2020-02-06 UTC
wolftune, [snarfed], jakelazaroff, [KevinMarks], jjuran_, chkilroy_, Gargron_, Salt_, rknLA, [jgmac1106], ramsey, danyao, robla, sfoster, jolvera, dietricha, flaki, bigbluehat, ecobos, Leeky, dckc, NinjaTrappeur, dee`, vgszmilhv_ and Choscura joined the channel
# 01:22 [tantek] with a crappier proposal yeah. KevinMarks can cite the GitHub issues with more background
sivoais joined the channel
jakelazaroff joined the channel
# 01:54 [tantek] has multiple websites, for different projects / areas, wants one site that has multiple areas or forwards to the different projects
turona and jakelazaroff joined the channel
# 02:22 [tantek] he has arko.net and a great story of getting it with namezero, losing it, then picking it up on the cheap after the dotcom crash from a speculator!
KempfCreative, indirect, kensp and [andre] joined the channel
# 02:41 Loqi [aaronpk] Meetable: a minimal events aggregator
# 02:41 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Meetable: An Open Source Events Aggregator
jakelazaroff, maxwelljoslyn and beko joined the channel
# 03:15 [tantek] and Kongaloosh is now demonstrating her amazing posting UI
wolftune joined the channel
# 03:34 [andre] [yo] heyyy how's it going π
ivanf, jakelazaroff, mblaney and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 04:10 chrisaldrich I think I may have asked before, but does anyone have a good icon to indicate the idea of syndication link?
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 04:22 [schmarty] [chrisaldrich] I use a logo/icon for the service the copy is on, where possible. Otherwise the globe π icon
# 04:24 Loqi [Chris Aldrich] Many talk about the right to freedom of speech online, but rarely do discussions delve a layer deeper into the idea of the βright to reachβ. Iβve lately taken to analogizing the artificial reach of bots and partisan disinformation and labeled t...
# 04:32 chrisaldrich satellite dish usually indicates receipt, so maybe a satellite for the idea of sending
[Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
# 04:34 [Marlin_Forbes] while you ponder
[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
kensp joined the channel
# 04:43 [Aaron_Klemm] The broadcast tower is good. Satellites around the globe would be cool, but I couldnt' find one.
# 04:56 chrisaldrich I'll note that the paper airplane looks a lot like the compass arrow indicator I'm using, so I likely won't use it.
# 04:57 chrisaldrich Somehow the satellite and broadcast towers give a "this icon doesn't work square box" on chrome... probably going with the bullhorn for the moment.
jakelazaroff joined the channel
# 05:06 [Marlin_Forbes] don't ever have an Announcements category and that'll do fine. π
# 05:46 aaronpk Whoa when did twitter start showing the nesting level of a conversation with that curvy grey line?
strugee joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 05:54 Loqi jacky has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (79 in all channels)
[Michael_Beckwit and jakelazaroff joined the channel
# 06:24 Loqi GWG has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (140 in all channels)
# 06:26 GWG That media and timezone stuff was annoying me to be honest
jakelazaroff, [KevinMarks], swentel, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
# 07:41 swentel GWG, offline reading works for the timeline too. Will test for a few days myself and then push a new release over the weekend
# 07:43 Loqi swentel has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
# 07:43 GWG swentel: Are there options on that?
# 07:44 swentel GWG, it's a setting to turn it on at the moment. And there's a 'Clear cache' action in the menu of the channels
# 07:44 GWG swentel: How often does it poll? Can it poll only on wifi, etc?
# 07:45 swentel GWG, it doesn't really poll at the moment. When you're connected, it will insert/update the response (even per page)
# 07:45 GWG swentel: So, how do you tell it to disconnect?
# 07:46 swentel GWG, I monitor that already. If you're not connected you currently see a 'not connected' screen in case there's no cache.
# 07:46 swentel but would you like to get from cache even when connected?
# 07:46 GWG But let me play with phase 1 and I'll write up thoughts?
# 07:48 GWG swentel: Just started discussing PRs for Yarns, so I am looking at getting to the point I could use it more
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
wiedi joined the channel
# 08:15 swentel beko, was able to spin up a 5.1.1 virtual device, no problems with that account section so far, so a bit in the dark at the moment
# 08:15 swentel added a screenshot on the issue with the permissions you should see
# 08:15 swentel if you see the same, that I really have no idea :/
simons, sukil and gxt joined the channel
# 09:49 beko[m] swentel: thanks for checking. will try to recreate the profile.
# 09:52 swentel beko[m], if it works then, I might have an idea though
simons and [Rose] joined the channel
# 10:34 swentel on the other hand, it might be a red herring too of course, I just added a big try/catch block for rendering the accounts, I don't really catch the actual exception, so maybe it crashes on something different in older android versions
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 10:47 swentel beko[m], starting to wonder, do you have a media endpoint?
# 10:49 beko[m] swentel: I do. In fact using this produced an output that worked good with bridgy so I adapted this kind of formatting for posting photos manually too :)
# 10:50 swentel beko[m], mm I thought that might trigger a potential exception, but looked wrong in the code :)
# 10:51 swentel trying to figure out if something else might cause the exception
simons, [grantcodes], [calumryan], [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [Marlin_Forbes], _Jackal, bltavares, sivy, KempfCreative, lalilulelo, [LewisCowles], shakeel, rknLA, jolvera, robla, eli_oat, nyex and jakelazaroff joined the channel; _Jackal left the channel
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# 15:18 sknebel Still pretty much occupied with boring adulting stuff
kensp, wolftune, [grantcodes], [schmarty], bkardell, [Rose], plutes, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [manton], gareppa, simons, chrisaldrich, Arcosruth, [snarfed], [LewisCowles], [tantek], swentel, [fluffy], jeremych_, wiedi, leg, jakelazaroff, ecobos, eli_oat, gxt, milkii, gRegorLove, nyex, Decobus_, Decobus and KartikPrabhu joined the channel