[chrisaldrich]It's certainly interesting to put in some of the smaller hand-built websites that put out almost nothing in comparison to even a relatively simple WordPress install.
[chrisaldrich]Picking up on the bookmark/like/favorite/repost conversation earlier, GWG, you might try making some of them on your site and see how you like using them (or not).
[chrisaldrich]I've used several different versions of /read posts and still don't think I've got exactly what I want, but part of the fun is experimenting.
SpencerDubWould anyone in here be able to help with some CSS questions I have regarding the Autonomie theme for WordPress at some point? Trying to take my old WordPress blog and wrangle it into a legit IndieWeb home for myself.
SpencerDubGot it. First, I've got some elements that are displaying out of alignment with the rest of the post body, and can't quite figure out why. Example here: https://spencerdub.me/blog/nisei-recommendations/
SpencerDubLooks like it was align-center, but I've played with the other options to see what they look like. That was an obvious one; thanks for your help and your patience.
RuxtonSpencerDub: you'll want to find where #jp-relatedposts rule is set in the related-posts plugin you're using, change margin: 1em 0; to margin: 1em auto; and set a max-width of 700px that should get u started
[chrisaldrich]If you need more technical help on this, I'd recommend moving to the #indieweb-wordpress channel (otherwise the #indieweb-dev channel will work too).
Loqichat is informal messaging offered by numerous services, a few of which interoperate or bridge with each other, and also a set of brainstorms for what an amazing indieweb friendly chat web app/site could do https://indieweb.org/chat
LoqiJoin the #indieweb discussions via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix interfaces now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
[pfefferle], [Michael_Beckwit, KartikPrabhu, jihaisse, sukil, [fluffy], swentel, [KevinMarks], [datashaman] and tomasmoberg joined the channel
tomasmobergHello, I have an idea. I would like to complement the rel="me" link with a rel="trust" link that indicates which domains I trust. All domains are treated as equals (having 1.0 trust points to allocate as the domain owner wishes) . If I have two rel="trust" links on my domain (linking to Indieweb.org and Wikipedia.org), each one would earn 0.5 trust points. I imagine a grassroots movement of domain-based chains of trust.
tomasmobergThank you for the response. I think of a decentralized way of expressing trust for a source (e.g Wikipedia.org or Indieweb.org). Would not a domain-based trust system differ from a website-based one in that it would be more difficult to centralize, control by silos?
aaronpkWe have various rel values that already indicate specific kinds of trust, such as rel=me (I trust this other website to also represent me online) or rel=canonical (you should trust this other link as the canonical version of this page)
Loqi[dbaron] My high-level opinion here is that this a really valuable feature, but it might also be one where all of the possible solutions have major issues/problems. So I think the question we should think about is how the problems of the solution chosen here...
[schmarty]oof, this quotes a "privacy researcher at Brave Browser" which talks about being able to view DNS traffic (which does not leak URL paths) and then out-of-context quotes "a principal engineer at Mozilla" saying basically that this is a hard problem with no specifics about this implementation 😩
Loqi[bokand] Sorry for the delay, was on vacation and then catching up.
Yes, this is shipping in M80 without a flag. We discussed this and other issues with our security team and, to summarize, we understand the issue but disagree on the severity so we're proc...
tomasmobergaaronpk (and others): I am not sure if "trust to do" is what I mean. I am looking for a way to create (domain-based) peer-trust-peer systems from below. Maybe possible without rel="trust".
[schmarty]tomasmoberg: i think they were talking about the ways that "trust" can mean very different things in different contexts and for different people.
[schmarty]"trust" as a term doesn't mean much without discussing what that trust _enables_. i think that's what is meant by "trust to do what?" what capabilities are enabled by that trust relationship?
[tantek]Now for the designers, artists, and type nerds here (or anyone wanting to be one!), check out this challenge and enter with a post on your own site! https://www.instagram.com/p/B8zdZBNiLRh/
[amy], [KevinMarks], wolftune, tbbrown, [jeremycherfas], [Michael_Beckwit, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, jjuran, jeremycherfas and [dave] joined the channel