Ruxtoni made some fixes to bestnine so it works on jpeg/gif/png and supports non-square images, noticed someone tried to generate one earlier and it had those issues
[Rose], wiedi, opal, simons, KartikPrabhu, Nuve, sukil and [prtksxna] joined the channel
LoqiRuxton has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
hyper_rau, [Rose], mauz555, simons, [tantek], [schmarty], [tonz], parataxis, wiedi, ianlopshireDisco and eddocsill7419[m] joined the channel; thrrgilag_ and hyper_rau left the channel
[tantek]doing a manual repost from SSB / Planetary because I don't have "proper" /repost support yet, and have no idea how I would meaningfully do / link that into the original SSB post anyway
superkuhFor <time class="dt-published" datetime="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS">The Date</time>, is it considered bad form to only have the YYYY-MM-D? I can see how it'd mess with parsing in some implementations.
superkuhAlright. I've got my post templates all microformat2'd, I have my static/manual receive for webmention POSTs work, and sending mentions via curl is simple. I'm done.