#indieweb 2019-09-30

2019-09-30 UTC
milkii, KempfCreative, nitot, kensp, nnst^, awolf, [Rose], gareppa, krychu, cweiske, gxt, jihaisse, [Zegnat] and olind joined the channel
Hello! Heard about indieweb on a wordpress pod. I would like to publish and work in WordPress but if possible push changes to my instagram. Wold that be possible?
[JHSheridan] joined the channel
Hi Olind: Unfortunately, instagram has recently limited the API calls allowed by the two best tools for instagram/indieweb connection... Bridgy and OwnYourGram. The community has been having an on-going discussion as to what to do about this, but I don't think there's a cut and dry solution as of yet.
thanks! ok, as i suspected :)
not toooo keen on insta but it seems as everyone is there
I feel exactly the same
Twitter and bridgy work really well together. I'm strongly considering leaving instagram behind and just posting all my photos on Twitter (which will then be sent to mastodon)
Makes things easier, and removes reliance on another silo
but I do have the same feeling as you (everyone is there)
I'm just putting the final touches on my site, and I've realized that the decisions you have to make about which silos to interact with and how everything should fit together are just as difficult as the technical issues. This is a really great and friendly community though, and people are really nice and helpful and willing to discuss here.
Make sure you join the #indieweb-wordpress channel as well if you're going to be using Wordpress to get on the indieweb. Wordpress was my choice as well, so I'm happy to help you however I can.
thanks a lot :)
for my personal webb i can just ditch instagram (havent been on there for 3 months)
but i run a small indie-climbing-company and it would be really nice to at least have some precensce there
nice... would be cool to see some businesses go indieweb
speaking of instagram ...
have you heard of pixelfed.org?
it uses ActivityPub federation and atom feeds, we're working on more indieweb features :)
example account: https://pixelfed.social/earth
yea for a business you’re not only looking for a place to post and share photo’s, it’s also the network Instagram gives you. Hard to replace that.
I do manual crossposting. That is also a valid strategy: more work, but it works. You can automate some steps in it
Yes, i have done manual cross posting before
but got so sick of fb/ig this spring that i might be ok with just leaving it totaly
the network effect is real, it only takes one kardashian/jenner to join pixelfed ;)
the indieweb needs to be more user friendly, and activitypub will help with that
Nice work dansup... I remember seeing this project a while back, but I had no idea the creator was an indieweber
thanks! I swear I will finish this before the end of year, heh https://github.com/dansup/php-micropub
[frank] joined the channel
RE Instagram, there are some bridges that help you out somehow, like Buffer.com and CoSchedule. You still need to manually post but they do the heavy lifting of copy/paste text and images. It's not free if you are a heavy user and maybe not as open and "yourself-owned" as you'd want it to be.
thanks a lot, it's not worth the effort for me. I think I just leave it instead :)
just signed up for pixelfed [dansup]
[JHSheridan]: awesome, just be aware that pixelfed.social is slower than the rest due to the amount of active users. I'm working on performance improvements
Me to :)
it has an average of 2k MAU which strains the small VPS its hosted on
the growth has blown my mind, https://the-federation.info/node/pixelfed.social
projects like this can expose a lot of people to the indieweb without even realizing it.
awesome growth
So there's no indieweb integration yet? But it's coming?
yes, webmentions and micropub are the priority
atom feeds are supported atm, https://pixelfed.social/users/earth.atom
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Hey [dansup]
I am lost... pfefferle.org syndicates without problems... but notiz.blog does not work 😞
hmm, I will investigate!
[Lewis_Cowles], [tonz] and H joined the channel; jgmDiscord[m] left the channel
[pfefferle] can you give a brief answer as to how you're syndicating to pixelfed? Maybe a link to something on the wiki that'll give me a thread to pull on?
I think the 'how' seems more like a discussion for the #dev channel :)
[dansup] let me know if I can help debugging
Sorry for stupid question. I registered on pixelfed.social but I don't know where to start for autopublishing & if possible republish my old content from wordpress or if possible from ig
gareppa and nitot joined the channel
i do not autopublish/syndicate to pixelfed… you can directly subscribe to my blog on pixelfed…
jgmac1106, krychu, [tantek] and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning all. I hope everyone had a good time at IWC AMS and look forward to reading and watching all about it.
[grantcodes], krychu and patterson joined the channel
Hi all... I'm working on my "Hello World" post on my new indieweb site. I'm using it as an opportunity to explain why I've chosen to go IndieWeb over communicating strictly thru the silos themselves. Does anyone think that there's anything better than the 3 principles listed on the home page to quickly sum up what the indieweb is to a non-technical audience. By that I mean "Your content is yours", "You are better connected", and "You are in
gareppa joined the channel
That's as good as anything, I reckon.
Although I quibble aspects of better connected (if you don't POSSE and backfeed) and control (if you depend on hosting).
Those are just quibbles though.
Thanks Jeremy
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
not connecting only on silos is a better connection, even if it is a connection of one
[tonz] joined the channel
[JHSheridan] I use, your identity your creative output and your conversations/interaction all in one place, yours
thanks [tonz]
NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
This is a useful phrasing of why we came to the conclusion at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam that Flickr is 'mostly fine' https://infullflow.net/2019/09/indieweb-its-about-first-ownership/ (unlike w fb or T with photos by definition the first instance of what you share is on your own devices)
NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
perfect.. thanks for sharing
nitot, krychu, jihaisse, KempfCreative, [aaronpk] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[dansup] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], nitot, [grantcodes], anotheryou, gareppa, [snarfed], [Rose] and akierig joined the channel
[tantek], awolf, [schmarty], nitot, sp1ff, [Zegnat], gareppa, dougbeal|mb1, wolftune, jgmac1106, kensp, [jgmac1106], [aaronpk], gxt, krychu, bkardell, [KevinMarks], [benatwork], paulrobertlloyd, [snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
Sounds like a good discussion about Flickr, although I think from an IndieWeb perspective it's much simpler to talk about personal domain names and ownership. Otherwise people get lost in the weeds with servers, copies of the content, etc. If you want to own your content on the web, you put it at your own domain. That's it. Everything else is icing on the cake.
manton has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
wolftune and jgmac1106 joined the channel
manton, I downloaded my images over 1tb. I can't put on my domain, need an intermediary for manjority and use my website for a highlight reel
sure! indieweb can be a spectrum, not black and white. eg most (all?) photos on tantek.com are hosted externally, eg on foursquare or indieweb.org
using your own domain for web pages is probably more important than for assets, even photos, since permalinks you distribute are usually pages and not raw images
that makes sense
just investigating myself as I am playing with images and trying to figure out how best to serve them
wolftune joined the channel
Yeah, 1 TB is difficult except for a place that is designed for photos. Although I don’t think blogs need full-resolution photos either.
patterson joined the channel
They don't at all... Learning img optomization is next goal
Could see offering a request full version contact form
patterson, wolftune, nitot and [adam] joined the channel
I’ve got some basic micropub things working on my site now, signed up for microsub with Aperture, but unclear how to get, e.g. my Twitter feed into Aperture. is that possible?
...which is a good nudge. twitter now blocks new API keys on an approval process, and i expect they'll turn down people who say they want an app for twitter-atom. i need to figure out what to do there.
[adam] in the meantime feel free to use https://granary.io/ instead
https://granary.io/ is more comprehensive, yes
more importantly it uses its own twitter API key instead of making you bring your own
great, thanks all
Ok, maybe I’m being silly, but what URL does Aperture need once I’m setup on Granary?
KempfCreative joined the channel
after you log in with twitter, change the format drop-down to atom, then click GET, then copy the URL at the top of the output box
(apologies for the UI, granary is mostly meant for developers, not end users)
(i am a developer, it’s just late 🙈)
ok, that worked, far too much micropub work for one evening, but at least it’s working! Thanks for you help