mauz555, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative, [yo], [Michael_Beckwit, vircuser, opal, nickodd, ketudb, en3r0, wolftune, gRegorLove, Ramzy, [tantek], cweiske and dmitry joined the channel; vircuser left the channel
dmitryhi. I've read some articles on your website and have a quick question: what is it all about? :D is it a movement, ideology or a service? My best guess is that IndieWeb is a movement, but I'm still not sure, so I've came to ask
dmitryI wanted to find something like this for awhile now. It seems like nobody want to have personal website anymore and be in control of their data and everything. Even my friends from IT usually just don't care about it
[jgmac1106]again with 2, I have no idea if the person violated the CoC of that organization, but do you have any examples of our CoC being used to censor voices?
[jgmac1106]and our CoC governs this space, and other online, as well as our f2f meetings like Nuremberg, to me that is a good thing, but will respect your right to disagree
[jgmac1106]Enforcing community norms is a basic role of human society. I am saying efforts should be made to create inclusive spaces where all people feel welcome
[jgmac1106]Something went wrong, I have no problem working to makibg the marginalized feel welcome rather than cater to white fragility and calls of censorship
[g33kcentric]As someone who's very existence is questioned by a lot of the population, CoCs go along way to helping me decide whether or not to even show up to an event/stay part of a community
[jgmac1106]False equivalence, talking our CoC, and again I do not accept your definition of censorship. A member of a community agreed to abide by a CoC. It is a matter or membership not censorship
[jgmac1106]The idea that CoCs is new is novel in itself? Leave it to tech to think the reinvent everything. In every grade I taught we hung community expectations
[jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], dougbeal|iOS, [Michael_Beckwit, [davidmead], [Ana_Rodrigues], dmitry, liljanus, jeremycherfas, petermolnar and wolftune joined the channel
[KevinMarks]“IndieWebCamps have hacking days where people code together. Now when I point out some stupid bug in someone else's code, this might embarrass the person who wrote it.
[KevinMarks]depends on how you do that thing - if you say "here's your problem" no-one will object; if you say "you are stupid and here's the bug" they will. Saying "you have a stupid bug" that could be a little too close to calling them stupid.
[Joe_Crawford]IndieWeb feels like a kind of human right. I suspect that if we looked at the UN declaration of human rights we’d see rights that are consistent with the self-determination goals of IndieWeb.
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