mapkycaHey folks - QQ: is there a mf2 mark-up for PIDs (persistent identifiers)? Particularly thinking about hCard entries for things like ORCiDs, but maybe more flexible for more general things like DOIs and stuff...
catsup, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
mapkycaInteresting - as a background, with one of my other hats I'm looking at adding a variety of PIDs to resolve to tag a lot of different things, and thinking about using MF markup to provide more flexible syntax around various things and make them machine readable.
aaronpkso i've been having this internal battle lately where I feel like posting to my website too often is going to annoy people, so I end up posting stuff in IRC instead.
aaronpki've been doing a bunch of home automation hacks over the last couple weeks, and now I'm realizing it would have been nice to have a bunch of in progress notes about it on my website, but instead I was just dropping short updates into various IRC channels as I go
aaronpkyeah I already have the concept of "channels", different paths on my website that show different kinds of things (not restricted to content types)
aaronpkit'd mean I need a way for quill to tell my site which channel to post to, which also means another decision to make in the posting interface, which i'm not thrilled about
[tantek]aaronpk, one way to "throttle" that kind of thing (e.g. posting on home automation) is to collect all your notes from the previous day (that you posted to IRC, chat, wherever) on that topic, and integrate them into a *once a day* post in the morning
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "posting frequency" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "posting frequency is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "what should I post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "what should I post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek][KevinMarks] suggestions for names? is /what_to_post good enough or can you come up with a better (simpler? shorter? clearer?) way to express this topic?
lowaragoWhat would be the cheapest way to make your website online? I have a very basic website (only 1 HTML with some CSS and JS), is it possible to have it running online for under $10 (domain name + web hosting) ?