#indieweb 2019-10-25

2019-10-25 UTC
[tantek], danbee, kensp, tcpman, slade401, KempfCreative1, patterson, jjuran, [Lewis_Cowles], [dougbeal], [snarfed] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel; tcpman left the channel
no on tiktok here. my life isn't interesting enough for video 😄
[tonz], wolftune and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
I used Vine. Had no motivation to use tiktok now. The same was the case with gowalla vs foursquare. The only reason why I use Swarm now is OwnYourSwarm, but I always forget to check in.
pixelfed is working on a Vine like feature called Loops! https://pixelfed.social/discover/loops
AkyRhO_, cweiske and [frank] joined the channel
[neil] Thanks for your replies on my blogpost. Did you send out webmentions to my site? I don't see anything in my queue.
XgF, krychu, jihaisse, kensp, marcusr and [Rose] joined the channel
Bringing in the promotion/POSSE/PESOS connversation from #indieweb-chat \
[sebsel] generally I want just the one note to “promote” the article, not every article, but it’s crafted to show off something in it.
Sometimes things will get posted about multiple times.
hm yeah I've definitely posted a note about a blog post. Usually it includes more than just the name of the post, so I post it as a separate note which is often syndicated to other places
Do you also syndicate the article title+url automatically in those cases?
no I almost never syndicate an article by itself
I definitely do, but that’s because some of these posts are the kind you can do that with
this also hooks into webmentions-as-twitter-likes: that pattern only works if you syndicate the article as a tweet, of if you make a separate syndicated note post about it, then the likes go to that note page (or does bridgy translate? you have a lot of twitter likes aaron)
Good point, do you link the article to the note Aaron?
Because I would definitely consider the note to be an extension of the article, and would want feedback to come to the article, not the note.
https://aaronparecki.com/2019/09/30/3/unlisted-posts lol this one has a lot of likes and even retweets, but they are all indieweb native and/or activitypub
[Aaron Parecki] Adding Identity to OAuth XYZ
Bridgy does translate
gareppa joined the channel
Bridgy does that arguably incorrectly, at least for how I want it to work
bridgy sees the link to my article in my posse note, and then includes the article in the bridgy page for the webmention
whereas I've explicitly said that my note is this tweet, not the article is this tweet
So I end up with the webmentions sent to both the article and the note on my site
It's particularly weird when this happens with my named undated pages like my "now" page, because every time I mention it in a tweet, the responses to the tweet are sent to the page
gareppa joined the channel
Hmmm, seems like something that should be fixable
Well the problem is it's how bridgy does original post discovery too
Anyway the relevance to this conversation is that my intent is to treat the notes separately from the articles. I don't consider them the same post as the article when posseing
Which I suspect also feeds into what you show on sites like micro.blog and the feeds available for subscription?
marcusr joined the channel
Hmm. I think micro.blog shows both, and so does my home page
gareppa joined the channel
Welcome [Sebastian_Grassl]!
kensp and [Sebastian_Grass joined the channel
rise and shine!
jeremych_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb Interesting scrollback. I do write notes about articles and syndicate them, but only from one of my sites to an article on another site. I think the feedback is doing what I expect.
kevinmarks++ for the noterlive convo from #redecentralize
kevinmarks has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
jihaisse, [KevinMarks], hs0ucy and [tantek] joined the channel
hey y'all, just gave a lightning talk at Redecentralize and posted summary & links: https://tantek.com/2019/298/t1/lightning-talk-redecentralize-rdc19
[Tantek Çelik] Gave a 3min lightning talk @redecentralize #rdc19, show > tell. #redecentralize links shown & words spoken from memory: * Started with: https://tantek.com/ Hi my name is Tantek, the .com is silent. I’m @t on Twitter when not blocked. I have bee...
marcusr joined the channel
suggestion: turn RSVPs into p-attendee inline in indie events and convert them to ATTENDEE in the ICS
gxt joined the channel
MattJ joined the channel
If I start going to more events as I have... events and RSVPs may get bumped up on my development list
marcusr joined the channel
I need to update my lis5
gareppa joined the channel
tantek but then you have to separate shows and no-shows, be neat (though no idea how magic would work)..if RSVP checks into venue their RSVP turns into p-attendee
Good morning, [jgmac1106]
jihaisse joined the channel
morning gwg
Any exciting Indieweb themed plans for the coming weekend?
Not injuring myself further so I can actually do IndieWeb stuff seems like a good step 1
Maybe step 0, depends how you’re counting
well its mozfest, can't be there but working on this https:.//goifnetwork.org to hopefully lead to an IWC Accra in February
Bit far for me to go, but I would remote
[Rose]: Try to stay safe.
I still want to finish Simple Location 4.0...and yes, [jgmac1106], I know it isn't simple
and I want update my podcast feeds, get them registered...
I know GWG, why I like it, like calling a really big person "Tiny" as a nickname
cris2 and jihaisse joined the channel
It just was going to be a much smaller update before I got into the weeds, as if often the case with me
I wonder if anyone wants sunrise and sunset on their website.
some may for cute little easter eggs, but it is edge case, I think your reasoning for Sabbat would be the most common
You could do prayer times for Islam as well as those are based on the sun
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
i'm using sunraise/sunset to change my stylesheet
[jgmac1106]: I might need a PR for that
cweiske: Do you adjust for current location and elevation?
no, it's always my home address that matters
I am writing it so it will be based on my last reported location
Which is defined as the last place I posted from
I am spending more time outside of GMT-4/5 of late
KempfCreative and hs0ucy joined the channel
adactio++ for having a dark theme which works with FF on linux
adactio has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
what is dark mode
dark mode is a feature of websites and apps that change the color scheme to be easier to read at night or in low light settings https://indieweb.org/dark_mode
[snarfed] joined the channel
re notes that "promote" articles, bridgy will backfeed to both if you include the same syndication link in both (cc sebsel [Rose])
and yes [aaronpk] is right, bridgy is "promiscuous" in that it interprets any tweet (etc) that links to the post as its POSSEd post. this is an intentional compromise, and definitely not perfect
https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/241 is one opt-in answer to it. i'm open to merging PRs for it!
[voxpelli] #241 Option for forcing strict original post discovery
snarfed what do I have to do after I syndicated a note with Bridgy and want to syndicate a reply to that note but reply to the note and note the Tweet?
after syndication I have tried to remember to go back and switch the u-syndication back to Twitter rather than to the rel=canonical https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-10-15-4
This is so awesome! Got GitHub actions working and this should be first note I push live instantly by saving in my text editor....bad news I wrote over my repo trying to get all my different local versions on point.
[jgmac1106] just u-in-reply-to your original note. bridgy publish will see its synd link and automatically POSSE a twitter reply
[jgmac1106], [snarfed]: can you move the tech talk to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
not* the Tweet
Loqi: hmm. maybe? this is a use case
[jgmac1106] last line of https://brid.gy/about#reply
[qubyte], gareppa, [Rose], [schmarty], wolftune and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
!loqi tell jgmac1106 to shut down chat and get back to work
!tell jgmac1106 to shut down chat and get back to work
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tonz], tsrt^, akierig, gRegorLove, akierig_, jeremycherfas, akierig__, gareppa, t-mo, leg, kolaente, kensp, [Rose], gkmngrgn, jbove, gxt, DenSchub, rEnr3n, [qubyte], [schmarty], kwep, KartikPrabhu and throw_ joined the channel
Can somebody point out the problem with this JSON object?
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 8 column 1 of the JSON data
is it the empty strings?
[dougbeal] joined the channel
im trying to send a var with that data to JSON.parse
[snarfed] joined the channel
throw_: => #indieweb-dev
answered you there
[KevinMarks], rEnr3n, patterson, hs0ucy_ and hs0ucy joined the channel; MattJ and leg left the channel