takev[m]I'll have to see! Attending stuff can be difficult, as I'm working on getting my license back after fainting, so I'm entirely public transit dependent.
Loqichallenge is an event-like post which serves as a (typically open) invitation for people to post achievements towards some goal, like running a total distance, or posting photos at some frequency (every day), supported by silos like Strava and micro.blog https://indieweb.org/challenge
LoqiThe IndieWeb Challenge is to collectively ship something IndieWeb-related that benefits the community, people in addition to yourself, every day of December! https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Challenge
[tantek], Decobus_, rEnr3n, patterson, KartikPrabhu, fauno, [chrisaldrich], fauno_, [KevinMarks] and [fluffy] joined the channel
LoqiA reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
LoqiComments are displayed in the context of an original post, and may be a mix of syndicated reply posts from other sites received via Webmention, as well as locally created comments https://indieweb.org/comments
LoqiUniversal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person https://indieweb.org/Universal_Greeting_Time
jeremycherfasIs there a tool for checking auto-discovery of feeds? I am offering Atom, RSS and json on my site, but Newsblur seems to just pick the first.
jeremycherfasI can force the others, by giving Newsblur the full url, but I'm interested in how it presents to others. That is, I want to know how someone else might see the feeds I am presenting in the <head>
[Rose]Feedly shows me three options, but only shows (JSON) after one of them so I can’t tell which is which. I presume one is atom and one is RSS, but you know what they say about assumptions
LoqiMicro.blog is a website and social service started by Manton Reece, which natively supports IndieWeb building-blocks like microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog
[Rose]Aaron, would it be possible/a good idea, to enable the opening of the Read More link in Monocle to open in a new tab? Currently I middle click on lots of read mores, and end up with the current channel open in a new tab and no idea what I meant to read. Of course, I can change my behaviour to click on the date/time, but I would like to have a single article view in Monocle I think (so I can reply right there)
[jgmac1106] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
aaronpkI use the read more to expand inline all the time. Maybe I could make two buttons there? One that expands the post, the other that's a link to the original that opens in a new window?
gRegorLoveSame, I middle click so I can go either way on it. I generally agree, I stopped target=_blank on external links in my articles quite a while ago.
ZegnatHi IndieWeb! Actually on my way to bed but thought I would quickly put this on the record: I am going to try my hand at an IndieWeb Challenge-esque thing. Started day one exploring completely new (to me) technology for putting a static site only. https://kronkels.licit.li/first-advent/
KartikPrabhu, Decobus, Guest35005 and [snarfed] joined the channel