#indieweb 2020-03-12

2020-03-12 UTC
ttal, flynn, delli3_, delli3, KempfCreative, whjms, beko, [tantek], nickodd, delucks, gRegorLove, [Michael_Beckwit, howyoubeen, [jeremycherfas], DanQ, anotheryou, [Jeff_Hawkins], vgszmilhv, cweiske, leg, wiedi and [g33kcentric] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
"man search" - wait, no, thats not the results i wanted 😄 Morning all
KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], mauz555, neceve, [jgmac1106], markong, [grantcodes], neceve_, misterwhatever, margeas, [jeremycherfas], [calumryan], [KevinMarks], markoong, KempfCreative, loicm, plut4rch, [Michael_Beckwit, seekr, Diogo418, pncl, [yo], [AlisonW], dmbaturin and [email096] joined the channel; vasilakisfil left the channel
Happy birthday, Tantek!
a_chou, wolftune, markoong, gRegorLove, [tantek], [datashaman], markong, [chrisaldrich], [LewisCowles], [schmarty], wiedi, [davidmead], nickodd, Diogo418, [Michael_Beckwit, [AlisonW] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
New Haven Public Schools closed, all Elm City Webmakers meet ups postponed
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
How about <site>/.well-known/avatar ?
[Rose] and markong joined the channel
Hcard is easier
The tricky problem is the email to url one
yeah h-card is just updating HTML on a page
some people might not have access to control `.well-known` routes
yup, that's a known failure point and why .well-known in general is a bad idea. though this is more dev
What is .well-known?
well-known is literally the path "/.well-known/" under a domain and used as a standardized location for discovering domain-wide meta-data https://indieweb.org/.well-known
Guest85650 joined the channel
comes back to whether someone controls the whole domain or just a subdomain or even just a page. email addresses (imho) aren't IDs.
I wonder if there's a list of "well-known" .well-knows, because I'm never able to find one.
the main one is 'acme-challenge'
ooh .. and a webfinger in there
nudges further well-known convo to #indieweb-dev 🙂
nickodd left the channel
https://securitytxt.org/ is another .well-known
[yo] joined the channel
DanQ: check #indieweb-dev; I listed some there 🙂
[Ana_Rodrigues], Diogo4189, [datashaman], [LewisCowles], jgee7, KartikPrabhu, [manton], [schmarty], [datashaman]1, [LewisCowles]1, markoong, tsrt^, kensp, Pikseladam and bltavares joined the channel