[jgmac1106]I made a webmention Doodle bute huge PITA because I had to make an event for each option. And then do one post with all the events... Getting devy
booots joined the channel; booots left the channel
KartikPrabhu[jgmac1106]: I am not saying there are no use-cases. I am saying that if we have enough documented ones, we can then proceed to solving the problem
[tantek]Yes there’s conspicuous absence of any documentation, so to be worth paying attention to, someone who cares needs to step up and document the specific use-cases
Loqiquestion is a post type for soliciting answer replies, which are then typically up/down voted by others and then displayed underneath the question post ordered by highest positive vote count rather than time ordered https://indieweb.org/question
[jgmac1106]poll is a survey where people are asked to vote on choices or by completing a questionnaire. Previous work from the domains included a rel based property for vote.
[jgmac1106]Yeah it could Kartik.. How I did the manual until it hurts version... Ooh yeah poll as a post like that... May work on page after kids in bed
vika_nezrimaya, wolftune, patterson_, [KevinMarks]1, KempfCreative, rEnr3n, [Michael_Beckwit, treora, [fluffy], [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
jgmac1106this was the latest “hot” bookmarking and colllection tool among educators https://wakelet.com/ especially now that there is a chrome extension
IWSlackGateway, [grantcodes], [snarfed], gareppa, [Lewis_Cowles], [Serena], wolftune, [mapkyca], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and loui1986 joined the channel
shrysrwhy arent the tags I specify in quill not translated as hashtags, when they appear on my site? ANd the tags I specify in tags are translated to my website, but not as hashtags for twitter
jackyhowever, quill only take the info you have and sends it to your site. It's up to your site to represent it in a way that if parsed by something like bridgy would it show hashtags or the like
cyalc, [KevinMarks], jrl, KartikPrabhu, [Lewis_Cowles], KempfCreative, DanC, [tantek] and patterson joined the channel