#indieweb 2019-09-24

2019-09-24 UTC
ownyourgram isn't working because of instagram's rate limiting and it's making me not want to post photos or videos at all because they won't go to my website :(
patterson and kensp joined the channel
aaronpk, post directly to your site?
i can posts photos to my site, but i don't have an interface for posting videos
i guess i could hook up an iOS workflow for it
aaronpk, hedge your bets
seekr joined the channel
Instagrams API is pretty infuriating
[snarfed] joined the channel
i assume you mean scraping their HTML 😐
[indienews] New post: "Publ v0.5.5 released" http://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/1031-Publ-v0-5-5-released
heh, yeah. Using 3rd party api libraries is becoming increasingly sketchy because a lot of bot farms use them and have been known to lose their accounts
any scraping at all, sadly. bridgy, granary, and OYG all do their own scraping, no external libraries, but IG's throttling/blocking don't really care what client side code you use
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
We need a cool alternative for Instagram! It has always been a problem.
lol [chrisbergr] meet dansup 😎
[chrisbergr] how about https://pixelfed.org? Here is an example of an account https://pixelfed.social/dansup
It just needs to catch on.
pixelfed.org looks good at the first sight. Need to get a second more detailed view. Thanks for the hint [snarfed] & dansup πŸ™‚
kensp joined the channel
The confirmation mail is only sent with a click on the button, not automatically? That's interesting.
yeah, its still an early project. Lots of UX improvements to do
It's not so much about that as much as it is regarding the entire fediverse in general. It will take years to promote mass adoption of most of these wonderful pieces of software.
rEnr3n joined the channel
If there were bridgy pixelfed support and an iphone app, I' d immediately remove instagram and convince all my friends to switch too.
[chrisbergr] try https://fed.brid.gy/ with pixelfed!
Thanks for providing all those tools, [snarfed] πŸ™‚ Because this one is totally new for me I'll need some time...
patterson joined the channel
Can I use a trackback instead of an empty link (<a href="https://fed.brid.gy/"></a>) in my content?
bltavares, [fluffy] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Someday I need to figure out a decent workflow for encoding video to HLS or DASH and just hosting it on Backblaze or other static file hosting or something. Not that I post video often but when I do I die a little inside every time I put it on YouTube.
KartikPrabhu and [timothy_chamber joined the channel
Perhaps a dumb question, but for my creating a mastodon bot that would repost this into the Fediverse, does this page also have an RSS feed?
kensp, wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[chrisbergr] you can omit the link entirely if you want. webmention with source alone is enough
(technically won't be spec compliant, but this use of wm-as-trigger is unconventional anyway)
gRegorLove joined the channel
[timothy_chambers] if it’s a normal mastodon account that’ sbeing posted to then yeah it’ll have an atom feed
at least until mastodon removes atom like they keep threatening to do
also in my experience you do actually need the link to fed.brid.gy to be there for it to pick the link up
despite you saying the same thing to me snarfed πŸ™‚
wolftune and bupkes joined the channel
oops sorry, [fluffy] is right! i was thinking about something else. too many codebases
[Michael_Beckwit, bupkes, AngeloGladding, kensp, [tantek], cweiske and [Rose] joined the channel
Holiday approved for IWC Brighton!
-> meta?
jihaisse and [tonz] joined the channel
good morning!
good morning
gxt and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
can you not simply scrape insta by setting curl user-agent? Their markup seems static-ish
as a fallback when the API is being a phool
patterson, boatsandhoesDisc, [fluffy], stevestreza, rntsrtoh^, anotheryou, kants, treora and corenominal joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
catsup, [Rose], patterson and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
It looks like I'm too stupid to get this https://fed.brid.gy/ stuff to work. Too bad.
!tell aaronpk webmention.io triggers the notification hook before it considers the incoming mention/pingback as spam or check it if it's an update or not. Would it be possible to move the notification hook after the checks, once the mention is actually stored in the list?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[chrisbergr]: I have fed.brid.gy running, what's wrong?
First of all I'd describe myself as somewhere between generation 2/3. Love all the concepts but don't understand them all in detail. I've done the setup as described on the page, done a test but couln't see anythin on the bridgy fed logs.
And of course I didn't see an answer to [snarfed]'s mastodon post, contrary to my expectations.
U6aMy0wojraho and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] try
is there a way for me to pipe IRC chat to programs or log or >file or |espeak
maybe i could make a irc simple user dungeon
or play zork
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
[pfefferle] already installed, together with webmention and WebSub/PubSubHubbub
Testing this stuff at ambersaunders.de
chrisbergr has 1 karma over the last year
[KevinMarks] joined the channel; GelvenDiscord[m] left the channel
This chat on Particular or irc in general?
[tonz], eli_oat, deathrow1, [jgmac1106] and [spieper] joined the channel; U6aMy0wojraho left the channel
[chrisbergr]: I'm happy to help with fed bridgy (sorry for the extreme delays, I'm having a rather busy day), but it probably falls into the indieweb-dev chat, so let's continue there, ok?
actually... I stand corrected, my fed.brid.gy syndication has been broken for a while.
I need to fix that first :D
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
good morning!
krychu, wolftune and [snarfed] joined the channel; KubeWorshipperDi left the channel
petermolnar: well that doesn't sound right
aaronpk: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 33 minutes ago: webmention.io triggers the notification hook before it considers the incoming mention/pingback as spam or check it if it's an update or not. Would it be possible to move the notification hook after the checks, once the mention is actually stored in the list?
If that's the case I would have thought I'd be seeing a lot more spam on my website
gxt and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk I have been doing video to archive.org and posting that on my website
or just ftping video files over and adding the link
...I also upped to a 100gigs of hosting so stopped worrying about video a bit, but archive.org works real well for hosting openly licensed video
aaronpk: I think he is referring to when I mentioned yesterday you should set up a video posting workflow to be prepared if Instagram is often not working for you
yeah im not worried about the storage, it's a UI thing
Question. Maybe interesting (I hope).
Is there a good IndieWeb solution for self-hosted video streaming?
UI/workflow. Like how do I actually get a video from my phone to my website. Turns out Instagram did a good job of making a video creation UI
[Lewis_Cowles]: There are several tools for it, depending on what your end goal is. I put this together a while ago https://aaronparecki.com/2016/11/19/15/self-hosted-facebook-live
[Aaron Parecki] Creating a Self-Hosted Alternative to Facebook Live using Nginx and Micropub
yeah that is where I keep an ftp client on my phone, shoot video ftp to /video then I just add a <video> link to a template I keep saved on phone as well, haven't tried a micropub client
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk: i have been playing with iOS Clips app for this
quick (silly) video edits. then i need to extract some pieces of my Live Photo to Micropub Video shortcut (add caption, tags, post it)
Oh yeah I keep meaning to try that app
does wevideo work on iOS, awesome tool for Chrome/Android for editing and sharing
mauz555, mauz555_, gareppa, bronzehedwick and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk: whoa the github gist backfeed on that post of yours. manual?https://aaronparecki.com/2016/11/19/15/self-hosted-facebook-live#mentions
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Heh I've had a couple of videos sitting about for more than a year because my site doesn't really support them
Although I think it should be possible to update everything. Even my Instagram posse could post videos and stories with a bit of effort
[snarfed]: huh I didn't notice that before!
i think possibly that person put the gist URL in my webmention form!
huh. cool!
wolftune, gareppa, gxt, [Will_Monroe], jeremycherfas, [fluffy], leg and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; leg and Zuhtep4848[m] left the channel
Wow. Media measurement giant Comscore and its former CEO have been charged with fraud by the SEC. https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2019-186
[tantek] joined the channel
hey guys, what you think about gatsby for making static websites?
I am working on my hugo-based website right now, but I don't now if gatsby could be easier and better (plugins, community)
what is gatsby?
Gatsby is a React-based static site generator with live preview https://indieweb.org/gatsby
check for indieweb examples there?
* I am working on my hugo-based website right now, but I don't know if gatsby could be easier and better (plugins, community)
* hey guys, what do you think about gatsby for making static websites?
did those messages just get re-echoed?
i'm guessing that's the matrix or discord bridge's way of editing messages
eh I can't tell
so last year was the 'year' of the reader
this year was the one of .. community?
I'm thinking / seeing next year being more client-driven
[schmarty] joined the channel
perks up
like micropub clients?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
The Gatsby eco system is definitely huge. Also there are lot of Gatsby personal websites that are not on the wiki (probably developers but that's a guess)
jacky, I think "community" is too abstract/broad to be a "year of" theme
if anything, we certainly learned that our Readers still have a long way to go to be easily usable on mobile
though for the folks who *have* gotten current Readers to work for them, there has been quite a bit of discussion about *discovery* as the next logical step/theme
I have said it a few times
Discovery being a problem we need to tackle
If we don't expand our personal networks, then we lose the opportunity to engage with new people and ideas
what is discovery
Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery
GWG, if you have ideas, even ideas of needs/why, definitely add to /discovery#Brainstorming accordingly!
I know we had some discussion of following at IWS.
I have to look if we documented
wolftune and sawebb287 joined the channel
that's very true!
Hory joined the channel
thinks he should do something with indieweb.directory :eye:
jacky, were you in one of the two follower/discovery sessions at IWS?
Things blend together
I _think_ so
can't recall
There were two, which is why I thought you might have been in the other one
I will have to check
Following has not been a problem I have worked on except in theory
sawebb287 and kensp joined the channel
soooo the IG algorithm just asked me to take a survey about which posts matter to me more
I'm doing it
since it's showing me semi-private (possibly) data / people, I'm not screenshotting per se
rough UI:
Survey / 1 OF 10
Number 1 | Number 2
Which would you want to see first?
[ Number 1 ] [ Number 2 ]
( the Number 1 | Number 2 are tabs that switch between showing you two different embedded posts)
wolftune, ni291187 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; ni291187 left the channel
wow so far there has been a fairly clear "winner" in each pair
the embeds are fully functional, e.g. I was able to "like" the photos that were being shown to me
when I answered the last 1vs2 comparison, the survey closed and left me an insert in my main "reader" stream view:
Thanks for letting us know.
We'll use your responses to help improve Instagram.
krychu, seekr and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I think I was interested in discovery because I started working on my microsub server + client then
I want to continue to update my feed list
patterson, wolftune, [tantek]1, KartikPrabhu, jgmac1106 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; Turtle1331Discor left the channel
kensp joined the channel
jgmac1106, kensp and [tantek] joined the channel
KevinMarks do you have a diff link for that code of conduct?