[fluffy]I happened to have a conversation with Manton about this the other day. It’s currently sorta-supported and he’s absolutely going to improve the UX.
jeremycherfasSpeaking of no pressure ... Tantek more or less persuaded me to convert my non-shipped, not-for-public-consumption effort yesterday into a >7<101-day personal challenge. Combining nitpicks and bigger fish, that might be possible, though probably not for 101 days.
LoqiA 100 days project in the IndieWeb community is a challenge to do or make something and post about it on your own site every day for 100 days https://indieweb.org/100_days
ZegnatI don’t think I will aim for doing anything 100 days straight. Feels like a non-target for me, as I know already I will not have something for each day. The shorter #31Days challenge fits me much better.
ZegnatSo I am aiming for the 31 Days of Things instead, whether it’ll be IndieWeb stuff or not. Some of it may end up being IndieWeb stuff anyway (knowing me)
[tantek]Yeah this prompting makes me think the top of the IndieWeb challenge page needs to redirect most people to a 100 days or 30/31 days project instead
[tantek]And if as part of that nnn days project you happen to make something others can use, then submit it to the December challenge. If not that’s ok too!
[manton]Catching up on a few things... [snarfed], for your comment about sending Webmentions, you mean creating a regular blog post on Micro.blog (not an explicit reply to something) and have Micro.blog try to send a Webmention to anything linked in the post?
[jgmac1106]I know there was talk of some people getting some specs on MD, like webmentions, IndieAuth, etc if people who built and use those specs are looking for challenges
[Ramiro_Ruiz]Good morning, quick question. For the Like post type, should I still receive and show webmentions? I don’t see somebody liking my like or commenting on it. 🤔
LoqiIndieWeb for Education is the application of indieweb principles to one's personal site with a particular emphasis on use cases for education, pedagogy, research, academic samizdat, and collaboration https://indieweb.org/education
chrisaldrichIndieWeb for Education << http://connectedcourses.net/ 2014 online course which allowed people to syndicate (POSSE) their participation to a central (planet-like) website