegnat Cares about climate change and how the websites are being run
# 09:22 Zegnat Showing all up the chain that the datacentre his website is on is using renewable power
# 09:22 doubleloop Hey yo [Chris_Adams]! I work at The Restart Project. We haven't met but I believe you're an old friend of ours :)
# 09:23 Zegnat Custom blogging system, which is one of the reasons he doesn’t post a lot. The posting experience isn’t that nice.
# 09:23 Zegnat Easily distracted about newer fancy things, so not adding much to his site.
# 09:24 Zegnat Posted a GitHub reply on his site, which Bridgy then automatially posted to the GitHub issue
[Yulia] joined the channel
# 09:25 Zegnat Showing the demo of the last berlin webcamp for autoauth
nitot joined the channel
# 09:26 Zegnat Really good at throwing everything away and starting with something new and shiny
# 09:26 Zegnat Currently in the process of using Gatsby and GraphQL
# 09:26 [Rose] It seems many of us indiweb folks are Magpies - new shinies!
# 09:28 [frank] Ah built with Hugo... I thought he said "build with Google"
# 09:28 Zegnat Got a lot of the plugins installed, but is still somewhat unsure about how they all work
# 09:28 [Rose] I'm pretty sure he said Hugo, I'll double check after the intros
# 09:29 [tantek] was able to RSVP to the event and it worked automatically!
# 09:29 Zegnat Also does a gratitude diary: ianforrester.org
# 09:29 Zegnat Would like to work out a way to pull that all into his main site
# 09:31 Zegnat Used to have working webmentions: shows an example post that shows replies that have been pulled in through webmentions
# 09:33 Zegnat Converted from CraftCMS to Drupal since last time
# 09:34 Zegnat Has a share intent setup to bookmark straight to her site
# 09:35 [Chris_Adams] shares short form notes and checkins on personal site
# 09:36 Zegnat With Drupal she now gets an API for all her site data
# 09:36 [Chris_Adams] Charlie's site is back on drupal, because there's a nice API it exposes
# 09:36 Zegnat Now trying to create a statically generated site, out of the Drupal API
# 09:37 Zegnat Because Drupal is great for data storage, not so much for theming
# 09:37 Zegnat But there are problems with that too ... so should she just write her own?
# 09:39 Zegnat Has a huge list of bookmarks on pinboard, would like to bring over some collections from there to his personal website
# 09:40 Zegnat Next up: Sonny. No website. But looking into building something cool.
# 09:40 Zegnat That was the last intro: tantek taking us out :D
# 09:40 Zegnat We are going to do some organising now. be back later for scheduling
# 09:41 doubleloop Thanks for the typing all, I didn't watch the livestream and it was super fun to see the descriptions in chat
# 09:41 Loqi Zegnat has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (144 in all channels)
# 09:41 Loqi Zegnat has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (145 in all channels)
# 09:42 j605 it was cool. I am done till accepting webmentions but not sending if I recall. Hopefully by next year I would get it done
# 09:42 Loqi Zegnat has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (146 in all channels)
sonny joined the channel
# 09:49 sonny hey! I'm stuck outside could someone open the office door for me ? :)
# 09:50 sonny I think the bell isn't working
# 09:57 sebsel I've messaged Zegnat, and he looked at his phone, but he did not read it yet
bigbluehat joined the channel
neceve, jeremych_, nitot, [frank] and anotheryou_ joined the channel
[Amber] joined the channel
# 11:34 [tantek] <!here> most of us are back for group photo upstairs on the 3rd floor
[Chris_Adams] joined the channel
# 11:46 Zegnat The schedule has gotten slightly shifted due to lunch and photo ops. But stuff has started now.
benfrancis, markomat and sonny joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
swentel, kisik21, Nomadicoder[m] and [Yulia] joined the channel
# 12:50 swentel ooh, there's a session about drupal/indieweb in berlin ?
jackjamieson joined the channel
# 13:11 [Chris_Adams] She says she loves your module, and she's been singing your praises
# 13:11 [Chris_Adams] > "this world doesn't deserve swentel"
ingoogni joined the channel
# 13:34 Loqi swentel has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
[Rose] and [Chris_Adams] joined the channel
wolftune and [tantek] joined the channel
# 15:11 Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "sustainability statement" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "sustainability statement is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# 15:11 Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "environmental statement" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "environmental statement is ____", a sentence describing the term)
KempfCreative joined the channel
# 16:06 Zegnat tantek is closing out: did you get educated? inspired? We hope so!
# 16:06 Zegnat Everyone seems to want to come back tomorrow: of course! :D
# 16:07 Zegnat It might give some people a bigger view of the puzzle, to see what they may want to implement
# 16:08 Zegnat Steps 1 to 7 will get you going with sharing information from your phone
# 16:10 Zegnat Non of the steps is required. Start with things that you really want for your website.
# 16:11 Zegnat Ask questions about everything: people in the room have things going, or have already done what you are trying to do
# 16:16 Zegnat Time for some dinner plans. This broadcast will resume tomorrow morning :D
sonny, [tantek] and [Ian_Forrester] joined the channel
# 16:21 [Ian_Forrester] Finally on slack 🙂
[Chris_Adams] joined the channel
# 16:25 [Chris_Adams] hey gang, I can't make for dinner tonight, but I live about 5 mins away, and I've been obsessively listing places around here that I really like to eat at, and it might be useful for some of you. Please excuse the non-indieweb link
# 16:29 sonny hey, had a great day thank you all, see you tomorrow
wolftune, sonny_ and ingoogni joined the channel
# 16:43 Loqi [Ian_Forrester] has 1 karma over the last year
[Caspar] joined the channel; Nomadicoder[m]1 left the channel
# 17:39 [Caspar] Thanks, folks! Had a great day, headed home for family dinner, excited to be back tomorrow!
# 17:39 Loqi [Caspar] has 1 karma over the last year
wolftune, jnoh, gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu, mauz555 and [calumryan] joined the channel
gRegorLove_, jnoh, KempfCreative, djmoch, KempfCreative1, ingoogni, [Rose], doubleloop, [tantek] and todrobbins joined the channel
todrobbins, wolftune, jnoh, [Rose], jnoh_, anglophilic, steveng[m] and snarfed joined the channel