[tantek]so it sounds like meetup's primary advantages were: 1. email spamming/notifying you of *new* events, and reminders, 2. search/discovery of meetups near you / on topics you're into / that people that like also like
[jgmac1106]reading different small business boards in CT many people are worried bc meeetup (high anxiety now all around of course) if events = livelihood. Meetup was a major lead generator as well for them, your spam, someone else's bacon I guess
[tantek][jgmac1106] this whole shelter-in-place is really calling into question priorities of making things livelihood that are suddenly deemed "non-essential"
[tantek]When I hear "lead generator" I hear someone finding people to pitch stuff to that they don't need, one of the worst aspects of capitalism (generating artificial needs just to convince people to pay for crap/services they don't need).
[tantek][grantcodes] yeah it's borderline. I suppose I'm looking at focusing on use-cases for event posts (and systems) that are more biased towards "essential" needs and social cohesion rather than people extracting from each other which feels exploitative (like silos)
wolftune, [LewisCowles], bleb, [KevinMarks], pncl, [_iamdave], gpickett00, [schmarty], [jacky], KartikPrabhu, kensp, leg and swentel joined the channel; leg left the channel
gRegorLoveI must have had my notification settings off for recommended events on meetup. I did like the homepage calendar of all nearby events and found a couple interesting meetups that way.
[jgmac1106]what if you had away to filter and subscribe to the calendar, like any Friday night events, in Y (a radius around a city), about X topic (being the tag)
gRegorLoveI suggested geo markup so readers could potentially show feeds by proximity. Added h-geo on the project day for that if anyone wants to experiment.
[jgmac1106]yeah but would it be easier if a city is manually added to just say X mile radius around that city? rather than relying on somoen to correctly have geo data?
aaronpkanyway my immediate concerns are figuring out what to add to Meetable to improve the event publishing part of the picture, then I want to figure out what to do on the discovery/subscription half of the picture to figure out what to add to Monocle/Aperture
[KevinMarks]Upcoming was an event database, meetup was more a toolkit for organisers to create recurring topical meetings. I think it grew out of a political campaign tool and referenced Bowling Alone