#jeremycherfasHello GWG. How's the home automation going?
#jeremycherfasI saw an interesting thing linked from m.b about someone who hacked a cheap pair of Ikea Sonos-enabled speakers and connected them to a pair of good speakers.
#[jgmac1106]wow reading this I did not realize federated wki was born at an IWC....after trying to edit some articles this weekend on wikipedia a federated wiki makes more and more sense
#[jgmac1106]I have found a good workflow with Known and bookmarking, I made a feed of #pinboard for reminder posts and occaisonally do to-do list posts....till I don't
#[jgmac1106]but in terms of Commonplace Book moving all my PDFs and bookmarks to my website been huge step
#[jgmac1106]still too much friction for my to-do list approach, using manual until it hurts and hand doing the ul and strikethoughs, in many ways a wiki does make more sense for this kind of workflow
#LoqiPASTA is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish Anywhere, Save To (private) Archive, the practice of automatically saving a copy of whatever you post on (social media) silos to someplace else under your own control, like a private directory on your own server, or a local folder on your laptop that is less vulnerable to site-death https://indieweb.org/PASTA
#[jgmac1106]yeah I never did either, I tried with school but the UI wasn't intuitive enough and required too much background knowledge of dev culture
#[jgmac1106]Mike's WordPress version wikity.cc is still used by some
#[jgmac1106]but after having all my edits reverted all weekend long the idea of forking an article rather than trying to negoitate got appealing
[jgarber], eli_oat and [prtksxna] joined the channel
#[prtksxna]Listened to the whole thing today (Ma.tt Vergecast). Yeah it was pretty good, tantek. It is pretty clear they want to interop, and that they know the IndieWeb can do that for them. 🙂
#[prtksxna][jgmac1106] Wikibase lets you federate btw. There are a bunch that use it to link to items to wikidata.
#[jgmac1106]thx will check it out...just the perennial question of "What is the optimal set up" which the answer seems to always be, "The one you got now..but different"
#[jgmac1106]now I am debating if I need a wiki....prolly not just update HTML pages
#[jgmac1106]meaning people always looking for a better solution to doing work when you might have enough tools now to do work....but you spend all your time debating how you could work better without actually getting to the work
#[KevinMarks]Github has wiki pages for a project of you turn them on.
#[jgmac1106]a personal repo...wonder if people do that
#[jgmac1106]well speaking of work..got a grant proposal to finish
#[prtksxna]Does anyone remember this old essay about a stream (blog) and a garden (wiki) and how to structure the web? I can’t seem to find the correct link
mauz555, gutierri, patterson_, wolftune, zdunn, [schmarty], kraftbj, [jgmac1106], [Lewis_Cowles], fourtonfish and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; gutierri left the channel
ichoquo0Aigh9ie, kraftbj and [bdesham] joined the channel
#[bdesham]people were also mad at Twitter because they were showing sponsored posts from Xinhua Daily (IIUC, a mouthpiece of the Chinese government) that were anti-protest
#[bdesham]I don't see that mentioned in this blog post though
KempfCreative, [fluffy] and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
#[tantek]interesting, did anyone else blog about that? or did that make it into any press articles?
#[tantek]also hello [bdesham]! Good to see you again! Coming to HWC SF this week?
#[tantek]I heard a rumor [benatwork] is going to be at HWC SF this week for sure
kraftbj and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
#[bdesham]hi! I just set up a new IRC/Slack client so now I might have a snowball's chance of keeping up with all the channels I'd like to ;-)
#[bdesham]I'm a "maybe" for this week... I'll have to see how work etc. goes for the next couple days