#indieweb 2020-02-22
2020-02-22 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [gRegorLove], [yo], [tantek], tbbrown, eli_oat, wolftune, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, miklb and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Possible project inspiration for the weekend from Warren Ellis (who switched from #knownchat to #WordPress) https://warrenellis.ltd/jot/broadcasting-house-1/

[KevinMarks] jargon << https://www.vulture.com/amp/2020/02/spread-of-corporate-speak.html “I like Anna Wiener's term for this kind of talk: garbage language. It's more descriptive than corporatespeak or buzzwords or jargon. Corporatespeak is dated; buzzword is autological, since it is arguably an example of what it describes; and jargon conflates stupid usages with specialist languages that are actually purposeful, like those of law or science or medicine

Loqi ok, I added "https://www.vulture.com/amp/2020/02/spread-of-corporate-speak.html “I like Anna Wiener's term for this kind of talk: garbage language. It's more descriptive than corporatespeak or buzzwords or jargon. Corporatespeak is dated; buzzword is autological, since it is arguably an example of what it describes; and jargon conflates stupid usages with specialist languages that are actually purposeful, like those of law or science or medicine" to the "See Also" section of /Category:jargon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68541&oldid=68479

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Mikaela, sukil, tbbrown, [tantek], gRegorLove, [datashaman], [jeremycherfas], kim1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove Next Events: IndieWebCamp Austin https://indieweb.org/next-iwc, Homebrew Website Club Meetup https://events.indieweb.org/tag/hwc, Code of conduct: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct, log https://chat.indieweb.org/today

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
gRegorLove manton starting up IWC Austin!

gRegorLove third IWC in Austin

gRegorLove Manton, Tom, and Jean are the organizers

gRegorLove or email austin at indieweb dot org

gRegorLove showing the /coc

[chrisaldrich] Good morning IndieWebCampers!

gRegorLove pointing out name tags and pronouns, sticker to ask before taking photos

gRegorLove we're livestreaming!

gRegorLove showing some tools: /discuss, indieweb.org, etherpad

gRegorLove showing /2020/Austin/Schedule

jsierra joined the channel
gRegorLove thanks to sponsors: Liveoak, micro.blog, SuperBorrowNet

gRegorLove up next: first keynote by Natalie

jonl joined the channel
gRegorLove Natalie Hester, https://nataliekayh.micro.blog/

gRegorLove shows a picture of her adorable baby

gRegorLove Title: Sharing Gratitude

gRegorLove Keeps a gratitude journal on her micro.blog

jonl Testing
gRegorLove Thanks Jean and Manton for inviting her

jonl Thanx for increasing the volume on the stream, whoever did that.
jonl Loud and clear now.
gRegorLove lives here in Austin, works as an academic fundraiser

[chrisaldrich] Natalie was introduced on an earlier edition of Micro.Monday: https://monday.micro.blog/2020/01/06/natalie-hester-aka.html

gRegorLove things changed about 10 months ago when their daughter was born

[jgmac1106] gRegorLove++ for scribing

gRegorLove Social Media: The Good

gRegorLove Helped connected her to moms

gRegorLove Made it easy to learn things. Loved the likes and comments.

gRegorLove The third party validation felt great.

gRegorLove Social Media: The Bad

gRegorLove joined Austin Moms FB group. Over 20k members, conversations pretty intense.

gRegorLove Found herself getting judgmental about some people.

gRegorLove Plus a deluge of ads for weight loss

gRegorLove Eventually realized wasn't part of a community that shared her values

gRegorLove Competing Missions:

gRegorLove non-profits often have different missions than the companies they work with

gRegorLove libraries v publishers

gRegorLove "support your local library"

[chrisaldrich] What are books?

Loqi A book is a written work typically longer than an article, on the indieweb, there are examples of publishing whole books on IndieWeb sites, and publishing lists of books https://indieweb.org/books

gRegorLove Companies like FB collect our data and inject influencers and ads

gRegorLove "you just constantly feel like you're being marketed to, and judged"

gRegorLove An acquaintance drewcastillo.micro.blog posted daily on FB. Simple statements of what he was thankful for and what he was looking forward to that day

gRegorLove Last year he announced he was leaving FB and going to micro.blog

gRegorLove She followed him and set up her micro.blog

gRegorLove and started posting a daily gratitude post

gRegorLove There are many days she wakes up less than grateful.

gRegorLove Taking a moment to stop and think about it has improved her days.

gRegorLove Why Micro.blog:

gRegorLove Could have bought a notebook to keep a gratitude journal

gRegorLove She had been inspired by Drew and thought if she shared online she might inspire someone too.

gRegorLove m.b "It feels a bit like Hulu after we started paying a little bit and got fewer ads"

gRegorLove The discourse seems pretty civil and content seems real

gRegorLove Recommends trying to start a gratitude journal for a couple days or a week

gRegorLove Keep up the good work trying to make the web better

gRegorLove *applause*

gRegorLove Natalie mentioned she uses /Marco_Polo app to share photos and video calls

gRegorLove up next: Pace Smith, http://pacesmith.com/

gRegorLove Title: Without Glue, Everything Falls Apart

gRegorLove "Welcome to 1993. Have a pile of wood"

gRegorLove Imagine you're back in 1993, this technology lets you type things in and then it appears on the web page. Guestbooks!

jonl We could've stuck with lynx!
[chrisaldrich] What is a guestbook?

Loqi guestbook is a way to allow visitors to your site to leave a comment about the website as a whole, instead of a comment about a specific post https://indieweb.org/guestbook

gRegorLove In the future: we never build the same thing twice, nobody gets betrayed, no more sexual predators, no more marketing, no more bad science [missed one]

[chrisaldrich] no more capitalism

gRegorLove "No more marketing: IndieTrustWeb Goods and Services Recommender ITWGASR!"

gRegorLove No more bad science:

jonl FYI streaming feed has a lot of distortion.
gRegorLove No more capitalism: IndieTrustWeb helps prevent fake news, "I trust you"

gRegorLove media has less influence

gRegorLove all of these problems get solved by IndieTrustWeb. This is the glue that holds the future internet together.

gRegorLove So thanks to us for creating it.

gRegorLove *applause*

gRegorLove missing context from beginning: Pace is visiting us from the future

gRegorLove up next: Aaron Parecki, https://aaronparecki.com

wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove Title: Social Readers

gRegorLove Realized at one point he hadn't posted on FB in six months, worried people might have thought he died

gRegorLove Made a post on FB that he doesn't post there anymore with links to his site

gRegorLove Liked Instagram, but mostly used it because he had a pipeline where ownyourgram posted his photos back to his site

gRegorLove They've locked down the API so that's not working as well (at all?)

gRegorLove Twitter isn't really fun anymore either. Random order with the algorithm, every tweetstorm ends with the "please unroll"

gRegorLove Thinks we can do something better.

gRegorLove has been posting on his own site for a while. Which is great, but very different from using it every day as a social experience.

gRegorLove Integrated posting and reading experience had been missing in indieweb

gRegorLove In the pas we had Google Reader. Was good at aggregating stuff around the web. Was still just one direction though

gRegorLove shows /Monocle

gRegorLove web-based application, responsive for desktop and mobile

gRegorLove there's a handful of others: /Indigenous on iOS and Android

gRegorLove and /Together

gRegorLove Can log in to these readers and see the same content he has subscribed to

gRegorLove the list of feeds he's subscribed to lives on his site, e.g. via /Aperture

gRegorLove Specification for this is /Microsub

gRegorLove Impelemented in WordPress, Drupal, Ekster, Dobrado, others

gRegorLove one of the /building-blocks

[datashaman] joined the channel
gRegorLove last night he got a Push notification from his site from Brian asking if the group was still at the restaurant

[chrisaldrich] I don't think I've seen that Microsub icon before!

[jgmac1106] ooh just saw the microsub logo cool!

gRegorLove Went to /Monocle, typed in a reply and posted it. It was published on his site and a webmention sent to Brian

gRegorLove No silos involved in the interaction!

gRegorLove Highlights four of our /principles: Build things you will use yourself, UX and design before protocols, Modularity, Plurality of projects

gRegorLove *applause*

gRegorLove brief intermission *music*

gRegorLove (provide your own music)

gRegorLove manton.org

gRegorLove ...been doing a lot of photos lately, photo challenge on micro.blog

gRegorLove ... has a page for replies to other people

gRegorLove ... not sure what's next, probably something more with replies

gRegorLove ... loves blogging, tries to blog every day

gRegorLove up next: Jean, micro.welltempered.net

[jgmac1106] macgenie is the feature of her blog

gRegorLove ... shows categorizing posts in micro.blog

[jgmac1106] the categories are awesome!!

gRegorLove ... guinea pig posts have been categorized

gRegorLove ... and Star Trek posts

gRegorLove ... and m.b community management related posts

[chrisaldrich] with a remote demo:

gRegorLove up next: Brian, pine.blog/u/sonicrocketman

[chrisaldrich] Hi! I'm https://boffosocko.com.

[chrisaldrich] The last thing I set up on my site was to import all my content from Untappd and set up a quick method for importing (via /PESOS) all future content from Untappd to my site automatically.

[chrisaldrich] Think I got it in between the live demos...

gRegorLove ... his microblog, full blog is at https://brianschrader.com/

gRegorLove ... /pine.blog is similar to /micro.blog

gRegorLove ... this is the site he used to contact aaronpk last night about the meetup

gRegorLove up next: Tom, https://herestomwiththeweather.com/

gRegorLove ... also shows his micro.blog which has integration with indiebookclub.biz to post read posts

Pace joined the channel
gRegorLove ... tomwiththeweather.micro.blog

gRegorLove up next: Grant Hutchins,

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove++ for indiebookclub.biz

gRegorLove ... rel-me links to his places elsewhere on the web

gRegorLove ... shows his micro.blog. Posted earlier about Natalie's keynote and she replied on m.b. with an emoji

gRegorLove ... first reply he's gotten

gRegorLove ... shows an old blog he wrote in static HTML

[chrisaldrich] GWG++ for pleasant surprises!

[jgmac1106] jealous of what will be hte easiest migration ever

gRegorLove ... "this news page is so old I renamed the file to olds.html"

gRegorLove up next: Dave, davegoesthedistance.com

gRegorLove ... you can call me Taco Dave

gRegorLove ... links to all his other projects online

gRegorLove ... The Griddle is a puzzle blog he's written since 2006, celebrated 14 years this month

[Grant_Hutchins] joined the channel
[Grant_Hutchins] [jgmac1106] 😆 I hope so!
gRegorLove ... logs the tacos he tries. up to 472

gRegorLove ... one of projects is to move that from Tumblr to a self-hosted blog

gRegorLove up next: wormsandviruses.com

gRegorLove ... jackwellborn.com

gRegorLove ... wants to add a favicon, and tweak his micro.blog integration

gRegorLove up next: Joe Masilotti, masilotti.com

Pace "Weird Al kind of predicted what YouTube would look like in UHF" - so true!!
gRegorLove ... wants to add comments in a way that makes sense and he owns them; using /Disqus currently

gRegorLove up next: Constantine, http://constantine.su

gRegorLove ... demos his responsive site, some elements hide at smaller resolutions to prevent vertical scrolling

gRegorLove up next: Cornelius

gRegorLove ... micro.corntoole.com

gRegorLove ... blogs and forums were really formative for him. Wants to consolidate his stuff from Tumblr and who knows where else, on his own site

gRegorLove up next: Ben Scheirman, benscheirman.com

gRegorLove ... has tried probably about 10 different blogging platforms, careful to preserve permalinks

gRegorLove ... started to care a bit less about old posts, e.g. nobody wants to know what he ate for lunch 12 years ago

gRegorLove ... currenlty running on /Ghost

gRegorLove ... makes Swift screencasts

gRegorLove ... does video encoding himself

gRegorLove ... also has the /Disqus comment issue

[jgmac1106] jgregorymcverry.com/myvideos hoping we can get fragment support in Bridgy so people can subscribe on a per show basis....webmention sounds like a great goal for Constantine

gRegorLove up next: Juan Sierra, juansierra.dev

gRegorLove ... built on Gatsby on top of React

gRegorLove ... portfolio site

[chrisaldrich] What is Gatsby?

Loqi Gatsby is a React-based static site generator with live preview https://indieweb.org/gatsby

gRegorLove ... projects page, contact form

gRegorLove ... makes music [missed domain]

gRegorLove up next: Brian Smith

gRegorLove ... newbie programmer, was in the automotive field

gRegorLove ... redesigning his wife's site, 1proof.com

gRegorLove ... here to learn and open to any advice

gRegorLove up next: Tantek https://tantek.com

gRegorLove ... tries to post as much as he can on his site first

gRegorLove ... just over halfway done with a couple 100 days projects

gRegorLove ... tries to take and post a positive photo once a day

gRegorLove ... some github issues or comments

gRegorLove ... RSVPs and discussing web crypto

wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG++ for a "true" IndieWeb intro!

[chrisaldrich] Maybe update your post with an audio recording later GWG?

[chrisaldrich] ProgressiveEnhancement++

[chrisaldrich] This is my favorite part of IWC coming up.... 🙂

gRegorLove aaronpk is introing the session planning process

[jgmac1106] I was feeding kids lunch, but who ever was talking about grants and starving artists that's my jam: Here are some grants we have gone after: https://indieweb.org/User:Jgregorymcverry.com#IndieWeb_Grants

[jgmac1106] manton++

[jgmac1106] not self serving at all

jack joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Gotta run out to kids sportsball, but I'll try to keep up remotely as I can. Good luck all!

davepeck1 joined the channel
Pace I uploaded my slides http://pacesmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Without-Glue-Everything-Falls-Apart.pdf
Guest56380 Checking… checking… 123
Guest56380 Gah! Name did not take.
Guest56380 😖
JackWellborn There we go. Sorry for the spam.
Jack, wolftune and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] [jgmac1106] re https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/archives/C03QR2B4R/p1582392157029200 , just checking, you mean https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/445 , right?
[jgmac1106] Ooh haven't checked in in awhile...

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Ooh no not that snarfed. The Granary issue. To make rss feeds from h-feed#fragment

KartikPrabhu, [datashaman] and gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove IndieWebTrust etherpad https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indietrustweb

gRegorLove *IndieTrustWeb

[yo], [Jacob_Michelsen, SpencerDub, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek] wow check out this "own your comments" comment on HN from 2010! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1441792

[tantek] comment << 2010 Hackernews comment about federating comments! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1441792

Loqi ok, I added "2010 Hackernews comment about federating comments! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1441792" to a brand new "See Also" section of /comment https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68583&oldid=33549

[tantek] comment << 2010-06-15 Example of blog posts commenting back/forth: [http://powazek.com/posts/2463 Your right to comment ends at my front door.] — see the end for "Update: John Gruber responded:" <blockquote>… (And hey! Look at us having a conversation without comment forms. Ain’t it grand living in the future?)</blockquote>

Loqi ok, I added "2010-06-15 Example of blog posts commenting back/forth: [http://powazek.com/posts/2463 Your right to comment ends at my front door.] — see the end for "Update: John Gruber responded:" <blockquote>… (And hey! Look at us having a conversation without comment forms. Ain’t it grand living in the future?)</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /comment https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68584&oldid=68583

[snarfed] and tbbrown joined the channel
Salam-Alejkum hi
[KevinMarks] and wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
Salam-Alejkum pl
[Rasul_Kireev], wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Salam-Alejkum pl
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel