#indieweb 2019-12-08
2019-12-08 UTC
[KevinMarks] and j12t joined the channel
# gRegorLove copywriting is in Red Room instead of Orange; updated the schedule
# chrisaldrich thanks gRegor!
# chrisaldrich GWG, is there a way to get that camera to autofocus on the whiteboard?
# gRegorLove Zoom charges extra for no blur
[jgmac1106] and tsrt^ joined the channel
# chrisaldrich There are lots of content farmers, but somehow not enough content weeders.
# chrisaldrich I thought influencers were snake oil salespeople selling you things you likely don't need and that don't work for what you want them for.
j12t and kaniini joined the channel
# gRegorLove Brennan Novak wrote original indiewebify.me iirc
# gRegorLove GWG^
# [KevinMarks] Influencers are content fertilizers. Not as good as organic growth, and if you overuse them your content smells like steer manure.
# chrisaldrich kevinmarks++
j12t, sp1ff and Orckash joined the channel
# chrisaldrich Signing off for a bit. Thanks IWC-SF for some great live streaming today!
# chrisaldrich GWG++
j12t joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] Most social silos are discontent farmers
# [jgmac1106] IRC messages that should be blog posts...
# [KevinMarks] They have a permalink with an h-entry
# [jgmac1106] Good point
# Loqi [[KevinMarks]] Influencers are content fertilizers. Not as good as organic growth, and if you overuse them your content smells like steer manure.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] And pic from 2009
# [jgmac1106] kevinmarks++
# [KevinMarks] I have deep cuts on this http://epeus.blogspot.com/2008/02/be-organic-not-viral.html?m=1
wolftune, irisisgay, sixgill and dopplergange joined the channel
# chrisaldrich KevinMarks with the commonplace book FTW
[email096] joined the channel
# [email096] Hello and thank you for everyone helping out and participating remotely.
[yo] joined the channel
gRegorLove, j12t, ATMOSDiscord[m], [jeremycherfas], j12t_, cjk101010, timtepasse, sentamalin, rEnr3n, mblaney, asymptotically, [mapkyca], vika_nezrimaya, anotheryou and GWG_ joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Good morning IndieWeb
mauz555, j12t_, j12t and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Good morning
j12t joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Hey Greg o/
# jeremycherfas Hello GWG. What will you be hacking on today?
j12t joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Other people's computers?
# [jgmac1106] hoping to finish my notes feed today...just not sure if should break it up by month or just do 10 notes per page
Boko_cedac joined the channel
# vika_nezrimaya [jgmac1106]: depends on if you're able to render and stream notes asynchronously or you need to dump them all
# [jgmac1106] moving to dev really just worried about page size, and I don't know how to really do anything it is all manual copy and pasting
Boko_caadd, j12t, gxt, [tantek], Boko_beead, bronzehedwick, Boko_bcdbd, Boko_adeae, Boko_ecbdc, asymptotically, Boko_bdbca, Boko_dcaad, Boko_ecebd and Boko_deddb joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Finally got my year in review from Firefox: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/flashback/
Boko_eacce joined the channel
# Loqi Year in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year https://indieweb.org/year_in_review
# [jgmac1106] year_in_review << https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/flashback/
# Loqi ok, I added "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/flashback/" to the "See Also" section of /year_in_review https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=67075&oldid=66779
# [jgmac1106] h/t to Doug Belsahw for sharing in another Slack
Boko_aceac, Boko_abbed, Boko_badeb, Boko_ebccd, wolftune, Boko_eacea, [LewisCowles], Boko_aeeac, j12t, Boko_ebbdd, Boko_dbcdb, Boko_cdbcd, [email096], generativist, [fluffy], gareppa, jigawatt, Boko_ccdda and benharri joined the channel; sugoDiscord[m] left the channel
# Loqi [indienews] New post: "In the Beginning was the Website" https://desmondrivet.com/2019/12/08/intro-to-indie-web (from https://aaronparecki.com/2019/12/08/5/)
jolvera joined the channel
# generativist I'm unable to make it today in SF. I'm gonna hack on a crawler that lets me explore the way I'm used to exploring: https://github.com/jbn/indie_crawl
# generativist ah cool, thanks. let me go find an ipad
# [jgmac1106] I may step in it is finals week so lot of feedback to record and doing client work on how to make effective micro lecture videos
jeremych_, Boko_eddce and [snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] [generativist] cool! i assume you've seen https://indiemap.org/ ?
Boko_ccbdd joined the channel
# generativist oh wow -- no, I had not. hrm,,,
# generativist that's a fantastic resource! I *think* what I'm doing is still useful. If I'm reading this correctly (quickly) that's stale since 2017?
Boko_ccbac, Boko_bbacb, gareppa and tyu joined the channel
# generativist yea. to be perfectly honest, it's also a two-birds one-stone thing. I need to learn elasticsearch for a different project
# generativist although I'm using dgraph intensively for another project, so I may make use of your graph data soon, too
# generativist (I did appreciate your xargs/wget approach ;)
[tantek] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# gRegorLove o/ IWC SF. Audio in red room is really robotic sounding
# gRegorLove Sounding better now
vivus joined the channel
# gRegorLove I'll drop in closer to demos
[Rose] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] snarfed "I've been waiting until i see meaningful usage first" you have a team at Mozilla researching "Why people IndieWeb" I showed them indiemap.org I know they..and I for my academic research, would love updated data sets
# generativist snarfed's methodology is a lot more robust then the one i'm hacking on, but I'm hoping to use this as a first draft for something I need to build for another project anyway
# generativist so hopefully i'll have a dynamic/continous one soon
# generativist really curious about decay rates in this community
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# chrisaldrich Good morning campers!
# chrisaldrich I thought I'd spend some time hacking between kid's soccer games today.
# chrisaldrich I often feel like I'm fighting a decay rate of using just one CMS and wanting to try out, switch to, or hack on others... :)
# generativist err, sorry — permlinks
# [jgmac1106] not decay, just rhizomatic growth going in different directions and different rates....I like playing with all the things...
marinin[t] joined the channel
# gRegorLove Demos still at l33t o'clock?
# chrisaldrich sarahdillon, if you need help doing WordPress to Micro.blog, I'm happy to help you with ideas. GWG is hacking on something today that may give you an additional option.
[snarfed] joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
# Loqi [indienews] New post: "Re: Proposal for #IndieWeb website swap day/week/event" https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/5913-Re-Proposal-for-IndieWeb-website-swap-day-week-event
dougbeal|imac joined the channel
# gRegorLove IWC SF demos starting soon
# gRegorLove All these demos are going to be beyond l33t
# vika_nezrimaya hm... do you think I'll break the Russian law if I add a pride flag icon to every post that has the word "gay" in it?
# vika_nezrimaya 'cause I can certainly do that; the post type icon dispatcher just parses post properties
# gRegorLove up first: adactio
# generativist i have to run out unexpectedly. will they be recorded?
# gRegorLove adactio.com
# generativist great, thanks!
# vika_nezrimaya oh so this is why it's so silent here!
# gRegorLove added some more context to his journal (blog) posts
# gRegorLove related posts, previous: things written on the same day
# gRegorLove shows an example that links to 5 years ago, 11 years ago, 13 years ago
# gRegorLove what is on this day?
# Loqi on this day is a feature on some silos and indieweb sites which show posts published on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years; commons sites tend to show more general historical events that occurred on that same day https://indieweb.org/on_this_day
# gRegorLove up next: GWG
[dougbeal] joined the channel
# gRegorLove david.shanske.com
# gRegorLove working on micropub syndication to micro.blog
# gRegorLove shows a micro.blog syndication link on his post
# gRegorLove up next: david bryant
# gRegorLove url?
# gRegorLove got started with Eleventy on his site with help of Jen
# gRegorLove up next: tantek
# gRegorLove worked on improving offline support
# gRegorLove loads the page over https so service worker loads
# gRegorLove caches at least homepage and a couple other pages
# gRegorLove now turns off the network
# gRegorLove (sure)
# gRegorLove clicks a permalink while offline, it shows a message about not being cachedd
# gRegorLove turns wifi back on, reloads
# gRegorLove browses a bunch of pages
# gRegorLove not sure how long it takes on chromebook to cache each page. in theory each nav should be caching
# gRegorLove turns wifi back off
# gRegorLove goes back to previous post, shows a list of pages it cached (?)
# gRegorLove it did actually cache quite a few pages
# gRegorLove thanks to adactio for help
# gRegorLove gregorlove.com/follow/
# gRegorLove I also worked on some behind the scenes stuff for the email subscription, login with one-time password
# gRegorLove up next: Johannes Ernst
# gRegorLove url?
# gRegorLove showing responsive design, logo getting smaller as narrowed
# gRegorLove some Hugo work (missed some of this demo, backfill plz)
# j12t My personal website: https://upon2020.com/
# gRegorLove up next: Bradley Allen
# gRegorLove was going through the wiki, partially to see if he could follow it, anything I'm stuck with
# gRegorLove has beginning of an h-card
# gRegorLove section for latest posts
# gRegorLove has a question about p-summary
# gRegorLove t: "everything is optional" (with microformats)
# gRegorLove needs to template-ize, could be Eleventy or something else
# gRegorLove room chatter about HTML details
# gRegorLove dougbeal|imac, have a demo?
# gRegorLove up next: Jen Simmons
# dougbeal|imac gRegorLove: nope
# gRegorLove demos wrapped up!
# gRegorLove See you in 2020!
# gRegorLove GWG: mention upcoming IWCs? Austin in February
[Michael_Beckwit, vgszmilhv and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# chrisaldrich gRegorLove, I like that follow page. is it linked anywhere though? top menu or on your contact page?
# gRegorLove Not yet, brand new today
# chrisaldrich How did I manage to put my head down and not notice that demos were so early that I've missed them all?
# chrisaldrich thanks everyone for documenting and recording them for later...
# gRegorLove I have a follow button in the footer of articles and homepage, will probably start by replacing those.
# gRegorLove The links on my follow page use subtome as well, fall back to linking directly to the feeds if no javascript
# gRegorLove I was looking on the wiki for docs of follow pages like that but only seemed to find follow *posts*
# gRegorLove I looked at https://aaronparecki.com/follow as a reference though
# gRegorLove chrisaldrich, did you have a late demo?
cikavuveDiscord[ left the channel