2019-11-22 UTC
# 00:45 Loqi [David Shanske] Another in-flight wifi system I can use to backfill my location tracking. I can now read from the Aer Lingus wifi.
jjuran, kensp, wolftune, patterson, KempfCreative, marcusr, rEnr3n, gRegorLove, sp1ff2, [Rose], maxwelljoslyn and mblaney joined the channel
cweiske, jihaisse, AkyRhO_, kensp, sukil, [KevinMarks] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
koivunejDiscord[, patterson, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], asymptotically, mblaney, gxt, deathrow1, [KevinMarks], [Yulia], wolftune, jjuran, [Teresa_Ingram], [Rose], krychu, patterthing, KempfCreative and [manton] joined the channel
# 14:05 [manton] Looking forward to hearing about IndieWebCamp Berlin this weekend! Reminder if anyone is trying to get started and needs a blog, we offer 12 months of free hosting for IndieWebCamp attendees: https://micro.blog/indiewebcamp
# 14:12 [manton] Also while I'm mentioning stuff... 🙂 I put the draft table of contents for my blogging book online, plus a pre-order link. Lots of IndieWeb stuff in it. https://book.micro.blog
lucasprag and jjuran joined the channel
# 14:59 Loqi [manton] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (52 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas], deathrow1, gareppa, wolftune, gRegorLove, [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
irlitezero, wolftune and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel; irlitezero and GabeDiscord[m] left the channel
leg, KartikPrabhu and krychu joined the channel
# 19:47 rrix Doing great. In India for the next ~24 hours, on a bit of a sabbatical right now
# 19:48 rrix Looking forward to being home, working on my site and going to the Homebrew website club meeting on Wednesday :)
[Rose] joined the channel
# 19:49 rrix I've been fighting procrastination and lack of creative energy on mine. Lots of ideas though
# 19:50 rrix vilhalmer: how've you been? Haven't kept up with you in quite a while!
# 19:50 rrix I see your Bandcamp purchases and that's about it :)
# 19:50 vilhalmer yeah I managed to actually not go back to twitter but then I never set up anything on the fediverse either
# 19:51 vilhalmer things are good, still enjoying work and I've been working on various side projects
# 19:54 jacky but part of it is already out of date lol
# 19:56 jacky the dayjob shipped me a new machine (slightly against my protest tbh lol)
# 20:00 rrix I'm doing an X1 Yoga right now but I might sell it, I've been very underwhelmed
# 20:00 jacky I want to try out some system76 hardware tbh
# 20:00 jacky one day I'll sell everything I have and do that lol
# 20:00 vilhalmer rrix: I still think about your jacket computer project occasionally
# 20:01 vilhalmer I'm hoping that my librem 5 will actually ship and I can try using that as my only interface
# 20:01 rrix Been increasingly displeased with laptops lately again
# 20:01 rrix Was eyeing the Yogabook things, or maybe the Surface Neo will be real
# 20:02 rrix I got a note from librem that I'm in the final shipping batch on the 5
# 20:02 rrix I'm impressed with what pine64 is up to too
# 20:03 rrix I wish system76 had slightly better formfactors, I love those folks
jjuran joined the channel
# 20:04 rrix Glad to see an uptick in indie hardware though, it's really promising
[dominik] joined the channel
rannmann9712[m], [chrisaldrich], gxt and gareppa joined the channel
# 20:55 rrix Had some bad feelings when they lifted the pricing limits but they've really managed to outdo it with the "make it look like we are writing ourselves checks on this one" looks
gareppa joined the channel
wolftune, seekr, vendan, letatlin, [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel; jekpopulousDisco left the channel
# 22:07 treora Regarding IWC Berlin tomorrow: what time does it start? I find conflicting info:
# 22:09 treora shall I edit the wiki then?
# 22:12 treora also I just registered, I thought I had done that already..
wolftune joined the channel
# 22:14 treora (I will likely miss the first hour, but will try to be there for the intros/demos!)
[KevinMarks], wolftune and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 22:37 [chrisaldrich] beko, in case you didn't get an answer, you may be able to demo remotely at IWC. Many camps offer it, but you should check in with one of the organizers in the #indieweb-meta channel to see if they have the ability to do it. If not, you can always do a semi demo via chat, which several have done in the past or have someone demo on your behalf in person.
[fluffy], jjuran, wolftune, [schmarty], [manton] and kensp joined the channel