#indieweb 2020-02-23
2020-02-23 UTC
[dave], [KevinMarks], wolftune, miklb, [Brian], [jgmac1106], [datashaman], tbbrown, [gRegorLove], [chrisaldrich], [Michael_Beckwit and gRegorLove joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "fixing reposts" https://mblaney.xyz/2020-02-23-fixing_reposts

KartikPrabhu, wolftune, [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], petermolnar, [KevinMarks] and [datashaman] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] morning sad I missed the video session and had to bail on the micor.blog and microformats session. Today's hack goals: fix the grid on https://jgregorymcverry.com/mypoetry (may just start over and use Grid areas)

[jgmac1106] and then build a notes feed using a calendar view like https://jgregorymcverry.com/poetryportpoems but for notes

[jgmac1106] issue there is figuring out how to handle datetime without crowding everything out

[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I am sad advertisers ruined autoplay. I used that in poetry a lot, lost some interactivity with the audience

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] okay first hack day goal met: fixed this poem: https://jgregorymcverry.com/heavenlyremixes

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Statisfaction" https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/statisfaction

[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Good morning Zegnat.

[jgmac1106] JeremyCherfas congrats on the log! sounds cool

[jeremycherfas] That ^^^ is my Project Day accomplishment, such as it is. I probably won’t be online when demo time rolls around, but perhaps someone would add it to the wiki page for me. Or I’ll do it later.

[jeremycherfas] Thanks [jgmac1106] It *is* cool, even if I don’t fully understand everything that is going on.

[jgmac1106] film a quick screencast now

[jgmac1106] ...worried adding any tracking will change way I write, be saddened to learn I have 3 readers, or change what I write based on numbers, but I might try that. It looks really cool

[jeremycherfas] There’s literally nothing worth filming.

[jgmac1106] you, you are silly... but indienews is announcement enough, just add an entry to the demo page when you get a chance

Loqi Bise is a data analytics script written in python, not strictly IndieWeb but self hosted https://indieweb.org/Bise

[jeremycherfas] It checks almost anything you want, using regex. So for feed it checks for the existence of `path` includes `/blog.rss` in my case.

[jeremycherfas] For twitter and web searches, it checks for referrer using a regex of `t\.co\` etc etc

[jeremycherfas] The docs say you can test for “”path”, “path_regex”, “referer_regex”, or “agent_regex”.

[jeremycherfas] Right now, I’m using it more or less as it comes out of the box, but I can imagine going deeper once I know what else I might be interested in.

tbbrown, gRegorLove and [yo] joined the channel
[yo] Heading over now
gRegorLove Hiya oh_that_courtney

[LewisCowles], [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
loophole1 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] In a way using the bridgy site is like a forced pause on publishing for me, the preview option let's me catch so many errors

[jgmac1106] 268 minutes until Austin demo

wolftune joined the channel
[Erika_W_] joined the channel
[Erika_W_] Be gentle, I’m new here. 🙃
XgF joined the channel
Kongaloosh Hello [Erika_W_]! Nice to meet you :)

Kongaloosh Wow, I just realized that this year by indieblog will be 5 years old!

Kongaloosh First commit: 2 Jun 2015

[chrisaldrich], wolftune, gRegorLove and jakelazaroff joined the channel
[jgmac1106] wooo hooo! I just finished my second project day goal: https://jgregorymcverry.com/poetryportpoems fixed and aligned the dates, added all poems until one will be missing later

[jgmac1106] resisting urge to have fun styling page with boxes, hover effects, and fonts and moving back to other goals of of fixing my poetry page

[tantek] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] cool idea

[jgmac1106] I read that on your page this morning and liked it

oh_that_courtney joined the channel
[KevinMarks] depends - photos are more scannable, but also more distracting; is the goal to lead people there first?

macgenie joined the channel
[tantek] oh boy. Why do https://www.zeldman.com/ and https://ma.tt/ look the same?

[tantek] in the old days I could make (tweet) some snarky remark about how I remember how those sites used to be brimming with the personality of their owners, but now Twitter is such a cesspool that in that context it would come off as much more negative than intended (which is a friendly jab among friends) 😕

[Brian] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] weirdly, they seem to have picked up background colour and font styling from my ancient blogger blog

[KevinMarks] I knew if I waited long enough the spindly sans serif look would go out of fashion again

[jgmac1106] wondering if grid areas and a bit of javascript (alot?) could be used to allow the user to just move around areas of your website...like could I have a layout selector that just chooses between three different grid areas

[jgmac1106] oops that is way too dev

gRegorLove Demos starting shortly

dckc joined the channel
gRegorLove IWC Austin Demos

gRegorLove manton is up first

gRegorLove ... worked on improving replies on his blog

gRegorLove ... didn't have replies from other people to him

gRegorLove ... shows one of his short micro.blog posts on his site and a comment from Brian

gRegorLove ... takes the conversation from micro.blog and drops it into your page

gRegorLove ... works via a line of javascript that passes the permalink for the post and it generates all the replies

gRegorLove ... site is static and doesn't re-generate when people reply

gRegorLove ... this is rolled out for everyone in micro.blog

gRegorLove ... shows a setting on micro.blog to turn the feature on

gRegorLove ... the javascript matches the webmentions.io format, [[jf2]]

gRegorLove ... also a jsonfeed version

gRegorLove up next: aaronpk

gRegorLove ... did a couple small things and a kind of big thing

[KevinMarks] neat

gRegorLove ... his blog is listed in the pine.blog directory

[KevinMarks] I tried to make mention.tech match webmention.io for the jf2 too, so we should iterate on that

gRegorLove ... it used to say "Aaron Parecki primary" fixed on his end to remove the "primary"

gRegorLove ... fixed a bug with [[xray]] for an edge case of photo posts. not much to show visually

gRegorLove ... some live HTML parsing in XRay to demo. Found another edge case that wasn't fixed

gRegorLove ... also got the livestream up that's running NOW at https://indieweb.live

gRegorLove ... (infinite aaronpk's slowly populate the screen)

gRegorLove up next: Brian Schrader

gRegorLove ... pine.blog/u/sonicrocketman

gRegorLove ... shows the version that's live; didn't have mf2 so Monocle preview didn't parse anything.

gRegorLove ... dev version now has mf2 and preview shows up!

gRegorLove ... site was blank screen without js, now it renders without js

gRegorLove ... also updated the pine.blog directory to a card layout instead of a list

gRegorLove up next: jacky, https://jacky.wtf

gRegorLove ... follow-as-intended.glitch.me

gRegorLove ... type in any URL and it will check for elsewhere to follow them (Github, Twitter, etc.) via rel-me

gRegorLove up next: Courtney

gRegorLove ... crosenthal.com

gRegorLove ... started blogging in 2002, stopped in 2018

gRegorLove ... realized social media is not a happy place to be right now, wanted to be blogging again

gRegorLove ... wanted to create a new blog site.

gRegorLove ... two requirements: static page generation, wanted to get away from CMS, and preferably Jekyll -- wanted two content streams: articles and a link blog

gRegorLove ... loading up IP of the site running on her laptop

gRegorLove ... two content streams in the navigation: Blog and Flow

gRegorLove ... built with Jekyll

gRegorLove ... traditional Jekyll pagination doesn't support this type of use. found a jekyll-paginate-v2 plugin

gRegorLove ... really nice alternative; multiple content streams, lot of customizations, paginate across multiple collections, keywords, etc. Looks to be powerful.

gRegorLove ... one caveat, the plugin authors say it's not compatible with Github, so would only work if you're self hosting

gRegorLove up next: Grant Hutchins

gRegorLove ... made some small improvements to his site.

gRegorLove ... yesterday it was a card, now it's an [[h-card]]

gRegorLove ... added a bunch of link tags: u-uid, xfn for rel-me, indieauth, aperture microsub

gRegorLove ... shows the indieauth login flow up until selecting Github

gRegorLove ... started to set up his own install of Aperture

gRegorLove ... all the work today he did on an iPad; demoing his workflow now

gRegorLove ... started on a Trello board

gRegorLove ... most work in Safari

gRegorLove ... mihtool app lets him view source

gRegorLove ... A lot of split screen with Safari and Prompt app to SSH

gRegorLove ... used vim to make live edits and see it update in split screen

gRegorLove up next: Taco Dave

[KevinMarks] vim on an ipad is neat

[KevinMarks] I used to run ssh on a sidekick so I like this

gRegorLove ... worked on The Griddle, puzzle blog, worked on discoverability by adding some content types at the bottom

gRegorLove ... Used Inkscape to generate some SVGs

gRegorLove ... beta.thegriddle.net

courtney_ joined the channel
gRegorLove ... nice thing about SVG is can customize via CSS

gRegorLove ... demos changing the CSS

[KevinMarks] svg++

gRegorLove ... changes paths to fill color red

gRegorLove up next: Joe

gRegorLove ... Joe Masilotti, masilotti.com

gRegorLove ... added a footer with all of his rel-me links

gRegorLove ... Added a Webmentions tab at the top

tsrt^ joined the channel
gRegorLove ... has some test mentions from the checkmention app

gRegorLove ... asks for live webmentions; some of us send them and they showed up!

gRegorLove ... showing the source of a template; minimal javascript pulls mentions from webmention.io and injects in the template

gRegorLove up next: Tom Brown

[KevinMarks] comments without webmentions could use commentpara.de

gRegorLove ...

, http://herestomwiththeweather.com#
[KevinMarks] also bridgy to get tweet comments

gRegorLove ... before today indiebookclub was showing blank posts. The micropub server didn't know about the properties IBC was sending

oh_that_courtney joined the channel
gRegorLove ... works now. Also links to the IBC ISBN page for the book

gRegorLove up next: Jean MacDonald

gRegorLove ...

gRegorLove ... worked on an Explaining the IndieWeb page that's more user-friendly

wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove ... Getting Started page is good but could be intimidating / confusing. Wants micro.blog community to understand what they have better.

[KevinMarks] microblog could thicken up the font for video 😉

gRegorLove ... What is the IndieWeb, How Can I participate sections, opening outline

gRegorLove up next: Cornelius Toole

gRegorLove ... was thinking about the ephemeral nature of stories (Snapchat, Instagram)

gRegorLove ... first wanted to figure out storage, where to host the video/photo

gRegorLove ... set up Backblaze B2 fronted by Cloudflare CDN+DNS

gRegorLove ... uploaded an image and could download it on his photos.corntoole.com page

[KevinMarks] looking good from the UK

gRegorLove ... used zuck.js (linked on wiki) to implement the stories UI

gRegorLove ... it's a simple list of images / videos with ability to specify how long to play them

gRegorLove ... last thing to work out is the client

gRegorLove ... looking at PWA so people don't have to install anything

[KevinMarks] gets SMIL flashbacks

gRegorLove Not sure I'm going to demo (nothing too different than opening demo), but I wrote some words: https://gregorlove.com/2020/02/my-indiewebcamp-austin-2020-projects/

gRegorLove up next: Bryan

gRegorLove ... Bryan Smith

gRegorLove ... worked on his wife's site 1proof.com

gRegorLove ... as you scroll down there's a fade in of the navbar to draw attention to it

gRegorLove ... responsive in progress, via [[Bootstrap]]

jakelazaroff joined the channel
gRegorLove ... background image is an SVG

gRegorLove ... found he needs the xmlns in the <svg> element in order to render

gRegorLove ... inline <svg> with `display: none`, then a `use xlink` embeds it where he wants it

[KevinMarks] ah, I see

gRegorLove ... much smaller filesize and can render at multiple sizes

[KevinMarks] I tend to just inline them and hope they compress

gRegorLove up next: Jack Wellborn

[jgmac1106] record a demo for the wiki if you don't get to show today

gRegorLove ... was going to set up a Twitter plugin

[jgmac1106] I am happy to put them all together in a video

gRegorLove ... then gRegor told him about Bridgy

gRegorLove ... spent the bulk of day updating/installing WordPress plugins to get it working

gRegorLove ... one plugin was overriding another one causing problems

gRegorLove ... decided to add mf2 classes directly in template

gRegorLove ... "Disclaimer: any competency displayed in yesterday's IndieWeb sessions was part of an elaborate ruse."

gRegorLove ... end of the day got it mostly updated, everything rendering pretty good

[dave] joined the channel
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[ColinMorris] joined the channel
[ColinMorris] ty for the play-by-play.
[David_Bryant] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] great demos and a solid stream1

kensp, turona, [gRegorLove], hndr and jakelazaroff joined the channel