#indieweb 2019-10-26

2019-10-26 UTC
DenSchub joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Why Publ won’t support magic auth links" http://publ.beesbuzz.biz/blog/1266-Why-Publ-wont-support-magic-auth-links
[fluffy] joined the channel
Hm, I guess I really should add h-card to the Publ blog, huh
gxt joined the channel
I think a u-author should work
ran into this before
I mean any sort of author markup, really. I don’t have any at all right now 🙂
[qubyte], kensp, patterson, gRegorLove, marcusr, KartikPrabhu, DenSchub, OberstKrueger, OberstKrueger_, [tantek], gxt, [Lewis_Cowles], piperswe46, MattJ and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
*yawn* ... /stretch/
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
GreyNicholson[m], Hory, gareppa, MattJ, [Rose], [manton], wolftune, [Lewis_Cowles], [KevinMarks], [tantek], BigShip, Jeena and [Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel; MattJ left the channel
Hello, I need some opinions of way to label a page with most micro indieweb content.
Looking for opinions or ideas.
The sections I have on my site are, about, work and blog. Just recently I included the sub-sections of Notes, Replies & Photos. But I eventually add more like Bookmarks, Reposts, Likes and Workouts. I’m in middle of a redesigning process so I want it to keep it short with 4 major sections / Nav links. I will keep About, Work and Blog as is but I’m having a hard time to came up with something to label all the other content I will be constan
posting. I’ve seen some use just Notes but I don’t know, I was thinking Activity and even Stream but I’m not really sure.
gareppa and gRegorLove joined the channel
Welcome [Ramiro_Ruiz]! What's your site URL?
Thank you, as you can see right now I only have Notes, Replies & Photos. Current design is the old one but I don’t want to wait to finish the new design to start posting and sharing so those 3 sub-sections on the bottom are momentarily.
[Ramiro_Ruiz]: that looks good. I do something similar with "other stuffs" where I put things that don't go into my main navigation
tsrt^ joined the channel
Thanks, yeah that’s why I want to come up with something to have it on my main nav of 4 links. I know it will not explain all the things I will post in there but to get an idea, like some social profiles with Timeline but I don’t like that one.
Hory_, kensp, rrix, gkmngrgn, gRegorLove, patterson, seekr, hacdiasDiscord[m, jekpopulousDisco, bmiller59Discord, MachiavelaDiscor, M0zAND1z0837[m], MissLavenderDisc, michwillDiscord[ and blassin joined the channel; ZedDiscord[m], michwillDiscord[ and MattJ left the channel