aaronpkI realized the other way I can partially solve this problem is to post my followup messages as a reply to a post on my site, so that I don't "flood" my home page, but I still make individual posts with their own timestamps and tags and such
[jgmac1106]that is how I was doing my to-do list. I had a page i updated with to-do, doing, done and then sent a note that was unlisted with a webmention to the page
jgmac1106you were wondering where it belonged…maybe the tweetstorm page is, as we were debatign how to handle and present a ton of notes without flooding your main feed
jgmac1106has forgotten the reply many a time and broken a thread on twitter, atleast on my website I can fix, always wanted a start thread and end thread button so adding the reply was automatic
aaronpknext up i need to add something to Quill that lets me post videos from it, because right now the only way to get videos onto my site is via instagram
jgmac1106 I love noterlive, use it for live blogging a ton, I need a plain note Kevinmarks, as I maybe covering event but not on panel so shouldn’t interject myself just my thoughts…and in noterlive
KartikPrabhu and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
[timothy_chamberSo on this idea I posted earlier; if i were to create a Mastodon instance, or Mastodon fork for discussing all things #indieweb, #openweb, #fediverse and perhaps also #identity focued ...and wanted to make it potenitally forked so it could also be a lab supporting better integration of #indieweb standards and #Mastodon... and folks that are #indieweb could interact with it from their websites or web tools. I'm now looking for what "brand"
[timothy_chamberwould best cover all that. I was thinking "Openweb" might be inclusive of all those, so perhaps "OPENWEB.TOOLS" or OPENWEB.SOFTWARE or OPENWEB.CLOUD? Do any of those seem compelling?
[fluffy]I was actually using atom feeds to subscribe to some webcomics, which of course don’t work ever since they removed atom because “OStatus is dead” (which it is, but what does that have to do with atom?)
[fluffy]like common guidance is: if a domain dies, instances get annoyed by error messages and blacklist it once it’s gone, and getting it off the blacklist is basically impossible
[fluffy]on a related note, what is the general thoughts around what happens when an indieweb site changes domains, or disappears and gets squatted on? I mean beyond that that normally means for a website going that way