#indieweb 2019-06-01
2019-06-01 UTC
creature, [eddie], eli_oat, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
chrisaldrich I'm just noticing that WordPress has subtly changed their UI with respect to photos and alt text.

chrisaldrich what is alt text?

Loqi alt is a required attribute of the <img> element and should be provided in any use of images on indieweb pages from photo posts to featured and other images in articles https://indieweb.org/alt_text

Loqi ok, I added "https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/decision-tree/" to the "See Also" section of /alt https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61963&oldid=61730

chrisaldrich They've added some text to help people know what the jargon "alt text" means along with a useful link ^^ for knowing what to put into it.

chrisaldrich Looks like this: https://indieweb.org/File:alt_text_description_and_link.PNG

chrisaldrich It's a subtle change, but a huge win for a11y. I hope people use the change as a means of learning what it is and improving their websites.

chrisaldrich How nice would it be if better alt text were added into Google page ranks as a means of increasing people's awareness, usage, and general uptake?

KartikPrabhu, todrobbins, eli_oat1, KempfCreative, KempfCreative1, billbennettnz, wolftune and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich I'll also note that the alt text box for WP also shows up at the top now instead of several fields down...

[tantek], snarfed, emilbayes, jimpick, MarkAtwood, mattl, KartikPrabhu, todrobbins, sebsel, blassin0, jbove, [frank] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich Interesting website I just ran across: https://ownyourcontent.wordpress.com/about/. Very IndieWeb in flavor and geared toward creatives.

[tantek], electronicmaji and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[kevinmarks786] https://twitter.com/katecrawford/status/1134449125968285701?s=20
neceve joined the channel
doubleloop petermolnar: Kicks Condor has a dat version of their site - dat://kickscondor.com/

doubleloop And a tag which seems to have a bit of a focus on site archiving with dat - dat://kickscondor.com/tag/dat

infominer[m] Good morning!
infominer[m] Indeed
doubleloop Good morning .o/

catsup and neceve joined the channel
jeremycherfas At last, we have sunshine here so I will be trying to avoid the desktop computer. Hope whatever you are doing works out well.

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Private posts: the move of the checkins" https://seblog.nl/2019/06/01/1/private-posts-move-of-checkins

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] good morning, don't think I can IndieWeb much today...small goal...add microformats to photos in Kirby

[jgmac1106] so far okay, haven't gotten much past notes, failed at building the blueprint for blogs (VueJS) but can do blogs from my text editor which is what I wanred

[jgmac1106] really its my learn PHP tool and their documentation there is amazing, best learning tool I found so far

[jgmac1106] the big test will be when I try to make an input field for replies and then can reuse the snippet across all my templates

neceve joined the channel
[jgmac1106] just read sebsel awesome!!

[jgmac1106] i just deleted my user folder...by accident and forgot to backup before I started fooling around...good quitting point

[jgmac1106] have a wonderful tabletop game day all

eli_oat and [grantcodes] joined the channel
todrobbins, eli_oat, wolftune and [tantek] joined the channel
snarfed, snarfed1, buirg, wolftune, electronicmaji, tylergaw, tylergaw_ and eli_oat joined the channel
infominer[m] Heyyy just installing the indigo theme, an indiweb hugo theme
infominer[m] Know anyone using it also?
infominer[m] Pretty nice looking
infominer[m] What is indigo
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "indigo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indigo is ____", a sentence describing the term)

infominer[m] Indigo is a Hugo Theme designed to support Indieweb principles.
infominer[m] what is indigo
Loqi Indigo is a Hugo Theme designed to support Indieweb principles https://indieweb.org/Indigo

wolftune joined the channel
infominer[m] yay! I did the thing! I've never found a wiki so compelling!
seekr and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] What is lurking?

[jgmac1106] What is lurk?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "lurk" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "lurk is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "lurking" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "lurking is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[jgmac1106] Ahh a subsection on readers is probably better than a page for lurking

infominer[m] Lurking is what most people of the web do to chat rooms.
infominer[m] lol, srry
infominer[m] maybe change the entry to "Say hello! We won't Bite!"
infominer[m] idk how to update from here
[jgmac1106] Yeah you didn't know that would make a stub

infominer[m] well, I kinda did... but wasn't really thinking of it at the moment
[jgmac1106] ... Love your passion, but don't feel afraid to ask how things work

infominer[m] oh, yeah, that was sort of asking without the ask :D
infominer[m] how to I change the entry, @jg
[jgmac1106] I was debating whether it deserved a page (don't think it does) and if there is one was going to add some new research

infominer[m] dangit, would really like it to autocomplete on enter
[jgmac1106] You have to go to the wiki

infominer[m] oh yeah, I can do that
[jgmac1106] It's okay many people do not know how powerful Loqi is

gRegorLove and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich Maybe that lurking page could be modified to be more positive and have a more /welcoming framing?

chrisaldrich I feel like I wasted too much time lurking when I could have been working and figuring things out instead...

chrisaldrich though lurking does help provide some knowledge of culture.... although for that, we do have extensive logs that allow one to "power lurk" and even search

infominer[m] here a lurk there a lurk everywhere a lurk lurk!
infominer[m] hehe
infominer[m] yes, I lurk history
chrisaldrich infominer[m] are you able to log into the wiki?

sebsel we have search! http://indiechat.search.cweiske.de hosted by cweiske :)

infominer[m] yeah, I've made half a dozen changes :) logged in w my domain \ github
infominer[m] https://infominer.id/web-work/
infominer[m] tada! now that has indigo theme
infominer[m] thanks to HPSTR Hugo for guiding me to the Hugosphere
chrisaldrich I'm seeing on scroll-back that you'd said you didn't know how to update from here... sadly not everything can be updated from here (yet)....

infominer[m] yes yes, understand
infominer[m] I haven't tested its indieweb functions yet, but it's a nice lookin' theme, and I set a bunch of relevant config already
chrisaldrich So what is your next /itch?

infominer[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/rFhwdvDoiFTHNZZPOMjTeTRT >
infominer[m] what is Rebooting Web of Trust
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Rebooting Web of Trust" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Rebooting Web of Trust is ____", a sentence describing the term)

KartikPrabhu what is web of trust

Loqi Web of trust is a decentralized way of sharing identities that you trust or distrust, with your friends or strangers https://indieweb.org/Web_of_trust

infominer[m] Rebooting Web of Trust is The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. It’s a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP.
infominer[m] But some use it as a term to include self-sovereign identity authentication & verification, certificate validation, and reputation assessment, while the vibrant blockchain community is also drawing new attention to the concept we aim to reboot it.
infominer[m] [https://www.weboftrust.info/ WebOfTrust.Info]
KartikPrabhu infominer[m]: there already is a web of trust page

infominer[m] this is for Rebooting Web of Trust
KartikPrabhu that could be a section in the main page

infominer[m] it's a design workshop for sovereign identity systems
infominer[m] its own organization
infominer[m] since 2015ish
infominer[m] i should connect it with the web of trust page too tho
infominer[m] same concept, but quite distinct from web of trust as traditionally approached
gRegorLove Rebooting Web of Trust is an event or an org?

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] GRegorLove the answer is yes

gRegorLove Hehe

gRegorLove I think the dfn on https://indieweb.org/Rebooting_Web_of_Trust needs some tweaking. I'm not clear on it. Maybe add relevance to indieweb too?

KempfCreative joined the channel
infominer[m] yeah, I just upgraded the basic text
infominer[m] that was good enough from the chat room
infominer[m] i'll keep plugging away
gRegorLove thanks!

infominer[m] it won't have to sneak ;)
[jgmac1106] The other goal we have been working on is removing any thing in definitions (dfn) that could be perceived as bias

infominer[m] it's a leaderless organization working to create an internet-wide identity layer, to put users in control over our identifiers.
infominer[m] just the facts, mam
[jgmac1106] We like claims with evidence specifically urls

[jgmac1106] Perfect, exactly, though we all come with bias we strive to be inclusive

infominer[m] I love placing as many related links as possible next to every bit of information,
infominer[m] I think we'll get along alright, I just need some styleguide for the wiki
Zegnat Check out https://indieweb.org/wikify for “styleguide̦

Zegnat also includes nuggets like https://indieweb.org/wikify#Should_this_be_on_the_wiki

[jgmac1106] The best thing to do is just ask. Good community here wrapped around shared goals

[jgmac1106] And a Copy and Paste from a website with a license that allows copy and pasting encourage... Why our wiki is public domain

Zegnat Filtering what technologies to mention on the wiki is always hard. The wiki is not trying to become a one-stop-shop for everything, leave that to Wikipedia and the likes. So when adding a tech related thing, like RWoT, it is always a good idea to tie it back to IndieWeb (preferable in the 1–2 line definition). That way if anyone is going through and gardening, weeding out supurfulous pages, they do not need to know about the technology

Zegnat Best thing you can do for relevance is always to just have an “Examples” section (or better yet “IndieWeb Examples”!) with links to people using or writing about the technology or concept. Great example is the https://indieweb.org/tag_aggregation page which created both sections for indieweb and silo examples.

[jgmac1106] And also remember the #chat channel. It isn't archived and community expectation off the record. If you want to discuss concerns or feelings rather than documentung evidence join us there

infominer[m] "#RebootingWebOfTrust' are bi-annual Design Workshops for creating whitepapers, specs, and prototyping code for an internet-wide identity layer that puts users in control over their identifiers."
infominer[m] is that leading sentence not directly related to indieweb principles?
infominer[m] It's literally an open source gathering for putting users into control over our identifers and personal information
infominer[m] I'm not sure if it's tangental
[jgmac1106] I do like that. No modifiers (adjectives and adverbs). Should it be it's page or something under DID or the verifiable claims page?

infominer[m] well, did and verifiable claims were created in large part through those workshops
[jgmac1106] Indieweb an ethos... The stuff is important put the values matter more... Okay to respect multiple perspectives on how to reach these values

infominer[m] tell wat... indie auth is dope!
infominer[m] web is missin out!
infominer[m] ....the future keeps comin on tho
[jgmac1106] always does and it is best predicted by the past. Thus our commitment both "ethos" the values and the "stuff" tools in the wild being uz d by people every day

[jgmac1106] You will never see an IndieWeb white paper.

[jgmac1106] Use before documentation

infominer[m] and yes, jgmac1106 that's why I felt it so important to add RWoT, and is a big reason why I've decided to become a part of this wiki...
infominer[m] to connect some dots
[jgmac1106] Happy to carry on convo in #chat or #dev we like the main channel to be inviting

infominer[m] ttfn :)
[jgmac1106] As a physical metaphor if you invite everyone to the party but folks on front step seem too smart you my not walk in

[jgmac1106] We want our front door inviting to all

[tantek], wolftune, gRegorLove_, [fluffy], eli_oat, electronicmaji and eli_oat1 joined the channel