jeremycherfasThere are many domain name registrars that will provide you with a domain. And hosting companies that will host your website for you. Some companies will do both.
jeremycherfasYou can definitely build a website on your own PC, and if you have a good internet connection you can also host it yourself. But I don't know how easy that would be for a "very noob".
jgmac1106autist that is where I am going to get to by end of module two, a simple blog written in HTML that sends and recieves webemetions….up to lesson four in module one
jeremycherfasI do not speak German, but that site does look very simple. The problem is, there is no way for me to know what kind of technology is behind that website.
ZegnatLots of places will let you pay them and give you something that generates a site. It is not always easy to take your content out of them again when you want to move elsewhere.
jeremycherfasIt is interesting that says "Proudly made without PHP, Java, Perl, MySQL and Postgres". That suggests to me some kind of flat-file system, which would be easy if you pay for a domain and host somewhere like github.
LoqiUBOS (pronounced You-Boss) is a new Linux distro that makes it much simpler to install and maintain indie web and IoT applications on physical servers, cloud servers and devices such as as the Raspberry Pi
ZegnatThe UBOS website seems to suggest it is all command line management? Depending on how much linux experience someone has, I am not sure I would recommend it
jgmac1106That one I linked to comes with IndieWeb WordPress and the Known CMS pre installed with one button push according to the developer demo at the Summit
LoqiGlitch (formerly Gomix, HyperDev before that) is a tool allowing you to quickly prototype web applications in a complete IDE with built in version control, sharing, and more
jgmac1106I don’t even know what that sentence means. For me Glitch is a real time collaborative text editor and easy way to remix other people’s stuff in order to learn cool things.
jgmac1106sentences=writing code? math algorithm=code?, for me its just how we read, write, and participate. I would never teach a kid to read and not teach them to write a book. The web should be no different
autistI read a lot, about many things. But not coding. There are many pople who can do it better. Also understand what they want to do with it. And there are so many many codelanguages
jeremycherfasHTML is kind of code, yes, but more it tells the browser how things should look. So that fefe blog you linked yo has very minimal HTML in it, and in a browser it looks very plain and simple. HTML can also be used to make things look very complicated.
jgmac1106Focus on your goal, find the balance you want between learning code and creating content, choose the tool where you can reach your goal and stay balanced. As you grow the balance between content and code may shift and you may move on to new tools and languages
jeremycherfasAt its simplest, HTML is just saying things like "This is a big headline", this is a smaller headline, this is a paragraph and stuff like that.
autistthis would take to much time for me, i only want to share important information. Thats the point, i dont want to learn coding :( Maybe sounds stupid for some of you. But its better for everyone^^
LoqiThat! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply
jgmac1106<h1>My first Website</h1><h2>by Greg McVerry</h2><p>Hello World</p> would be perfect, if you dig patterns you will like mucking about in the poetry of HTML, it all comes down to patterns
[jgmac1106]and then you can use the directions here: but maybe you might want to slow down and decide., Do I want to learn HTML and design my own basic site or use a CMS like,, etc
[jgmac1106]I tell people to start with paper, go slow, write down the goal you want to accomplish, then write a bio you would include on the website. Then layout no more than three webpages on paper..boxes and stick figures fine..then decide
[jgmac1106]You can get through lessons one and two and have a website up, good luck with what ever you decide. Always here to help. Once questions get technical we will move to dev channel
autistokay, ty. Sorry its not always easy for me to concentrate on things, when its a must and i HAVE to. But the expirience with you guys make me optimistic.
[jgmac1106]sounds good, remember to set tiny goals to not get lost in the possibility. Today I will get my homepage up, tomorrow I will add an About Me, you can also try different technolgoy for 2 week trials and find one that fits how you learn
[jgmac1106]many of us keep track of our goals on the wiki and try to support each other in getting done the probable so we can all accomplish the impossible
autistmy goal is to spread important informations about the dangers of these experimental jetfuels. also to show, that geoengineering is an ongoing thing for decades. Can talk a lot, but when people see the evidences, then they should be alarmed
autistand often, when i try to share things i get banned, and its NO FAKE or misinformation. all serious links and soures. And then this link above was taken offline. Because of its information on it.
wolftune, gareppa, KempfCreative1, [renem], [schmarty], Kaja, jackjamieson, strugee, bleb, [Zegnat], sknebel, [jgmac1106], [snarfed], gRegorLove and [zach] joined the channel; jgmac1106 left the channel
chrisaldrichThe author's article states: "To comply with Medium’s policies, I have re-published the story on my professional page. Permalink to the story here:"
chrisaldrichTo be clear, the form of the syndication has been defined, it's the oddness of the message pointing to the original. Why a pointer to the article instead of posting the entirety of the article?
chrisaldrichWhat are Medium's (new?) policies that would require re-publishing on one's professional page? Perhaps they somehow violated the terms of service, though that seems a stretch given the anonymity of the parties involved.
chrisaldrichThanks KartikPrabhu, perhaps that? I'd skimmed through their policy page and managed to miss that, though the fact that they specifically redacted the parties in question should have more than sufficed.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "redaction" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "redaction is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "terms of service" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "terms of service is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiA disclosure is a bit of content, typically on a home page, on an indie web site that proactively discloses some aspect about the site that the site owner wants the user to explicitly be aware of
chrisaldrichThat's relatively close enough tantek, but I think that TOS is subtly and semantically different enough in scope to be different than the intent of /disclosure.
chrisaldrichAnd /disclosure#Silo_Examples actually already states this.... perhaps worth circling back later and fleshing out the /silo version of TOS definition more explicitly?