#indieweb 2019-06-29
2019-06-29 UTC
[kevinmarks786] and [Andi] joined the channel
[Andi] Hi friends! I’m here in Portland but I’m relaxing for a few. What time is the informal meetup going on until tonight?
[Andi] Lol nevermind I decided to get ready now and head out. See you all soon - probably by 6pm.
[kevinmarks786] Hi nuggit - I think i was in your flat last xoxo and great to see you here
[kevinmarks786] And hi Andi too - missing you all as I'm not there
[Andi] Hi Kevin! Awww come back to the states! Will you participate remotely?
[kevinmarks786] [fluffy] on ordering of feeds - there is some prior art in this in Apple's podcast extensions <itunes:type>episodic |serial
[kevinmarks786] I will try to, timezone and family commitments permitting. I am going to xoxo again this year; wondering if I should add on an SF visit
[kevinmarks786] full – (default) Specify full when you are submitting the
[kevinmarks786] They also have episode type distinctions:
[kevinmarks786] “The episode type field is new for iOS 11. You can now specify one of three types for a podcast episode. If no type is specified then “full” is assumed.
[kevinmarks786] trailer – Specify trailer when you are submitting a short,
[kevinmarks786] complete content of a show.
[kevinmarks786] promotional piece of content that represents a preview of
[kevinmarks786] a show.
[kevinmarks786] bonus – Specify bonus when you are submitting extra
[kevinmarks786] content for a show (for example, behind the scenes
[kevinmarks786] information or interviews with the cast).”
[kevinmarks786] Which is yet another way of doing summary vs content, but bonus is interesting
chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich This sounds a bit sketchy: https://twitter.com/hclaire_brown/status/1144640112762007552

chrisaldrich Even if you're going to rely on silos, it's apparently still important to own your own domain.

chrisaldrich what is indieweb for business

Loqi IndieWeb for business is the use of an indieweb site or section thereof for business purposes, to post professional products or services, announcements, reminders, and generally interact with business clients, instead of social media silo posts and pages https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_for_business

chrisaldrich IndieWeb for business << https://twitter.com/hclaire_brown/status/1144640112762007552

Loqi ok, I added "https://twitter.com/hclaire_brown/status/1144640112762007552" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWeb_for_business https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62945&oldid=59601

chrisaldrich IndieWeb for business << https://thehustle.co/botto-bistro-1-star-yelp/

Loqi ok, I added "https://thehustle.co/botto-bistro-1-star-yelp/" to the "See Also" section of /IndieWeb_for_business https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62946&oldid=62945

wolftune and [jz] joined the channel
[jz] Back in the days when web standards was starting to take off, many sites/services had these buttons to show that you were using the right stuff under the hood, like `css 3`, `Valid HTML`. They were small, button-like things. Does anyone know where I can find examples of them?
[tomas_quinones] joined the channel
[tomas_quinones] This? https://www.w3.org/html/logo/
[scottgruber] joined the channel
[scottgruber] Greetings PDX and IndieWeb campers. I’ll be participating remotely from Los Angeles.
[scottgruber] Have fun today and I’ll check in tomorrow morning on Zoom.
electronicmaji, KempfCreative, KempfCreative1, gRegorLove and wolftune joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/f43eb92f-2fdb-4d95-bcf1-64aa489819ed

wolftune, KartikPrabhu, [aaronpk], [Serena] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What is button?

[chrisaldrich] [jz] ^^

Senshi[m] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
jeremycherfas Good morning indiewebbers.

[tantek], KempfCreative, [Rose] and [Micah_Silverman joined the channel
[Micah_Silverman I've been playing around more and more with keybase.io. Here's the doc that speaks to how the keybase encrypted file system works: https://keybase.io/docs/kbfs
[frank] joined the channel
[frank] This week I started a Dutch newsletter where I focus on tips and insights on using Indieweb building blocks, open web and adjacent topics. It’s Dutch only but you can subscribe at http://nieuws.diggingthedigital.com (need to https it...)
corenominal, enricomarino[m], [jgmac1106], jeremy_ and ingoogni joined the channel
nuggit @jgmac1106 thank you, I'll see how it goes! Fingers crossed for the stream!
nuggit @kevinmarks786 oh what's up it's good to see you here too!!
[frank] joined the channel
jeremy_, [Rose], [tantek], [fluffy], Gorka[m]1, patterson and omz13 joined the channel
patterson If you are going to call it Couch and say it Cooch just tell strangers
patterson That and there should be warning brochures about the endemic Niceness
gxt, omz13 and catsup joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
omz13, djmoch, [jeremycherfas], [infominer] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Good morning from #pdx

[Rose] joined the channel
patterson I suspect that the niceness is contagious
patterson hi!
[jgmac1106] omz13 I shared my teeting tip post in #chat

eli_oat joined the channel
patterson Pepperminty schapps soaked diaper
[jgmac1106] Ignore the prose its in a cheeky series I do the UX of parenting

[jgmac1106] Hee hee... I might mention Brandy

eli_oat1 joined the channel
eli_oat1 wishing everyone a great IndieWeb Summit!
patterson What server is #chat on? Where am I? How did I get here? This is Freenode?
[jgmac1106] What is discuss?

Loqi Join the #indieweb discussions via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix interfaces now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss

patterson Ah ha!
patterson I fully expect any meeting such as this to have people chatting on IRC while sitting next to each other
Mikaela|XMPP joined the channel
eli_oat1 wait…we can communicate through means other than IRC?
patterson heh
patterson I usded to go to the corner pay phone in the old days to talk to she who must be obeyed
patterson She loved the phone
[jgmac1106] I woukd just make a collect call and then tryvto communicate during the leave your name recording

patterson The home phone tree
eli_oat1, seblog, [infominer] and wolftune joined the channel
Zegnat The Mini IndieWebCamp in Åmål should now also be live: https://zoom.us/j/251913730 to join, https://etherpad.indieweb.org/%C3%85m%C3%A5l is our collaborative log

jgmac1106, jeremych_ and [tantek] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [gRegorLove], leg, [aaronpk], anglophilic, [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], mapkyca__ and [Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
[Jamey_Sharp] [kevinmarks786] [fluffy] I keep eyeing the iTunes RSS metadata as stuff I want to see in some spec that is not so, uh, Apple. ...I'd give more examples on top of the ones you've already mentioned but I've lost Apple's page with the full spec, and they don't link it any place reasonable 😠
[tmiller] joined the channel
[Jamey_Sharp] Yes, but it's been a long time and I don't remember any details. I don't think I saw anything I particularly cared about in it though?
[Jamey_Sharp] To be clear, I don't want the iTunes spec for its podcast usage. They have a bunch of metadata definitions that are nice for long-form serial content in general.
[Jamey_Sharp] Which makes it kinda frustrating that it's so narrowly focused on podcasts.
[schmarty] Hey folks! Can we continue this feed-format discussion in #dev aka #indieweb-dev?

[Jamey_Sharp] I'm about to head off to the summit anyway
[schmarty] See you there!!

[tantek] [tantek] set the channel topic: This channel is for user-friendly chat! Watch Summit: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit June 29-30, Portland, OR. Next meetups: https://indieweb.org/next-hwc, Code of conduct: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct, log http://chat.indieweb.org/today

wolftune joined the channel
[scottgruber] joined the channel
[scottgruber] Morning.
jeremycherfas All phones can do that? I got the impression from listening to [Rose] that it was a fairly advanced thing.

[Rose] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Ah. As usual, I failed properly to understand.

jeremycherfas Apple is doomed.

[chrisaldrich] Good morning [scottgruber]!

electronicmaji joined the channel
[scottgruber] Hi [chrisaldrich]
[scottgruber] Is there a zoom or audio for the morning keynotes?
jeremycherfas Thanks to all of you

[chrisaldrich] [scottgruber] They will be using Zoom for the streaming today. It should start at around 10am. See https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule for details and links as they're set up.

[cleverdevil], [snarfed], BigShip and cathie joined the channel
cathie Good morning!
chrisaldrich Good morning cathie!

chrisaldrich Everyone all set up for the day? Anyone need help with anything before we start shortly?

patterson joined the channel
[scottgruber] Do you have zoom link for keynotes? The schedule has markers for the afternoon sessions, but not for the keynotes.
[scottgruber] Cool if it doesn’t have it, but would be great to listen in if possible. Here’s the link I was looking at https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule
cathie Yes--I see the zoom links the afternoon sessions but not for the keynotes.
chrisaldrich I suspect the Keynotes will be in the "Red" Room, so https://zoom.us/j/4955358768, but it's not live yet.

cathie thanks!
jgmac1106 joined the channel
chrisaldrich The Keynotes and early material will also be streamed live on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/indieweb

chrisaldrich See also: https://indieweb.org/live

[scottgruber] I’m in. thanks!
scottgruber, dougbeal|iOS, [jk] and [cec] joined the channel
[cec] Good morning!
chrisaldrich I'm guessing that "Live" link just above will also include the closed captioning for the event as well.

[scottgruber] Video looks great. Is audio muted?
[scottgruber] My audio was muted. I can hear and see now. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing a stream.
gRegorLove joined the channel
[scottgruber] woohoo!!!
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
gRegorLove Tantek is introducing organizers for Summit

gRegorLove showing /2019

[tonz] joined the channel
gRegorLove shows the /CoC

gRegorLove committed to keeping all Indieweb events safe and inclusive by design. Documented on the wiki

gRegorLove if you have any issues, contact one of the organizers.

gRegorLove All listed on https://indieweb.org/2019

gRegorLove There's a phone, email, and Slack. Also printed on sheet over by sign in

chrisaldrich Reminder: The live closed captioning for the talk can be found at https://indieweb.org/live

gRegorLove CoC was updated yesterday with addition from the XOXO CoC about prioritizing safety of marginalized people over comfort of privileged people

gRegorLove Take a look and contact organizers with any questions about that.

gRegorLove Photo policy: black by default (ok to take photos). yellow (please ask before taking my photo). red (do not take my photo)

gRegorLove Lanyard colors ^

gRegorLove Please use the pronoun pins and address people based on their pronoun

gRegorLove Chat, etherpad linked from Participating section on /2019

j12t joined the channel
gRegorLove showing the Schedule

gRegorLove We are streaming now on Twitch

chrisaldrich There are also lots of links to material from this introduction at https://indieweb.org/2019/Introduction

gRegorLove going over which chat channels topics go into

donpdonp joined the channel
gRegorLove Thanks to sponsors. Mozilla for space and food. Name.com for last nights pre-party. Okta and Open Collective for general support.

chrisaldrich For those participating remotely, get some ideas ready and feel free to introduce yourself (and your website) here in the chat when that portion comes.

gRegorLove chrisaldrich++

cathie Yes--sound on twitch only works through my headphones too
gRegorLove Tantek's brief keynote, State of the IndieWeb

dougbeal|iOS Live captions on https://indieweb.org/live
chrisaldrich I'm using brid.gy. Snarfed++

dougbeal|iOS Same snarfed++
chrisaldrich community++ for helping to fund live captioning

chrisaldrich The URL for Brid.gy stats: https://snarfed.org/2019-01-02_bridgy-stats-update-4

[Micah_Silverman joined the channel
[Micah_Silverman What's the right `@` for twitter? @indiwebcamp? (There doesn't seem to be an @indiewebsummit)
gRegorLove captioner++

chrisaldrich Micah_Silverman you should be able to @indiewebcamp or @indiewebsummit and the standard hashtag is #indieweb

motoBot joined the channel
[Micah_Silverman :thumbsup:
chrisaldrich What is payment?

Loqi payment in the context of the indieweb refers to a feature on an indie web site that provides a way for the visitor to that website to pay (currency, gift card credit, etc.) the person represented by that indie web site https://indieweb.org/payment

chrisaldrich What is discovery?

Loqi Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery

motoBot I'd buy some indiewebcoin
gRegorLove Kitt Hodsden keynote

gRegorLove Talking about contractions and expansions

chrisaldrich Kitt Hodsden: https://kitt.hodsden.org/

[aaronpk] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Reminder: captions are visible at https://indieweb.org/live

[Micah_Silverman ack
ronbronson, [frank] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] 👋 also watching for at least a little while from Spain

gRegorLove kitthodsden++ great keynote!

chrisaldrich Michelle Jordan keynote next https://mjordan.codes/

chrisaldrich What is multi-site indieweb?

Loqi Multi-site Indieweb is a hybrid approach to Indieweb in which a wide range of people have two (or more) indieweb enabled platforms for a multitude of reasons https://indieweb.org/multi-site_indieweb

stevej[m] and anglophilic joined the channel
gRegorLove Marty McGuire keynote https://martymcgui.re/

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Very courageous storytelling this AM!

chrisaldrich can't wait to see schmarty's highwire act here

[grantcodes] there should be a .codes club, all the cool kids have .codes somains

[grantcodes] *domains

[cleverdevil] [schmarty] improvise? What?

[cleverdevil] :0

chrisaldrich What is indigenous?

Loqi Indigenous is a set of native apps for iOS and Android currently in beta that supports posting your website using Micropub and a built-in reader that supports Microsub https://indieweb.org/Indigenous

chrisaldrich What is POSSE>

Loqi POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE

chrisaldrich Here's that Like on Marty's site: https://martymcgui.re/2019/06/28/185833/

chrisaldrich What is Granary?

Loqi granary is the social web translator https://indieweb.org/granary

chrisaldrich "Just one of my pirate friends in Baltimore."--schmarty

gRegorLove as you do

chrisaldrich What is indiebookclub.biz?

Loqi indiebookclub is an app for posting books you are reading to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/indiebookclub.biz

chrisaldrich What is the IndieWeb book club?

Loqi IndieWeb book club is a group of people interested in creating book club functionality a reality in their online presences https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Book_Club

chrisaldrich What is IndieWeb dance?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "IndieWeb dance" yet. Would you like to create it?_j (Or just say "IndieWeb dance is ____", a sentence describing the term)

chrisaldrich IndieWeb dance is a new phenomenon invented by schmarty and jacky https://twitter.com/schmarty/status/1145024506747973635

@schmarty So excited for an IndieWeb Summit day! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-Pxt-PUEAADRmm.jpg (twitter.com/_/status/1145024506747973635)
chrisaldrich Up next Jacky Alciné https://jacky.wtf/ on Making the IndieWeb for All

[tonz] Seeing those brid.gy stats I asked [snarfed] how people could contribute to costs. He suggested pooling it all at https://opencollective.com/indieweb so it supports IndieWeb activities in general. If you want you can do something there. I wasn’t aware of this link, so sharing it here too.

[tantek] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Who is KicksCondor?

chrisaldrich schmarty's site got all those posts up on his site: https://martymcgui.re/posts/

gRegorLove https://indieweb.org/principles #3 (sharing bc it's small on the slide)

chrisaldrich Camp reminder: The livestream and captioning can be found at https://indieweb.org/live and the schedule is at https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule

chrisaldrich Camp reminder: The livestream and captioning can be found at https://indieweb.org/live and the schedule is at https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule

chrisaldrich What is an itch?

Loqi Itches, in the context of the indieweb, are individuals's personal sources of annoyances using the web or in particular their own website, that they use to itemize and prioritize what to create, design, build, and improve on their own website, often by first listing such "itches" on a section in their User: page or on their own website https://indieweb.org/itch

chrisaldrich jacky++

chrisaldrich Introductions starting now: https://indieweb.org/2019/Introduction

chrisaldrich Who is tantek?

chrisaldrich Showing off his theme switcher.

chrisaldrich Folks in the room, don't hesitate to start a line to go up next! ;)

gRegorLove up next Jamey Sharp

gRegorLove ... working on a /reader

tbbrown joined the channel
chrisaldrich aaronpk, looks like audio is out on presentations?

cathie audio is definitely gone
chrisaldrich jamey sharp at https://jamey.thesharps.us/ talking about comics

gRegorLove up next: Jared White

gRegorLove ... slowly adding things to his site over the last year

cathie Thanks--it's back
gRegorLove ... has a podcast on his own site, and quotes

gRegorLove ... moving away from youtube to vimeo

gRegorLove ... thinks vimeo is decent because you can pay for it and not have ads

chrisaldrich jared's site: https://jaredwhite.com/

gRegorLove up next: jared^2

[Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
gRegorLove ... from name.com

[Jamey_Sharp] URL I should have given for my demo is http://reader.minilop.net/
gRegorLove ... Jared Ewy

gRegorLove [Jamey_Sharp], thanks!

mblaney joined the channel
gRegorLove ... took him so long to give up on HTML and use Squarespace... and that has been my talk.

gRegorLove up next: fluffy beesbuzz.biz (?)

gRegorLove ... makes a lot of differnt types of content

[Jamey_Sharp] beesbuzz.biz, confirmed!
gRegorLove ... weren't many CMS that worked, so made /Publ

gRegorLove [confirmed]

[jeanmacdonald] joined the channel
gRegorLove oops

[jeanmacdonald] Greetings from Ljubljana! I had a bit of jetlag and missed almost all the opening talks, but it’s fun to see the intros.
seekr joined the channel
gRegorLove o/ [jeanmacdonald]!

chrisaldrich Jeanmacdonald, they should be recorded and will be put up for viewing later.

gRegorLove up next: Jordan mjordan.codes

gRegorLove ... super exciting because now she has the same handle on all the things

gRegorLove ... when you reload the page colors change

gRegorLove ... all her own drawings

gRegorLove up next: Andi

gRegorLove ... founder of Cascade SF

chrisaldrich Andi Galpern https://www.andigalpern.com/

gRegorLove ... content writer for companies, curious if she can syndicate that even though it's owned by companies

chrisaldrich What is journalism?

Loqi Indieweb for Journalism is the application of Indieweb principles to one's personal site with a particular emphasis on use cases for journalists, photographers, editors, related bloggers and platforms which are publishing their work https://indieweb.org/journalism

chrisaldrich ^^ I think that page has some details about owning writing...

gRegorLove up next: Lily anomalilly.net

[tonz] http://anomalily.net (1 l)

chrisaldrich anomalily++ for some awesome quotes on Twitter from the keynotes this morning

gRegorLove ... splitting her dynamic content away from static content.

gRegorLove ... anomalily.world has instagram and checkin posts.

[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
gRegorLove up next: Johannes (no website, just showing some boxes)

gRegorLove what is ubos

Loqi UBOS (pronounced You-Boss) is a new Linux distro that makes it much simpler to install and maintain indie web and IoT applications on physical servers, cloud servers and devices such as as the Raspberry Pi https://indieweb.org/UBOS

gRegorLove ... runs nextcloud

gRegorLove ... at least one customer in the audience

chrisaldrich Johannes Ernst's website is at https://upon2020.com/blog/

gRegorLove up next: cleverdevil.io

gRegorLove [thanks for all the fillins and corrections, haha]

chrisaldrich Who is Jonathan LaCour?

gRegorLove ... site built on /Known

chrisaldrich I thought Loqi would surely have that....

gRegorLove ... recently added summary pages to browse by month

gRegorLove who is cleverdevil

gRegorLove ... summary of Switch gameplay

gRegorLove ... things he watched, games played, podcasts listened to

gRegorLove ... most important thing for him is memories

chrisaldrich Showed an example of his April 2019 summary https://cleverdevil.io/summary/2019/04

gRegorLove ... all of his facebook, twitter, instagram is now on his site as far back as 2002

gRegorLove ... memories are important. hold onto your identity; not encumbered by any silos

nuggit <3
gRegorLove up next: Micah Silverman

gRegorLove ... new to indieweb. works with aaronpk

chrisaldrich website at https://afitnerd.com/

gRegorLove ... static site hosted on /Netlify

gRegorLove ... points to his Github repo. Has all files locally, could easily re-host it

gRegorLove ... using Jekyll

chrisaldrich His avatar switches between a devil and an angel version.

chrisaldrich What is Jekyll?

Loqi Jekyll is Ruby software that helps you create "Simple, blog-aware, static sites" suitable for static domain hosting https://indieweb.org/Jekyll

gRegorLove ... Happy to talk with anyone about Jekyll and Hugo

gRegorLove ... working on an API for Keybase and Netlify

gRegorLove up next: Darius

[cleverdevil] Lots of awesome people and sites so far :d

gRegorLove nope, not Darius

gRegorLove up next: debone.com

gRegorLove ... Kevin Ferguson

gRegorLove ... shares music, animation and other IP

gRegorLove ... shows an album he's releasing July 4

chrisaldrich What is music?

Loqi A scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/music

gRegorLove ... has had Youtube and other accounts with 10k+ views, locked out of account but they still sell ads

gRegorLove ... just learned about indieweb last week

chrisaldrich what is a musician?

Loqi musician is someone who creates music typically by playing instruments though sometimes by DJing a sequence of tracks, whether manually with physical media like CDs and records, or digitally with music files and/or electronic music generating devices, and sometimes records their music and publishes it on their own websites https://indieweb.org/musician

gRegorLove ... main reason he's showing his site is because he's gotten a lot of mileage out of just plain HTML

chrisaldrich What is POSH?

Loqi POSH is Plain Old Semantic HTML - see http://microformats.org/wiki/posh https://indieweb.org/POSH

gRegorLove up next: Darius

gRegorLove ... tinysubversions

gRegorLove ... uses Google Sheets as CMS

chrisaldrich What is Google Sheets?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Google Sheets" yet. Would you like to create it?_k (Or just say "Google Sheets is ____", a sentence describing the term)

gRegorLove ... Does a live post from Google Sheets. Easy to post from his phone

chrisaldrich Google Sheets can be used as the back end for building an IndieWeb site.

chrisaldrich Google Sheets << https://tinysubversions.com/

rivercat joined the channel
gRegorLove up next: missed name and URL

gRegorLove ... showing reblogging to his site, mainly a photo blog, kind of Tumblr-ish

gRegorLove ... Trying to make JS versoin of Bridgy Fed and Granary

gRegorLove ... before indieweb was making tiny houses

Zegnat https://nite-lite.net/ - I think. Mime Čuvalo ?

[dougbeal] joined the channel
gRegorLove up next: Tomas

gRegorLove ... avid cyclict. Likes to put his tracks on a private heatmap

chrisaldrich Tomas Quinones https://tomasquinones.com/

gRegorLove ... would like to use [some API] to pull GPS data daily

motoBot Where's the website line?
chrisaldrich Showed off http://adventuring.bike/ as well.

chrisaldrich Showed off http://adventuring.bike/

chrisaldrich Showed off http://adventuring.bike/ as well.

gRegorLove up next: Katie Johnson

chrisaldrich motoBot, you can go any time you like really within chat. Not sure if they've got video streaming for remote folks set up.

gRegorLove ... product designer. Showing a website she helped build using Materialize

gRegorLove ... peer mentoring program where people filled out a survey and matched with people with complimentary skills

gRegorLove ... published the methodology so people could see if they wanted to participate

BigShip motoBot, it's over to the right of the podium, near the windows
chrisaldrich showing the site http://bellingham.design/

gRegorLove ... bellingham.design

gRegorLove bellingham++

gRegorLove up next: mblaney

gRegorLove ... unicyclic.com

gRegorLove ... homepage is unicyclic.com/mal

chrisaldrich I'm Chris Aldrich (attending remotely) and my website is https://boffosocko.com. Lately I've been doing some work to own my annotations online https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/

gRegorLove_ joined the channel
chrisaldrich Other remote attendees can demo here in chat as speakers switch.

gRegorLove_ up next: Jack Jamieson

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove_ ... showing WP admin for /Yarns

gRegorLove_ ... shows it in /Together

[cleverdevil] Congrats on Yarns 1.0!

[cleverdevil] WordPress one-click installable microsub server opens up so many new users to readers.

gRegorLove_ up next: Dave Peck

gRegorLove_ ... excited and nervous to show his site

gRegorLove_ ... super minimalist. Not a designer; focuses on text

gRegorLove_ ... does some audio work on the site. Wanted to get audio inline with the content

gRegorLove_ ... built a minimal player

gRegorLove_ ... built on /Jekyll

gRegorLove_ ... interested in standing up a Micropub endpoint tied to static backend

chrisaldrich What is SSG?

Loqi Static site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/SSG

gRegorLove_ up next: missed the domain

chrisaldrich Maxwell Joslyn https://www.maxwelljoslyn.com/

gRegorLove_ ... [something] is awesome dot com?

gRegorLove_ up next: Jacky Alcine

gRegorLove_ ... jacky.wtf

chrisaldrich and a site he's rebuilding at https://v2.jacky.wtf/

gRegorLove_ up next: jgmac1106

gRegorLove_ ... a couple "static" sites, then social stream on a /Known site

gRegorLove_ ... has a bunch of different feeds people can follow, posts frequently

gRegorLove_ ... been experimenting with /Kirby

gRegorLove_ ... loves Kirby because it's flat files and PHP

gRegorLove_ ... got his notes to work yesterday

gRegorLove_ ... has cards and pagination now

gRegorLove_ up next: Tiara Miller

gRegorLove_ who is tmiller?

chrisaldrich His Known site is at https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/profile/jgmac1106

gRegorLove_ ... site is using Grav, not much on it now but wants to work on it this weekend

gRegorLove up next: GWG

gRegorLove who is GWG?

gRegorLove ... site is deliberatly spartan

gRegorLove ... does a *lot* of WordPress plugin dev

chrisaldrich GWG++

gRegorLove ... shows a packing list post, so if you steal his bag you know what you're getting

gRegorLove GWG++

[miklb] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Don Park of https://donp.org/

chrisaldrich showing off authorization and rel-me links

gRegorLove up next: aaronpk

gRegorLove ... aaronpk.com

chrisaldrich who is aaronpk?

Loqi Aaron Parecki is the co-founder of IndieWebCamp https://indieweb.org/User:Aaronparecki.com

[cleverdevil] Its not a IWS until we get an [aaronpk] demo.

gRegorLove ... last thing he added was optimizing posts that get lots of likes/interaction

gRegorLove ... avatar images are now lazy loaded

gRegorLove ... Thought it would work well for a reader too, so added it to /Monocle

gRegorLove ... see content faster and interact with it before images load, great for slow internet

gRegorLove up next: martymcgui.re

gRegorLove ... fixed website from earlier demo

wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove ... shows the live photo he posted earlier

gRegorLove up next: Mitch

chrisaldrich Last call for demos? Anyone here in chat/remote want to demo?

gRegorLove ... couple domains but mostly uses psuedo.coffee

gRegorLove * pseudo.coffee

chrisaldrich Mitch will be working on filling in https://mitchkiah.com/

gRegorLove jacky is back up showing some things he would like to add to an IndieAuth-like service

gRegorLove up next: Arianna

chrisaldrich Ariana Lutterman building a design practice collective

gRegorLove ... this is all very new. interested in building collective sites and what that looks like in the indieweb

chrisaldrich Domain at http://superorg.ca/

gRegorLove Intros are done!

chrisaldrich Group photo coming up in 4 minutes.

gRegorLove Time for the group photo

chrisaldrich G'nite tonz!

chrisaldrich Live stream has been killed until after lunch.

cathie THat was great! Thanks everyone!
nuggit here's my chat-demo of my site, nuggit.nu ! It's pretty old and the most recent thing I've done with it is my resume. I'm very active on FB, insta, and I have several secret journal-like tumblrs, it would be nice to gather it all in one place someday and own it all.
nuggit loved everyone's demos <3 I'll join in for PM portion
[jeanmacdonald] That was fun. I would have been happy to watch group photo logistics. 😊
chrisaldrich cathie, be sure to come back in a bit for sessions which will be livestreamed as well.

nellkate1[m] Really enjoying watching all that via livestream. Woo!
[jeanmacdonald] I’m Jean and I’m said about missing the summit after two years attending. My site is at https://micro.welltempered.net/.
chrisaldrich jeanmacdonald++

[miklb] I’m mostly lurking this weekend but hope to be putting in some time working on https://github.com/miklb/jekyll-indieweb if anyone is Jekyll-curious

chrisaldrich macgenie++

Zegnat Hi 👋 I’m https://vanderven.se/martijn/ . We’ve done a small experimental IWC in Sweden today, and have just watched all your intros at the venue :) I’ll probably be around a little longer, lets see if any of the sessions scratch an itch

chrisaldrich knows someone who is vastly under-karma'ed here...

sknebel Hi! https://www.svenknebel.de, also currently at the Sweden mini-IWC
chrisaldrich Remember to occasionally update your browser page for https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule for updates to the schedule after lunch

chrisaldrich A nice trick for doing demos in chat is to pull domains off of people's RSVPs from https://2019.indieweb.org/summit

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Shoutout to whoever was running the live stream. It cut well between the different camera views 🙂

[Micah_Silverman joined the channel
[Micah_Silverman So... What's up with poisoning the water in Portland with lithium ion batteries because of scooter hate? https://www.autoblog.com/2019/06/28/e-scooters-bikes-thrown-in-portland-river/
[tomas_quinones] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[tomas_quinones] <!here> eating lunch in Director Park at Park and Yamhill.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [Micah_Silverman] That may be a better topic for the unlogged #chat channel. 🙂

[Micah_Silverman Doh! Sorry...
[chrisaldrich] That's alright... it's a busy weekend.

nekr0z joined the channel
[Micah_Silverman For us n00bs, is there any documentation anywhere of how the whole "session proposals" mechanism works?
Mikaela|XMPP joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[Micah_Silverman spiffy
chrisaldrich Micah_Silverman there's also some additional documentation here: https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamps/Attendance#Session_Scheduling

wolftune joined the channel
chrisaldrich There were also some pre-camp proposals documented here: https://indieweb.org/2019/Session_proposals

[cleverdevil] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Here's the Red Room Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4955358768

chrisaldrich For a second I thought I was looking in on Mission Control at NASA...

BigShip Hi, any luck we can sneak in? Good sized group downstairs :)
chrisaldrich BigShip, I just heard someone was coming down on the audio feed.

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
BigShip Yay, thanks all. Free from the lobby!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Up next at IndieWeb Summit: Scheduling (Red Room Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4955358768)

tbbrown and [schmarty] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Aaaaannnnndddd WE'RE BACK!

chrisaldrich Tantek and Aaronpk are describing how the sessions work and are set up

[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
chrisaldrich Session proposal - Andi: Designing your personal brand #yourbrand

chrisaldrich Jacky and Jamey don't forget about previously proposed sessions: /2019/Session_proposals

chrisaldrich Kevin's session proposal: Creating discussion sites/groups #discussiongroups

chrisaldrich what are groups?

Loqi group in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.) https://indieweb.org/groups

chrisaldrich Arianna session - Foresight - Future of IndieWeb (Interactive) #??

mZ[m]1 joined the channel
chrisaldrich Session: Ice Condor - open source /location tracking - #??

chrisaldrich Session: Actually progressive web apps - progressive in the movement sense #progressiveapps

[Michael_Beckwit are these being recorded?
chrisaldrich Dave Peck proposal: Webmention-related pieces for /SSG #staticdynamic

chrisaldrich Sessions will be recorded in three rooms

[Michael_Beckwit just curious if i could watch later without having to attend myself
chrisaldrich Micah Silverman proposal: Let's play with Keybase.io #keybasefun

chrisaldrich Yes, you can definitely watch these later. Most will be recorded and archived on Archive.org

chrisaldrich you can also go back and see recordings from many past camps as well.

chrisaldrich Char (spelling?) Getting online in a day - #??

chrisaldrich Proposal: yes we sell domains - how can we improve indieweb flow for hosts like name.com

chrisaldrich He's set up 20 accounts to do this... maybe this is like the get online in a day session?

chrisaldrich What is Domains Camp?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Domains Camp" yet. Would you like to create it?_m (Or just say "Domains Camp is ____", a sentence describing the term)

jnoh joined the channel
chrisaldrich Proposal (Jacky? I can't see him): Ephemeral identities #??

chrisaldrich what is commentpara.de?

Loqi commentpara.de is an anonymous commenting system for the indieweb https://indieweb.org/commentpara.de

chrisaldrich cleverdevil proposal - /private_posts #shareprivately

chrisaldrich anomalily proposal redux: Looking at Pretty Websites - collecting examples for inspiration

chrisaldrich Jared White proposal: IndieEmail, incoming messages and outgoing newsletters #indieemail

chrisaldrich Malcolm Blaney private webmentions, /indieauth /Autoauth #alltheauth

chrisaldrich jgmac1106 proposal Let's make pretty cards with CSS subgrid #??

chrisaldrich yes?

chrisaldrich GWG proposal: Follow that bird (a /discovery session with a Sesame Street theme) #follow

chrisaldrich +1 for me on that session!

chrisaldrich What is Tom Sawyering?

Loqi Tom Sawyering is a Gen2+ method of talking Gen1 developers into building a feature into one's site https://indieweb.org/Tom_Sawyering

chrisaldrich Proposal: The state of the suite - protocols: Webmentions, etc.

gRegorLove joined the channel
chrisaldrich jacky there's no camera right now, it's just audio with the camera actually on in the other room

chrisaldrich Jamey Sharp: Proposal: conversation about shifted perspective, microblogs, news, webcomics, and serial stories #beyondmicroblogs

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
chrisaldrich anomalily proposal Make WordPress better #wp-indie

chrisaldrich (a GWG voluntold session)

chrisaldrich all but two of the slots are filled....

chrisaldrich What? No shuffling?

chrisaldrich Here's a photo of the session grid for those who need it: https://imgur.com/mldeuiq

j12t, jgmac1106 and [tantek] joined the channel
gRegorLove Hey session facilitators, https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule#Saturday is updated with the first session. Please see the etherpad links there

mblaney, micahsilverman and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
jnoh and tbbrown joined the channel
[schmarty] gRegorLove++

[schmarty] haha, you are all great for hanging in there :}

[anomalily] joined the channel
[anomalily] I am very impressed, Sweden.
gRegorLove Now that sounds fun :)

gRegorLove https://indieweb.org/2019/Schedule#Saturday is updated with all sessions and etherpads

[aaronpk] joined the channel
chrisaldrich @jgmac1106, you may consider moving your last session into the other room so you get the video for remote participation. ;)

j12t, jnoh, micahsilverman, mblaney, jgmac1106 and [jnoh] joined the channel
[jnoh] anyone that attended #BeyondMicroblogs, please add yourself as a participant here: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/BeyondMicroblogs

KempfCreative1 joined the channel
[anomalily] I like that challenge [Zegnat] ! I am gonna be in London for all of August so less of a time difference at least 😉
david_bryant and [tantek] joined the channel
wolftune, jnoh, j12t, [schmarty], donpdonp, jgmac1106, [Jamey_Sharp], [snarfed], [cleverdevil] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Bed time for me too! Although I did get the kinda crazy redesign of grant.codes online. Need to fix the theme changing too much tomorrow