2019-11-24 UTC
rektide, rektide2, KartikPrabhu, patterson, kensp, JasonO, wolftune, [jgmac1106], imsky, KempfCreative, rEnr3n, KempfCreative1, Decobus, gxt and [Rose] joined the channel
bltavares_, gRegorLove, kensp and patterson joined the channel
# 07:28 [Rose] Alright, time to leave my hotel and locate transport to Mozilla
# 07:29 [Rose] 62 minutes until Doors Open at IWC Berlin2 for Hackday!
# 07:29 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-11-24 8:31am UTC (#6680)
# 07:50 GWG_ I am going to start heading over in a few minutes
Kristjan1291983 and jjuran joined the channel
# 08:32 Loqi Doors Open at IWC Berlin2 for Hackday!
# 08:32 Loqi Loqi has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (28 in all channels)
# 08:33 Loqi Doors Open at IWC Berlin2 for Hackday!
# 08:34 Loqi Doors Open at IWC Berlin2 for Hackday!
[tantek] joined the channel
# 08:35 Loqi Doors Open at IWC Berlin2 for Hackday!
dietricha and sl007 joined the channel
pogush joined the channel
# 10:11 jacky yo I need to find the source from the oatmeal
# 10:12 jacky but this is def peak CTA for IndieWeb lol
[cheukting_ho] joined the channel
# 10:25 [cheukting_ho] Relaxing at Mozilla office
[LewisCowles], kensp and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 11:33 Zegnat Good morning IndieWeb. I am afriad half my hack day disappeared to sleep and brunch, but I am going to try and get something done! :D
[tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
# 11:46 Loqi jacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 12:08 [jgmac1106] good luck zegnat, not too much website work for me this weekend, trying to catch up on real work
asymptotically and misterwhatever joined the channel
# 12:48 Loqi OpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a message exchange format that uses public key cryptography to enable people to exchange encrypted and/or signed data; on the IndieWeb, you can use PGP to setup your IndieAuth without depending on any silos https://indieweb.org/pgp
# 12:50 Loqi treora has 2 karma over the last year
# 12:54 [jgmac1106] felt like I needed to do something, delteted all my music from my website, installed owncloud, and now reuploading all my music there
# 12:54 Zegnat Skimming that draft, it looks like clients will try a different (imo much more involved) URL first. Wonder why. Guess I need to read the whole thing and find their reasoning
pogush joined the channel
# 13:24 treora Zegnat: somewhere in the RFC this is answered:
# 13:24 treora setting up the Web Key Directory in environments where more than one
# 13:24 treora mail domain is hosted.”
# 13:24 treora “The benefit of the advanced method is its greater flexibility in
# 13:24 Zegnat Yeah, I am just not sure I see it. Since you basically put the domain in the URL twice :shrug:
# 13:24 treora “… DNS SRV resource records, as used in earlier
# 13:24 treora which have only limited access to DNS resolvers. The direct method
# 13:24 treora specifications of this protocol, posed a problem for implementations
# 13:24 treora is kept for backward compatibility and to allow providing a Web Key
# 13:25 treora Directory even with without DNS change requirements.”
# 13:28 treora Zegnat: I guess the benefit is that the ‘openpgpkey’ subdomain of several domains can all be a CNAME DNS record that redirects to a single server.
# 13:29 Zegnat Yes, I guess that is it :) But lets drop it, or take it to dev, rather than fill #indieweb with PGP talk
wiedi_ joined the channel
# 14:18 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-11-24 3:00pm UTC (#6681)
# 14:18 [Rose] Aka, time to throw everything together in a manner you will regret later, but it will be demo worthy
gxt and pogush_ joined the channel
# 15:14 GWG_ One of her projects was a new homepage in conjunction with a new theme.
# 15:14 GWG_ Hasn't figured out lists of different content, but deployed a new theme she wrote herself.
# 15:15 GWG_ Then she fell down a rabbit hole as one often does
# 15:15 GWG_ Inspired by Tantek, tried to do a photogrid
# 15:16 GWG_ [Rose] has too many posts, so GWG added pagination today as a project
# 15:18 GWG_ The structure of the site was pashed from Yulia to Cherie to Elena.
# 15:19 GWG_ This is a static Jekyll site hosted on github
# 15:20 GWG_ Added Menu items...which are empty pending content creation
# 15:20 [Rose] !tell Aaronpk Loqi does not cancel countdowns when they are posted, this happened with 6680 and 6681
# 15:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:20 GWG_ Hopes to either manually populate it for Christmas or figure automation
# 15:21 GWG_ Yulia approaches the podium, being humble.
# 15:21 GWG_ Site looks exactly the same, but look at all the posts she made while showing other people how it works.
# 15:22 Loqi [David Shanske] For IndieWebCamp Berlin 2 2019, I built this proof of concept feature in the WordPress Admin. It does actually work, but the functionality that enables the posting needs a lot more backend work before it will work properly.
Problem is that the WordPr...
# 15:24 [Rose] He has a new widget for the WP admin to allow you to post notes, it’s not perfect but it’s a great proof of concept.
# 15:25 [Rose] He tested replying to a GitHub issue from his website and it worked!
# 15:27 [Rose] He has made the images in his posts full bleed on mobile
# 15:28 [Rose] He spent most of the day hacking his CSS to get this to work
# 15:33 [Rose] Teresa Ingram presented what they’ve been working on for Opt-Out. They now know their MVP which they did not two days ago, they’ve done a lot of thinking and opened GitHub issues to capture these ideas.
# 15:34 [Rose] Matteo is presenting one of their other repos
# 15:35 [Rose] They can create vectors from a string of text.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 15:36 [Rose] We have recording of this, but no live strema.
# 15:40 GWG_ Matteo showed the natural language analysis for misogyny for Opt Out
# 15:40 GWG_ Matteo also tried to get his site working with the indieweb, but not ready to demo
# 15:41 GWG_ Marked up about page with microformats
# 15:41 GWG_ Other than, web extension to be able to read RSS feeds from browser.
pogush, KempfCreative and aric-Iu- joined the channel
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
# 16:37 aric-Iu- server - irc.europeirc.eu - Join. -
sebasariasDiscor and [tantek] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
# 17:01 jgmac1106 okay now wishes he was going to use onecloud for more than /music and not put it in that directory…trips, livestreaming video from phone, I a gonna like playing
# 17:46 [Rose] We than had a few off the record demos, and wrapped up. GWG and I left for the airport and around 5 people have gone out for dinner!
Kristjan1291983 joined the channel
# 18:08 aaronpk Kristjan1291983: Joining a channel and immediately posting a link advertising your services is not generally acceptable behavior on IRC, please don't do it again.
# 18:08 Loqi aaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 2 hours, 47 minutes ago: Loqi does not cancel countdowns when they are posted, this happened with 6680 and 6681
# 18:10 aaronpk Whoops guess they made enough freenode mods mad enough to block them from irc!
cambridgeport90[ joined the channel
# 18:15 GWG_ aaronpk: Probably spammed a lot of rooms in a short time
# 18:16 cambridgeport90[ Could be. Then again, I’ve sort of learned from experience. Nearly got blocked from the mastodon instance I’m currently on. That was interesting.
wolftune joined the channel
pogush_, wolftune, [mapkyca], gxt, sl007, krychu, KartikPrabhu, kensp, pogush, [jgmac1106], patterson, gRegorLove, drkokandy, alvinsj[m], jacky and kensp1 joined the channel