[jgmac1106]Good morning...don't think so, have some proposal due dates, may record some poems, podcast fell woefully out of date during our shift to online, trying to have a bank prerecorded
[jgmac1106]We are doing a wikidata meetup if anyone wants to learn about wikimedia's open data efforts....I couldn't get a good enough connection on hangouts to particiapte
[jeremycherfas]Morning IndieWeb Zegnat and [jgmac1106] Mostly audio editing today, although I hope also to find time for more CSS typographical tinkering. So nearly there.
[jgmac1106]I do need to roll back my Known instance a few versions to get replies back and Ben's Known blog somehow just broke....so I could work on that
[jgmac1106]dmitry best advice I got was build for the smallest screen first and then scale up with 1-2 media queries/breakpoints but technical ideas should pop to #dev
LoqiJoin the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
[jgmac1106]I might start suggesting to teachers and businesses that maybe we need to be more critical and ask "Do I need video to get this done" as a way to protect the global Internet right now
nickodd, loicm, electronicmaji, [tantek], dmitry, awolf, [jeremycherfas], [schmarty], gpickett00, hs0ucy, delli3, [chrisaldrich], markopasha, swentel, KempfCreative, jakelazaroff and [LewisCowles] joined the channel; lwh and nickodd left the channel