2020-02-03 UTC
[Christina_Hendr, KartikPrabhu, sivy and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 00:55 [jgmac1106] Nice to see kickscondor website make front page of hackernews just for being a personal website and nothing more
# 01:17 jacky Kongaloosh: nah, just RSVPing and pulling up is all that's needed. It usually happens in the lobby space so once you go past reception; you're there
kensp, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, flynn, eli_oat and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 02:39 [chrisaldrich] [KevinMarks] I often export Kindle highlights as easier than Goodreads, which mirror them via Amazon
KempfCreative, myr, eli_oat, wolftune, beko and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# 03:23 [xavierroy] [KevinMarks] i use clippings.io to export them out to Evernote. Yet to figure out a workflow to post them from Evernote to my site.
wolftune, kensp, KempfCreative and shah^ joined the channel
# 04:18 aaronpk I took some inspiration from [schmarty] and fixed my photo grid by displaying the post text on hover
[fluffy] and davepeck joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 05:00 Loqi aaronpk has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (212 in all channels)
# 05:02 aaronpk I have a photo grid on my own website, and I get enough feedback on my photo posts even without posting them on Instagram, so I'm not sure what value I get from Instagram anymore
# 05:02 GWG [snarfed]: I left you a note in -dev. In the Micropub unit tests, you set a date to June 31st.
# 05:02 aaronpk and now that I've been editing most of my photos in Lightroom, I'm not even using the Instagram app as a photo editor either
# 05:03 GWG aaronpk: Then what is missing to finally leave?
# 05:03 aaronpk GWG: Finally leave? I haven't posted there in a while. I don't think I'll ever delete my account, I'll just stop using it
# 05:03 GWG [snarfed]: I just found it funny how long it took me to figure it out
# 05:04 GWG aaronpk: Okay. Thought you were holding on for a reason
# 05:04 aaronpk like Facebook. I realized a while ago that if you are only on Facebook you'd probably think I was dead cause it had been like 6 months since I posted there
# 05:05 GWG aaronpk: I think my last post was... I am not posting here anymore, go to my site
sivy joined the channel
# 05:11 GWG I am thinking of removing the rel me links for those services on my site.
# 05:12 aaronpk That's interesting, at what point is it a good idea to remove those links?
# 05:12 aaronpk I guess if there's no value for someone to follow the link? So probably if you stop posting there?
# 05:13 GWG I can always shunt it to an archived page
# 05:13 aaronpk Also lately most of the photos on my site have come from my checkins I post to swarm
# 05:14 aaronpk I'll give it another couple months once I start traveling again to see how this shakes out
# 05:15 GWG aaronpk: Next step, can you wean yourself off Swarm?
# 05:17 aaronpk the venue database is top notch, it's hard to beat
# 05:19 GWG aaronpk: Use database not interface?
# 05:31 GWG Weren't you the one who told me I could do that?
# 05:47 aaronpk I'm fast forwarding to a time when they lock down access to that api
# 05:59 GWG We had a discussion about record sharing using webmention once
# 05:59 GWG aaronpk: Getting technical, moving
wolftune, callMeBaby, kensp, swentel, cweiske, petermolnar, wiedi, sukil, simons and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 10:33 [jgmac1106] I got real close to getting two of them to have h-event, but most required you two save a venue, the one with a good venue database couldnt be hacked on easily
# 10:37 GWG [jgmac1106]: Might be Google Place API
# 10:37 GWG Same as Foursquare as a dependency
KartikPrabhu, [nealthom] and jeremych_ joined the channel
simons, nyex, KartikPrabhu, eli_oat, [LewisCowles], shoesNsocks, KempfCreative, [jgmac1106], jakelazaroff, [Rose], sukil, [fluffy], wolftune, jansauer, mauz555, mgh, gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], HaybalesDiscord[, bkardell and [tantek] joined the channel
ttocslliwDiscord, SteelixDiscord[m, [jgmac1106], wiedi, wolftune, sukil, likus, [fluffy], simons and [snarfed] joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel; geoffo left the channel
# 18:39 [fluffy] yeah it’s pretty good. also you came up in the comments 😉
# 18:39 [fluffy] I posted about my favorite CSS2 rounded-corner hack, Eric Meyer replied to it and namedropped you 🙂
[Zegnat] joined the channel
# 18:42 [KevinMarks] I loved eevee complaining about design fashion making css syntax irrelevant as everybody went back to flat rectangles
# 18:43 [fluffy] wow, the comments section is turning into a veritable who’s-who of early web folks.
jakelazaroff, simons, kensp, lalilulelo, anotheryou, gRegorLove_ and [email096] joined the channel
# 20:00 [email096] I giggled throughout the article
shah^ and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# 20:14 [Michael_Beckwit the article is darn long enough
# 20:14 [Michael_Beckwit but the headings had anchors that i could bookmark
[schmarty], Giyomu[m], pranayDiscord[m], hyde__Discord[m], allgoDiscord[m], obernardovieiraD, mZ[m], TH0RynDiscord[m], FusonDiscord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, MachiavelaDiscor, gtsDiscord[m], bltavaresDiscord, ritewhose[m], distributedjoseD, TianyiDiscord[m4, xylanDiscord[m], zgrDiscord[m], wossDiscord[m]1, Mai-HsuanKevinCh, buztedDiscord[m], armaniferranteDi, mikealDiscord[m] and adinbDiscord[m] joined the channel
# 20:34 [fluffy] Yeah every time I see that I’m reminded I need to get around to adding that functionality to Publ
[grantcodes], [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 20:37 [fluffy] So hey next week I’m interviewing at maven.io, which is a web publishing place that is like a loosely-federated conglomerate of a bunch of independent publications at many levels of scale. From my phonescreen they sound potentially amenable to buying into IndieWeb principles. Would that be a good idea? I mean they’re not personal sites but I think some of the ideals are aligned.
# 20:38 [fluffy] Like is there a universe in which discussing that stuff is on-topic for IndieWeb?
# 20:41 [tantek] [fluffy] see /friendly which describes how services in general can use IndieWeb principles and building blocks to enable and interoperate with the broader community
# 20:42 [fluffy] This doesn’t seem to really apply to what maven.io is but it’s worth considering anyway.
# 20:42 [fluffy] Especially if they do broaden things to being more like “blogging with clout” which seems to be one of the directions they’re going in
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:43 [jgmac1106] imo Land the job first. If you feel it helps your interview bring it up, if not wait until you have the job
# 20:43 [fluffy] Well yeah, I’m just considering hypotheticals at this point.
# 20:43 [jgmac1106] samizdat.jgregorymcverry.com my idea (all it is not real publication) of blogging with clout peer reviewed syndication
# 20:44 [fluffy] such as reminding me I need to enable prefers-reduced-motion 😛
# 20:46 [fluffy] (gosh I sure wish firefox would like… override animations when that’s set)
# 20:48 [fluffy] wow does macOS seriously have no way of enabling prefers-reduced-motion without disabling ALL UI animations throughout the entire OS? anyway [jgmac1106] would you consider making that page friendlier to folks with motion sensitivity? it is very hard for me to look at.
KempfCreative1 joined the channel
# 20:50 [jgmac1106] yeah, I will I just threw up a brutalist template as a nod to the soviet connection to samizdat, will pick something smooter
# 20:51 [fluffy] hmm doesn’t firefox have a way of forcing entry into ‘reader mode?’
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 20:59 [KevinMarks] I don't quite get maven.io, but if it's a blog network backend then microformats and reader tools make sense along with micropub and microsub
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:06 [jgmac1106] that is what mblaney kind of built with ihazawebsite and unicyclic
[mapkyca], ritewhose[m], distributedjoseD, TianyiDiscord[m4, bltavaresDiscord, xylanDiscord[m], Mai-HsuanKevinCh, wossDiscord[m]1, zgrDiscord[m], buztedDiscord[m], armaniferranteDi, pbvieDiscord[m], mikealDiscord[m], enricomarino[m], scandichainDisco, hvergara[m], AceFaceDiscord[m, MissLavender5032, WesDiscord[m], h2Discord[m], adinbDiscord[m], andrewxhill[m], dostDiscord[m], thomasDiscord[m], balupton[m], ivanDiscord[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, codynhatDiscord[, circlesDiscord[m, kppDiscord[m]1, mhzDiscord[m], freethinkingawa4, EKLynxDiscord[m4, TristanDiscord[m, macerbiDiscord[m, rappelDiscord[m], koivunejDiscord[, gauthamDiscord[m, wourslerDiscord[, grvhiDiscord[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], gareppa, nyex, _nyex, [snarfed], kensp, jamietanna, [tantek] and Decobus joined the channel
# 23:04 [fluffy] Yeah I don’t quite get it either. Their core business seems to be “Condé Nast but nicer”
# 23:05 [fluffy] like trying to bridge the gap between old-school magazine publishing and new-school web publishing
[Michael_Beckwit, shah^, kensp1 and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 23:49 [tantek] bridging sounds compatible with IndieWeb philosophies and methodologies 🙂