#indieweb 2020-03-29

2020-03-29 UTC
jakelazaroff, hs0ucy, [LewisCowles], electronicmaji, awolf, iamdave, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich not sure how much I have to share, but I'm totally interested in this website tour business if you're game to ping Jared on my behalf
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jakelazaroff, electronicmaji, awolf, Nuve, oodani, nickodd, opal, iamdave and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
will do maxwelljoslyn!
[chrisaldrich]: maxwelljoslyn left you a message 1 hour, 59 minutes ago: not sure how much I have to share, but I'm totally interested in this website tour business if you're game to ping Jared on my behalf
jakelazaroff, dmitry, [jeremycherfas], KapiX, loicm, hasslon, opal, [tantek], [LewisCowles], mauz555, crudirosa, swentel, markopasha, jamietanna, seekr and aaronpk joined the channel; crudirosa left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb!
jakelazaroff, opal, sakana, hs0ucy, loicm, electronicmaji, wolftune, petermolnar, [grantcodes], Diogo and crab joined the channel
[amit], jakelazaroff, [snarfed] and wolftune joined the channel; aendruk left the channel
so <link rel=canonical class="u-uid u-url" href="https://example.org"> doesn't count towards making an h-card representative?
i have to have an actual link to my own site somewhere in the body?
hs0ucy, [chrisaldrich] and oz1 joined the channel
probably better to ask markup questions in #indieweb-dev
oh. i'm sorry. thanks for pointing me to the right channel.
[tantek], dmitry, quite, Hory, hs0ucy, seekr, electronicmaji, [jeremycherfas], jbove, wolftune, [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich] and mauz555 joined the channel
I notice that some people using feed readers can alert about subscription counts in the user agent
does anyone track / keep this info outside of access logs?
wolftune joined the channel
interesting, I wonder which feed readers are those? are they documented on /feed_reader?
I incidentally just ran across https://strandlines.blog/author/stephen_strandlines/ which has a counter at the top indicating "0 Followers" and I wonder what sort of plumbing it may be using (or not) to come up with a count and from where?
I've noticed inoreader, feedbin and feedly doing it
KartikPrabhu, krup and msena3[m] joined the channel
There's a bit in websub to report back I think
celso[m], OxyDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisco and UsDiscord[m]1 joined the channel
Or was that a separate convention?
tadpole256Disco4, RomaricDiscord[m, brewskiDiscord[m and [spieper] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I’m using Autonomie and have that follower counter too. Pretty sure it’s Fediverse followers and it comes as part the ActivityPub plugin.
Dowzee, KinnardDiscord[4 and kbo8999Discord[m joined the channel
Ah, putting subscribers in the user-agent was the convention
efnDiscord[m] and nofwayyDiscord[m joined the channel
It’s integrated into the Autonomie theme
emakDiscord[m] joined the channel
lamborghiniDisco, flower88Discord[, ArunDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, UserDiscord[m], oed3[m], realChainDiscord, virtual_vagrantD, blzDiscord[m]1, simibacDiscord[m, placer141276[m], bmiller59[m] and vasa[m] joined the channel
eddocsillDiscord, tom85[m], vexlDiscord[m], boomshroomDiscor, l^discordDiscor4 and lauren|Microspon joined the channel
Did that get removed from websub because of the assumption that subscribers still fetched from source?
Senshi[m], nino_1, JustMaierDiscord, ShmultzDiscord[m, hubaDiscord[m], drshamoon[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, jimpickDiscord[m, SweatDiscord[m], KirushikDiscord[, ZapierDiscord[m], carsonfarmer[m], borismusDiscord[, kppDiscord[m], gozala[m], dqxDiscord[m], hs0ucy, kevinkDiscord[m], DiscordBridge[m4, FrenchBackBoneDi, RodolfoEDiscord[, f-r-e-dDiscord[m, cam4507[m], PamileissonDisco, vbDiscord[m], olizillaDiscord[, balupton[m], eeril[m], oed3[m], maparent[m], Nebulous[m], WesDiscord[m], raisDiscord[m], cambridgeport90[, M011000100111010, ianfixesDiscord[, Elijah3321[m], SomeguyDiscord[m, buztedDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, godparticleDisco, matsugenDiscord[, UserDiscord[m], ithithDiscord[m], celsoDiscord[m], fozzie[m], pvienhageDiscord, M|NecoDiscord[m], XierumengDiscord and electronicmaji joined the channel