aaronpkownyourgram isn't working because of instagram's rate limiting and it's making me not want to post photos or videos at all because they won't go to my website :(
dansupheh, yeah. Using 3rd party api libraries is becoming increasingly sketchy because a lot of bot farms use them and have been known to lose their accounts
[snarfed]any scraping at all, sadly. bridgy, granary, and OYG all do their own scraping, no external libraries, but IG's throttling/blocking don't really care what client side code you use
cambridgeport90[It's not so much about that as much as it is regarding the entire fediverse in general. It will take years to promote mass adoption of most of these wonderful pieces of software.
[fluffy]Someday I need to figure out a decent workflow for encoding video to HLS or DASH and just hosting it on Backblaze or other static file hosting or something. Not that I post video often but when I do I die a little inside every time I put it on YouTube.
KartikPrabhu and [timothy_chamber joined the channel
[timothy_chamberPerhaps a dumb question, but for my creating a mastodon bot that would repost this into the Fediverse, does this page also have an RSS feed?
kensp, wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
petermolnar!tell aaronpk webmention.io triggers the notification hook before it considers the incoming mention/pingback as spam or check it if it's an update or not. Would it be possible to move the notification hook after the checks, once the mention is actually stored in the list?
[chrisbergr]First of all I'd describe myself as somewhere between generation 2/3. Love all the concepts but don't understand them all in detail. I've done the setup as described on the page, done a test but couln't see anythin on the bridgy fed logs.
petermolnar[chrisbergr]: I'm happy to help with fed bridgy (sorry for the extreme delays, I'm having a rather busy day), but it probably falls into the indieweb-dev chat, so let's continue there, ok?
Loqiaaronpk: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 33 minutes ago: webmention.io triggers the notification hook before it considers the incoming mention/pingback as spam or check it if it's an update or not. Would it be possible to move the notification hook after the checks, once the mention is actually stored in the list?
[jgmac1106]...I also upped to a 100gigs of hosting so stopped worrying about video a bit, but archive.org works real well for hosting openly licensed video
GWG_aaronpk: I think he is referring to when I mentioned yesterday you should set up a video posting workflow to be prepared if Instagram is often not working for you
[jgmac1106]yeah that is where I keep an ftp client on my phone, shoot video ftp to /video then I just add a <video> link to a template I keep saved on phone as well, haven't tried a micropub client
[grantcodes]The Gatsby eco system is definitely huge. Also there are lot of Gatsby personal websites that are not on the wiki (probably developers but that's a guess)
[tantek]though for the folks who *have* gotten current Readers to work for them, there has been quite a bit of discussion about *discovery* as the next logical step/theme
LoqiDiscovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery