cambridgeport90[I was looking at the conversation from last night regarding discovery. I’m sorry I wasn’t more involved. I think we do have a couple of people who put out directories, though.
[grantcodes]Yep, there are also already multiple that exist. The tech / idea isn't the problem, it's getting people on it and or management / curation if necessary.
[grantcodes]I still think a specialized microsub "client "is the way to go. It wouldn't be a reader per se, but whoever signs up could allow their content to analyzed in some way. The base part of that is not so difficult, but I wouldn't know how to start analyzing what is popular & what to recommend etc. etc. Also privacy would be a thing...
[jgmac1106]you make it opt in, you log in for first time, decide what post types to share. discovery works on first and second degree, friends and then friends of friends, based on number of likes, replies, and mentions
dougbeal|mb1 and Hory joined the channel; dillonDiscord[m] left the channel
[grantcodes]I think I might apply to that web monetization one when it comes out too. It's actually kind of interesting in a reader as that is a valid reason why some people / companies don't like rss or other readers. No direct views = no ads = no money. But maybe the monetization api can help solve that
[tantek][jgmac1106] consider adding your ideas on discovery to /discovery#Brainstorming *before* you work them into grant applications, so you can get help from the community with iterating / revising them
[Lewis_Cowles], deathrow1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpknow that my posts I makewhile on a plane link to the flight post on my website, I wonder if I should send webmentions to the flight post so they all appear on the flight
[Rose], krychu, [tantek] and wolftune joined the channel
[tantek]in Swarm, specific Flight numbers are venues, so you could use your Flight posts as venues as well, and "location tag" your posts you make on the plane with that flight-post-as-venue