#indieweb 2019-11-23

2019-11-23 UTC
sunk8180255[m], pogush, KempfCreative, kensp and marcusr joined the channel
might be interesting for streamers https://github.com/datarhei/restreamer/
stevestreza joined the channel
sees a wild stevestreza
hey jacky o/
hey! how's your evening (or afternoon, lol) - I forget your home TZ
up in seattle now so still pacific time :D going well, getting my IRC back in order with a proper znc setup again
patterson joined the channel
maybe in 2040 irc will be as simple to spin up as slack teams lol
is actually curious as to why irc-as-a-service hasn't taken off
KempfCreative, wolftune, [chrisaldrich] and kensp joined the channel
While I'm thinking about /via and /giving-credit, I know that I've seen jacky credit Quill as a micropub client in posts, but has anyone else done this? GWG, does the WordPress micropub endpoint collect this information in the database? Has anyone displayed it on their site?
awesomesarthakDi joined the channel
I don't know!
ay2306Discord[m], gRegorLove, kensp, kensp1, fauno, harai, [tantek], jjuran and [Rose] joined the channel
What is using
using is the name of an authoring and/or publishing application, or can also be a page of tools and services that someone uses or likes to use https://indieweb.org/using
MarkAtwood, [KevinMarks] and [Caspar] joined the channel
Hi Berlin!
Hello everyone!
ecobos joined the channel
Teresa Ingram, founder of OptOut
Toward A More Civil Social Web
wow Google's Perspective API results, goodness sakes
having external checks & regulations are not sufficient
Ethics Now!
Transparency, Respect, Not Censorship, Inclusivity, Open Source, Security
At OptOut, we are looking to fight the silencing nature of online misogyny
Activism: We believe that women should have equal access to digital spaces
Consent, not censorship, focused
Pop-up keynote! Yulia on My First IndieWebCamp
gareppa joined the channel
Rose gave a demo, then Tantek, then Yulia, then David Shanske, then Emilio
up now, sknebel
next is Muaaz who doesn't have a website but has a twitter
with no tweets
just a way to link to him
also has a Medium with 2 posts
next is Cherrie who also has a domain name but no website
also has a Twitter
Next up Sebastian. wiedi.frubar.net
has experience with DNS, backend code so ask him questions
Next: Wolfram
Started blogging 15 years ago so he would have somewhere to put his "stuff" (everything)
Next: Tony
Sorry, Toni
Uses gitpush to deploy his static site
Mateo is next
Freelance data scientist. Uses his site to collect his thoughts and some personal processes
Next up Beko
(Lots of first timers here, lovely to see!)
His first website was geocities. Switched to Google Plus when that was around. And lost his content when it silo quit, so started reading and looking for solutions. Found the IndieWeb and "feels like a child in a candy store"
Next: Beko's wife (didn't see her name tag, sorry!)
Kristina I think
www.schallu.net. Wants her site online at the end of the month.
Yes, Kristina
Sarah, also has a domain that doesn't lead to anywhere. but has a github with posts
krychu joined the channel
Next up Romy. 13. Doesn't have a website yet, uses Instagram to curate TikTok
Cross post from TikTok rather.
Next: Kirsi.
More of a portfolio than anything else.
Off the record demos now.
And then we'll do the session grid.
Gerben shows https://redecentralize.org/redigest/2019/10 that helped write up for the past conference
(he said that part was public)
bionicpup64_3489, asymptotically and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb! Looks like I missed the start of Berlin while I was sleeping away the morning
Kristjan1291983 and blassin joined the channel
Good morning! See meta :)
Hello guys !!!!!! My programming company(located in Viljandi, Estonia) is looking for clients. Webpage: http : / / supersoft . likesyou . org/en/index.php
[Rose], misterwhatever and gareppa joined the channel
!tell Zegnat,Zegnet Kristina just suggested adding the planetary constellation at the time of your birth as an enhancement to your site ;)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Rose]: I would loooooove that! In fact, I have been wanting to figure out my actual starsign (as in: what constellation was actually visible, not just random date assigned sign).
But it turns out, if you do not know how astronomy stuff works, it is pretty hard to get any sort of maps that you know how to interpret.
(If Kristina has any knowledge on any of those points, I’d love to chat tomorrow during hackday)
I’ll pass the message along
pogush, UndefinedIsNotAF, Orckash, KempfCreative and patterson joined the channel
TikTok session just blew my mind
we all practiced a TikTok dance
getting ready for a massive group edit tomorrow
host mail206.messagelabs.com
pogush and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
looks like I just do it in the body of a post using h/t https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/content/all/?q=h%2Ft
but it is mixed in with just general hat tips and not just to where I found a source of a bookmark
testy, wolftune, [chrisaldrich], chrisaldrich, [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], rEnr3n, [Rose], pogush and gareppa joined the channel
First time I ever offered to do a Microformats session
wolftune, gareppa, pogush_, wiedi, imsky, UndefinedIsNotAF, krychu, pogush, [jgmac1106], patterthing, KartikPrabhu, kensp, KempfCreative, [LewisCowles], fauno, dckc, [Rose], [Michael_Beckwit and [tantek] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Stop calling .org non-profit!" https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/2827-Stop-calling-org-non-profit
davepeck, kensp, imsky, krychu, fauno, pogush_ and jjuran joined the channel