[tonz](something similar goes for all the trello / slack etc stuff. I have a personal GTD system, and all too often need to replicate stuff to trello boards, slack lists, MS teams whatev, cause they don’t play nice together from their own silos)
[prtksxna]Even stuff like calendars and contacts. I can't figure out how my clients (native MacOS) could sync the same information to say Google AND own cloud.
[fluffy]Regarding issue tracking, I’ve always wondered how difficult it would be to establish a convention of just having like an `.issues` directory inside the repo where people write the issues in markdown and check in changes for conversationsa bout the issue and then like use the filename to indicate whether it’s open/in review/closed/whatever
ZegnatFossil is an interesting project as well! Before we get too deep into the weeds, may I suggest moving to #indieweb-dev if people want to discuss the pros and cons of different decentralised trackers? :)
KartikPrabhu, catsup and anotheryou joined the channel
[jgmac1106]I may try an h-feed only class this fall after folks build websites on Glitch, they wouldn't be able to display webmentions but everyone could subscribe to their notification feed...we will see...probably just keep the h-feed for myself
Loqi[Greg McVerry] @jny Rise of freelance journalist and the demise of many publications means journalist should be their own personal archivist. Can't rely on publishers, plus I could follow an author across different publications. Very few pubs have author feeds.
[fluffy], NinjaTrappeur, [davidmead], [Jacob_Michelsen, doodlemania[m], [Jeannie], wolftune, gareppa, [Rose], h0r4c3, [jackjamieson], fauno_, gutierri, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and ORAORAORAORAORA[ joined the channel