#indieweb 2020-01-06

2020-01-06 UTC
turona_ joined the channel
Hi Indieweb, I'm trying to use Aperture to provide a microsub endpoint for my blog. I think I've done everything right but I'm not seeing anything in any microsub client (tried both Monocle and Together). Do I have to do something to add my feed?
Website is https://danbarber.me
are you following any websites in aperture yet?
No, because I can't actually figure out how to do that
in aperture you can add feeds there
i think together has a UI for it too. monocle doesn't
Ah, just found it!
I have to click into a channel
Thanks aaronpk!
Hmmmm, my photo posts are showing the photo twice in both Monocle and Together
I'm guessing because the photo is in the content of the post as well as in the photos data
I feel like we have discussed the challenge of “no device” places or situations and but can’t find the page or reference
This thread and comments are quite thought provoking: https://twitter.com/sallylait/status/1213799174040379392
I want to talk a little bit about the dangers of privilege and lack of empathy when it comes to increasingly popular "digital free" experiences, though the lens of my time in a @samsmithsbeer pub yesterday. [Thread] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENhH5yrX0AAX4rm.jpg
if your post is a photo, then the photo should be in the "photo" property and not in the content. if your post is a blog post with embedded photos, there should be no "photo" property because the photos are embedded in the HTML
What would be the correct thing to do here? Leave the photo out of the photos data and stick with the one in the content?
Ah gotcha
aaronpk: is that guideline documented somehwere?
what is photo
A photo is a post whose primary content is a photograph or other image, with an optional caption. With multiple photographs it becomes a multi-photo post https://indieweb.org/photo
don't know if it's described that concisely, but the instructions on that photo page are correct
https://indieweb.org/article could probably use some guidance on *not* adding "u-photo" to images in the blog post
Thanks Aaron, I guess I've got some work to do!
I do that all the time :P
also if you walk through https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery#Algorithm you would see why
basically something looking at your post will first look for the "photo" property and if it finds one, it decides it's a "photo" post and will display it accordingly
mblaney, wolftune, turona, KempfCreative, ab[m], [jeremycherfas], marcusr, opal, cweiske, mhulot, jihaisse and [tantek] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu it’s ok if you intend your article as a multi photo post (which I feel you do often)
Or if it’s an illustrative photo for the article, that’s what u-featured is for
yes, I know. It is a bit strange that we have not been able to come up with s nice consuming algorithm for that patter
gxt, swentel and sukil joined the channel
No. There’s no need to make publishers do extra work to add u-photo to non-photo posts!
We really need to do more to discourage the eager-bad habit of overmarkup that seems to take root in some developers
Similar but different from the bad habit of overCSS (adding more CSS when actually they should be removing some)
And obviously the industry has gone crazy with overJS
The lunatics are writing the frameworks
simons joined the channel
[tantek]: I do not mean that publishers should do extra work. And also the overmarkup problem you suggest is absolutely on point, I only mean that there are (legitimate) uses of "u-photo" inside the "*-content"
[tantek] KartikPrabhu: would you mind moving this conversation to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
asymptotically joined the channel
yeah can move to -dev
I feel like I won that Loqi Jenga move to dev chat game 😂😂
[jgmac1106], bltavares_, a_chou, delli3_, marcusr, [KevinMarks], KempfCreative, XgF, simons, [tantek], parataxis, bltavares, [LewisCowles], pankajmendkiDisc, [Marlin_Forbes], sukil, bascht, wolftune, vgszmilhv, tsrt^, gareppa, [cleverdevil], gRegorLove, swentel and [jackjamieson] joined the channel
I was asked at the last minute to give a presentation at Civic Tech Toronto tomorrow, and I’m planning to talk about the IndieWeb, and will present some findings from my dissertation. I’ll post an event URL and add to the wiki once it’s ready
awesome! you can post it to the new events site! https://events.indieweb.org should be a lot easier than the wiki :)
Thanks Aaron, will do!
jackjamieson, go ahead and create the event on events.indieweb.org even if you only have a few of the details. You can always edit/update it as you go along but this way at least folks can plan for it
name, start datetime, venue are all you need to make it useful to others
Hory, benharri, simons, swentel and [CrowderSoup] joined the channel
I'm at 6 days of positive posts in a row, and photo posts (one was delayed until the next morning but I'm going to count that).
If I can continue it through tomorrow, making it 7 days, then I'll declare it an actual 100 (or maybe) 30 days project. /100days
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Good luck!!!
That's awesome! I just looked at my own blog and realized I've posted (even just little notes or check-ins) every day since Jan. 2nd so far. Let's keep the streak going! 😄
CrowderSoup++ great work!
CrowderSoup has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
check out indieweb.org/100days for ideas and ways you could formalize it
benharri, wolftune, vgszmilhv, MoneyFREE, MrBTCmax, [davidmead], wiedi, uncle_0gre, [schmarty], sukil, [jgmac1106], jakelazaroff, yar, [anika] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; dafflDiscord[m] and AxieDiscord[m] left the channel
Happy new year, IndieWeb. Consider this my official notice that I'm settled into New York after a month and I'm interested in getting involved in regional events again. I don't know of any sign-up sheet other than me yelling into #indieweb so here's me doing that
🎉 keep an eye on https://events.indieweb.org/tag/nyc at least!
I know I made some muttering in 2018/9 about events in Providence, but I was never bound to stay in that city long. Barring great surprise, I'm bound to stay in New York for the long haul
And I got a bug report today about my silly Webmention Perl library so I take this all as a positive omen
oh _hello_!
jmac: how would you feel about being a co-organizer for HWC NYC? 😄
I would be open to a conversation on this topic.
oops, typing. let's chat about it in indieweb-meta!
vgszmilhv, [jeremycherfas], [dmitshur], [tantek], KartikPrabhu and singpolyma joined the channel