#indieweb 2020-02-09

2020-02-09 UTC
[LewisCowles], wolftune, turona, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I don't do analytics because I worry it would influence my content... But I don't make a living on my Domain...if I did I would use analytics
i also removed SEO based plugins because i'm not trying to sell anything that requires driving traffic to my domain
could it hurt with potential new audiences? sure. Am I fine with that? yes
if i'm being honest...what i need most for the site is a favicon πŸ˜„
maybe something basic i could do for hack day tomorrow
fire up Inkscape and do up a graphic
Proper HTML and good content = SEO, everything else snakeoil IMO
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
favicon has 1 karma over the last year
gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel
I trhink when I put up my new site, I am going to do self hosted analytics. Not sure whether fathom or what, but just for effect if nothing else.
camberidgeport90[ matomo is a viable solution as well https://matomo.org/ it's what i use for what domains i still have analytics on
Do you find the reports to be helpful?
i don't pay tooooo much attention to it all because i just don't get much traffic
I have to start new since my top level domain is changing.
From .net to .org, but still.
KempfCreative, wolftune, Choscura and [fluffy] joined the channel
I used to use piwik which was okay but a bit resource-heavy
jakelazaroff and wolftune joined the channel
same company as matomo, new brand
[Christina_Hendr, wolftune and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Not sure because I don’t use them. Best to check rosemaryorchard.com or just ask [Rose]
chrisaldrich joined the channel
swentel++ for the awesomeness of Indigenous for Android.
swentel has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (37 in all channels)
GWG++ for matching up WordPress functionalities to Indigenous
GWG has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (144 in all channels)
chrisaldrich: I have many more I have yet to match
I'd previously had some IndieAuth issues (with my host) for trying to use it with my primary domain. All those issues seem to have been fixed now.
I'm going to have to figure out how to convert my OPML file to import into microsub.
chrisaldrich: You missed me commenting I might do that as a project today
I want to start using Yarns more, so time for a PR or two
Also had an idea about offering the WordPress rest api as a feed option
Those sound like some fun ideas.
nickodd, [Christina_Hendr, cjk101010 and timtepasse joined the channel
Good morning iw
Morning, jeremycherfas
Seems like yesterday was a very good day. Sorry I couldn't participate more fully.
jeremycherfas: I'm uploading the video. It's a bit slow due hotel internet
You're a trooper.
In a moment, all videos will be uploaded
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gwg can you get me the video files so I can start the captioning process? Not a rush can't do anything until Monday
[jgmac1106]: They are already on archive.org
And in the wiki
okay perfect! I will download fromt here
oops gwg++
gwg has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (145 in all channels)
sukil, gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
Project 1 for the day finished
Good morning everyone, if you are participating in hackday please publish a note or post describing your goals for the day. Remember we are doing two different demo times so everyone gets a full hack day no matter what side of the rock you sit.
opal and gxt joined the channel
Just added the WordPress REST as a feed option
mblaney, anotheryou and swentel joined the channel
Curious...what is everyone building today? Sound off
Good morning IndieWeb!
Just making tea and then thinking of doing some sort of comparison between IndieWeb Drupal and IndieWeb WordPress
Hi, Zegnat
mblaney joined the channel
Good morning GWG! Still very intrigued by Gutenberg and the possibility of microformats block after your presentation yesterday!
Zegnat: Would be interested to see what someone comes up with.
I am just afraid that once I get on that train, I will still not use WP to actualy publish stuff and it will just become another eternal tinker project :/
Zegnat: The train is pulling into your station
mblaney joined the channel
I did find a personal site that does almost exactly what I would want mine to do! Now is just a matter of how to emulate it, haha
https://danmackinlay.name/ - I love the way his notebooks are laid out, with links within the, links outbound. And how his blog is basically exactly the same as his notebooks.
mblaney, [jgmac1106] and opal joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
Its a Hugo site. I think notebooks this theme: https://github.com/danmackinlay/mnmotebook
[danmackinlay] mnmotebook: Themes for pelican
Drupal sounds more flexible if you are going to be building different views and playing with data in different ways
WP will be easier, both work with micropub apps so the publishing flow similar??
[snarfed] joined the channel
I can’t do Hugo. I have tried the static site stuff. But I need an editor that is easily accessible on a wide range of platforms
Else everything I want to write goes into a β€œI’ll write this down once I am at my desk again”-pile and never makes it anywhere
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell zegnat OMG, you have opened up a whole new rabbit hole for me. Home made piezo crystals for contact mics? Lunatic.
Wait. What did I do? :P
I looked at the Dan McKinley site, and he's into audio, and he links to https://danmackinlay.name/post/mutant_sound_design.html and that links to etc etc
Useful, as I am taking a break from writing the final section of my paper, while enjoying a cup of ginger and lemon tea.
[tantek], [LewisCowles], KempfCreative, gxt, Choscurano and gRegorLove joined the channel
Morning people. Somehow I managed to get up early again, though didn't check in until now.
cambridgeport90[: Early?
what is everyone up to?
cambridgeport90[: Teaching Parse This, which powers Yarns, to use the WordPress REST API like a feed source.
I have been up since 08:00.
And ... I forgot that Wordpress has one of those. Do all the IndieWeb plugins for that use that API, or do we still have some of them using the database for custom stuff? Otherwise, my SQL server experiment won't work.
cambridgeport90[: Use it for what?
They use the code that creates the built in API.
Basically running WP behind SQL server instead of MySQL/MariaDB.
This new code reads it
I know that some plugins use parts of the infrastructure that rely directly on Mysql tables to work properly.
cambridgeport90[: Not exactly..usually there is a layer in between
But I forgot about Yarns. Is there an advantage to that over somerhing like aperture?
* But I forgot about Yarns. Is there an advantage to that over something like aperture?
cambridgeport90[: Self hosting over having aaronpk do it?
No. I mean, advantages over aperture versus the Yarns plugin or vice versa.
though self hosting a feed server would be kinda cool, and I am going to do it anyways, to show off Laravel on IIS if anything.
cambridgeport90[: Aperture vs Yarns? Just different.
I think the parsing system in Yarns is much more obsessive compulsive than Xray, which Aperture uses
aperture seems to have more features; I don't think Yarns can do API keys, for instance, can it?
cambridgeport90[: Not yet.
Xray, which handles that, does support APIs whereas Parse This, my counterpart, doesn't.
I have never encountered the use of API keys though when setting up feeds. Even in the hosted aperture sign in I do have currently.
Xray supports the following that Parse This does not: ActivityStreams, Facebook, GitHub, Hackernews, Instagram, Twitter, XKCD, and XML
I may put in more custom work for specific sites like that someday
I thought the WordPress REST API was a good option
I do a lot more with OGP and other things though
It probably is your best one. that way it doesn't mess with anything behind it.
I want to do as much without an API key as I can
I have had enough of a difficulty figureing out how to use my own apps to post to socials on the IndieWeb, and API keys are a big part of that. That's actually another question I had. If I were to self-host bridgy, then, would I have things being posted from my own apps? I created a Twitter app, for instance, years ago, and haven't found a way to use it and still get semantic linkback working.
This could be specially important if I swap from WP to drupal, which I might do in light of the hubbub surrounding the latter lately.
yes, you'd need your own API apps. also, should probably => #indieweb-dev
sivy, jakelazaroff, wolftune, leg and nickodd joined the channel
Indeed so much dev talk here! What's going on?
Not sure. LOL
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
[tantek]: It's a IWC Hack Day?
did I miss the kickoff?
aaronpk we didn't do an official kickoff with the day starting from so many time zones
GWG, I'd expect indieweb feature discussions here then, not plumbing and APIs. Those always belong in dev
Ok, just explaining
GWG, please help immediately redirect any mentions of API or databases to dev, rather than answering here
[jgmac1106] where are IWC Online folks saying what they're adding / creating for their IndieWeb sites?
[tantek]: I posted it on my site
GWG, is there some aggregation somewhere then? Since the point of saying what you're doing at an IWC is for other folks to be able to see all the things for the day together?
[tantek]: I asked in chat a few times today, but no responses
I am hoping on the wiki, I am gonna start encouraging people to add, just getting back from morning sports, doing my example first as a model
I will add wherever people are
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
I'm curious because I'm wondering if there's something people are doing that I could be doing something similar to to collaborate
[jgmac1106] where on the wiki? Is there page for it?
KempfCreative and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[tantek]: You can also watch the video from yesterday if you want.
is the hack day zoom room open?
maxwelljoslyn: I can open it now. One second.
:^^^) thanks
gwg? also feel free to choose a hack buddy and share progress and challeneges at specific intervals, doing my goal setting now
[AlisonW] joined the channel
https://zoom.us/j/7012777223 - Room is open for business
chrisaldrich joined the channel
If you haven't declared them yet, here's the place on the wiki to announce your hack day goals today: https://indieweb.org/2020/Online#Hack_Day_Goals.2FProjects
chrisaldrich: Don't I owe you something?
kensp joined the channel
GWG: You were going to send me pointers for adding feeds on single posts for including tag/category feeds
jakelazaroff joined the channel
Unless it's a super simple code snippet I can cut/paste into functions.php, it can wait though.
chrisaldrich: I would make it more of a plugin
But either way, will see what I can put together.
Zegnat++ for surfacing https://danmackinlay.name. Turns out he's got an awesome academic blogroll of statisticians and mathematicians. It's also the first time I've run into someone following one of my very specific subfeeds in the wild! :O
Zegnat has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] functions.php -> dev please πŸ™‚
yeah chrisaldrich and it is a quality list of staticians, don't knwo the mathematics field, but that blogroll is a whose who...education space never stopped blogging and using rss...just found new places for people not to read our stuff
functions.php -> WordPress, my guess
jakelazaroff and awolf joined the channel
yes even better thank you [jgmac1106]++
[jgmac1106] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
In my defense, I did use the very non-dev friendly words "cut/paste", but that was also the end of that conversation which did move to a different side channel. ;)
turona joined the channel
@maxwelljoslyn I am working on a poetry page as well, as you build yours (I can;t do it but manual) maybe consider a syndication target to the poetry stub on indieweb.xyz
jakelazaroff, opal, sivy, [schmarty], [Christina_Hendr, [jeremycherfas], mauz555, gxt, [Michael_Beckwit, sukil and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel; leg left the channel
jgmac1106 roger that, didn't know indieweb.xyz had a poem zone. also, thanks for reminding me I have a defunct twitter! i was worried that autolink would be someone else with the same name
[snarfed] joined the channel
...well it's like three days old...looks like I tried indiewebpoetry as a stub but abandoned it quickly
and here is a collection I found that I was trying to style like a Medium publication. Though still chronological: https://jgregorymcverry.com/opensourceblogging and I was learning so probably littered with errors
I do have a series of articles I Publish called "UX of Parenting" that I would not want to be presented in a feed chronologically
Okay back from helping a friend and seeing if my page build worked
I just requested an export of all my flickr data, it took almost a day to complete the request, and I now have 98 600mb zip files to download individually πŸ˜‚
oh no what a mess
one set of files is the original files I uploaded, with their original filenames
another set of files is all the flickr data like name and description and tags... BUT... there is no way to tell what the original filename for this is
jakelazaroff joined the channel
it gives me the flickr URL of the photo, but not the filename in the export :facepalm:
that seems like...a major oversight
[AlisonW], beko, brandonrozek, quite, segnior, JasonO, edsu, creature, callMeBaby, Bitweasil, omz13_, cleanshirt, drkokandy, ned0, PetriBot, doubleloop, Salt, obensource, [LewisCowles], KisulkenDiscord[, M3baidDiscord[m4, DeltaWhy[m], drshamoon[m], WesDiscord[m], adinbDiscord[m], JayWelsh0845[m], aaronpk[m], vbDiscord[m], AuHau[m], angrygnuDiscord[, richtercamdenDis, leoalvarezhDisco, weedDiscord[m], HyunwooLeeDiscor, lauren|Microspon, scandichainDisco, gnunicorn[m], fexra|TRTLDiscor, captain-nemoDisc, astraiaDiscord[m, M123897974564Dis, RomainDiscord[m], gorhgorh[m]1, gnunicornDiscord, raisDiscord[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, AnthonyCBuddDisc, LSJI07Discord[m], macerbiDiscord[m, enricomarino[m], sfromentDiscord[, godparticleDisco, OxyDiscord[m], new0ne[m], Imnotsoimpressed, rittme[m], solanavDiscord[m, MissLavenderDisc, rklaehnDiscord[m, RealSnazzy[m], M}Discord[m], enricomarinoDisc, Alex[m]4, jamietanna[m], placer14Discord[, brewskiDiscord[m, SnoochToTheNooch, sander[m], HarryTmeticDisco, peatDiscord[m], johanherman[m]1, CatManDoooDiscor, johanherman[m], UsDiscord[m], placer141276[m], chinsuDiscord[m], circlesDiscord[m, RenegadeDiscord[, aeddi1523[m], HooftlyDiscord[m, thesage1014Disco, jwheelerDiscord[, M8431[m], WarrenDiscord[m], icaruszDiscord[m, SuikaDiscord[m], RyonezCoruscare0, OboDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m], cam4507[m], ttocslliwDiscord, MichaelTenDiscor, the_nikinDiscord, 14WAADFV2, vasaDiscord[m], william_shakesDi, iiogama[m], RDeckardDiscord[, rklaehn[m], fozzieDiscord[m], amimDiscord[m], malaclypsDiscord, matsugenDiscord[, appDiscord[m], pranayDiscord[m], chrisDiscord[m], plexusDiscord[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], Elijah3321[m], LordFenixNCDisco, RomaricDiscord[m, macerbi[m], MisterGoreDiscor, AutoAIDiscord[m], OrkunDiscord[m], nek1113Discord[m, sekiDiscord[m]1, cristobalDiscord, itsmekntDiscord[, catmanDiscord[m], JonwelDiscord[m], Dby0Discord[m], ShadowJonathanDi, denzukoDiscord[m, Exca1iburTheWise, mapachurroDiscor, eddy[m], PhillmacDiscord[, ExpherienceDisco, AraratDiscord[m], DaekiDiscord[m], sethforkDiscord[, KinnardDiscord[4, hvergara[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, farhad312Discord, XierumengDiscord, nebulerDiscord[m, AXEL-Brian[m], thatguyDiscord[m, SpaceOutlawDisco, Lilz|BetaMeDisco, marcocastignoliD, M3baidDiscord[m], swedneck[m]1, touzaikokonDisco, Valium8862[m], erlend_shDiscord, Sm03leBr00tDisco, Mai-HsuanKevinCh, nellkate1[m], realChainDiscord, RodolfoEDiscord[, AXEL-Lee[m], ZipperSKDiscord4, M9uapawDiscord[m, Gorka[m], M011000100111010, mikeal[m], johanhermanDisco, KarlDiscord[m], NatoBoramDiscord, aswiththewildDis, simibacDiscord[m, radio_aliceDisco, felixschlDiscord, mhzDiscord[m], manfred[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], WellinkDiscord[m, baluptonDiscord[, jenncloudDiscord, card[m], pbvieDiscord[m], MatthDiscord[m], thomasbDiscord[m, swedneck[GMT1]Di, willnorris, micro, flaki, voxpelli, danyao, en3r0_, dansup, anarchivist, skalnik, sebsel, Jon, jimpick, rrix, Zegnat, tsrt^, AkyRhO_, terinjokes, vrih_, nst^, [snarfed], mauz555, [schmarty], turona, [jgmac1106], deathrow1, KartikPrabhu, anotheryou, crazed, vgszmilhv_, kolaente, Leeky, MarkAtwood, peterrother, dee`, echarlie, egoexpress, rawkode, mattl, Jeena, Ariadne, ramsey, sfoster, maxwelljoslyn, [tantek], jakelazaroff, opal, sukil, Nuve, plutes, nickodd, cjk101010, jacky, seekr, timtepasse, gxt, petermolnar, Choscurano, mgh, prtfw[m], awolf, Dowzee, selectric, perflyst[m], GreyNicholson[m], j605, strugee, bltavares, bigbluehat, vilhalmer, jjuran, shakeel, jolvera, wiedi, dietricha, GWG, puffi, chkilroy_, mclemens, andersju, MylesBraithwaite, wagle, Gargron_, ludovicchabant_, IWSlackGateway, viaken, reidab, sensiblemn, astronavt, Diogo, djmoch, sknebel, nloadholtes, ben_thatmustbeme, hasslon, XgF, R2ZER0, daf, bleb, corenominal, raucao, Kaja_____, dragontamer5788, joshproehl, rhiaro, yar, jeremycherfas, blueyed, nsh, rektide2, buirg, Ruxton, marcusr, mlncn, dev, treora, globbot, Guest7590, oodani, Kongaloosh, danbee, milkii_, [Michael_Beckwit, [Christina_Hendr, mavidser, aaronpk, ketudb, sivoais, rektide, uncle_0gre, __number5__, jigawatt, dg, Decobus, dopplergange, [tantek]1, [schmarty]1, [jgmac1106]1, [snarfed]1, ludovicchabant, emilbayes, num431, myfreeweb and robla joined the channel
aaronpk maybe if you point out the issue to Flickr they will change their exporting tool. silver lining... for everyone who comes after you, anyway :^P
I DM'd them on twitter, we'll see what happens
oh I know someone at smugmug, i'll ping him too
kensp and opal joined the channel
its 22 UTC, is it demo time?
sadly only partly finished
You can push on to the next one but it will be late East Coast and almost mornign EU....
I am not done either but I am happy to demo where I am
AllisoonW, skenbel, aaronpk, chrisaldrich, Christinahendricks anyone want to demo now?
oops spelled [AlisonW] name wrong, we can always do asynchronous demos and add to the demo page I will make on the wiki
gxt joined the channel
i'm not ready yet πŸ˜‚
yar and [fluffy] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Well, here’s something very IndieWeb-esque, but it misses the mark IMO by doing json-ld instead of mf2… https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2019/12/the-future-of-the-web-isnt-the-web/
but at least it isn’t opengraph
IDK I'd trust OGP not to rot as much as JSON-LD (which is more complex thus more fragile)
oops got tricked into a dev comment -> dev please
dinner time I will be back
rhiaro_ and Dowzee_ joined the channel