2019-10-11 UTC
KartikPrabhu, dopplergange, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], kensp, patterson, [Michael_Beckwit, gRegorLove and [saleh] joined the channel
# 01:47 [saleh] Hey everybody, my name is Saleh. I was looking forward to attending the camp last weekend, but something came up and I left nyc. I however hope to catch y'all in another opportunity in the future 🙂
kensp, patterson, KempfCreative, strugee, [Michael_Beckwit, wolftune, whjms, [fluffy], [Lewis_Cowles], Zegnet, rhiaro_, ben_thatmust, treora_, kants_, sonicrocketman_, JasonO-, stevestreza, distopico, gRegorLove, buirg, krychu, [grantcodes], [KevinMarks], [tantek] and gxt joined the channel
# 08:45 [tantek] I keep forgetting to post about my (original) blogiversary. I think I need "On this day" as a reminder for such things.
# 08:45 [tantek] Does anyone here do regular (annual) blogiversary posts
# 08:58 [tantek] (in checking my archives, looks like I literally have not blogged a blogiversary since 2008, so never in my "new"(2010+) blog)
# 09:00 [tantek] I feel [KevinMarks] may have some blogiversary post/behavior examples, I think this may have been more of a thing in the mid (20)00s
# 09:04 [tantek] blogiversary is a post (usually a note, sometimes an article) that commemorates the anniversary of starting your blog.
# 09:07 [tantek] ooh Loqi bug - the fragment unfurling is hijacking the "<<" action!
# 09:07 beko[m] oh… got one of that from 2001 😁 It's not in the database since I switched from hand crafted HTML to WordPress in 2004 🙂 May backdate it for the 20th 😁
# 09:07 [tantek] @KevinMarks the "<<" of your posts are being ignored by Loqi!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 10:27 [jeremycherfas] Why is it blogiversary but blogosphere? (Rhetorical question, but still, I happen to think blogoversary sounds better.)
# 10:54 [jgmac1106] atmosphere->osphere and anniversary->iversary..but I agree with you
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 11:02 GWG Anyone have any Indieweb weekend plans?
# 11:05 [jgmac1106] I do...read gwg iwc nyc blog post he is going to publish before the newsletter deadline
# 11:06 GWG [jgmac1106]: I wrote several posts about things that I discussed at IWC NYC
# 11:06 [jgmac1106] no if they are already written even better! Just make sure to add to the wiki page or syndicate news
# 11:07 Loqi gwg has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (153 in all channels)
# 11:09 GWG In discovery or if they show up correctly when parsed?
# 11:09 [jgmac1106] either just making sure someone who doesn't know what they are doing can add me to their feeds
[Lewis_Cowles], [Will_Monroe], hs0ucy and jeremych_ joined the channel
# 12:06 jeremycherfas !tell [jgmac1106] I believe you are parsing those words wrongly. It is atmos-sphere and anni-versary, etylomogically. But nobody cares about that stuff.
# 12:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 12:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 13:25 [jgmac1106] Yea I was parsing based on the new words not Latin roots.... And I mix up French and Latin prununciations all the time
gyanrosling, anotheryou, [JHSheridan], wolftune, gareppa, [tantek], t-mo, gxt, patterson, [SE_NOVEM], hs0ucy, vgszmilhv, [aaronpk], gRegorLove, [fluffy], DavidFalconDisco, [jgmac1106], akierig, kensp, gRegorLove_, rektide, rektide2, FusonDiscord[m], [Jon_Letts], deathrow1, [chrisbergr] and QwertyWhoreDisco joined the channel