[Marten]Heya folks, trying to get set up on the wiki. I don't have my own website, so I'd like to authenticate through Twitter (seems the easiest alternative), and from what I understand I need to paste a version on this <a href="https://twitter.com/aaronpk" rel="me">twitter.com/aaronpk</a> somewhere in my bio. Where exactly? If it's in the URL box, can I paste this in addition to my current URL (not my own page)? Thx!
awolf, [grantcodes] and gareppa joined the channel
[sebsel]Hey [Marten], yea, the wiki really requires your own website, as a proof of work. The ‘bio’ that is talked about is the website. Once you link up your website and your twitter (by putting a link to the other side on both), you can use Twitter to log into the wiki. But it starts with the site. We’re happy to help with that though!
[frank]Hi [Marten] just a tip, on https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site you can get a real simple page to get started with your own site. You can even host it on Github so you don't have to register a domainname.
[frank]Hmm...that's too bad. I just tested with my own fork of the page and it looked like I got through. But unfortunately I never got logged in. There was no error message in the process though.