[chrisaldrich]On the Meetup question, is it possible for me to post an event to my site and syndicate it to https://events.indieweb.org/ via webmention the same way I can post to news.indieweb? Having one or more topic-centric or locality-centric syndication hubs like events.indieweb.org could be a boon for replacing some of the discovery pieces that meetup.com has.
aaronpkuntil I see more sites successfully syndicating posts via webmention to news.indieweb.org, i'm not confident that many people would use that feature or that it would actually work well, since there are so many more properties in an event compared to a note
aaronpkevents.indieweb.org as a micropub client to post events back to your site is interesting though, lots of edge cases to work out however, such as what happens if your site doesn't support events at all, what sort of text fallback should it do, etc
[chrisaldrich]The simple fallback may be to post everything as an article or note with the rest of the details in a text block with html/mf2 markup? Those are reasonably well supported on most Micropub servers, right? Not sure how parsers would view markup for h-event within h-entry for platforms like WordPress et al.
[g33kcentric]Just a throw away thought, and im not sure why you would want to do it, but does anyone post the newsletter they subscribe to on their sites? Eeither just links or the newsletter in its entireraty, pershaps for archilve
[jeremycherfas]I post a cut down version of my newsletter — just links really — and often include a link to the whole thing if there’s something in that I’m proud of.
LoqiSecure Scuttlebutt is a P2P system to sync message feeds, used to build (among others) social applications that work in off-grid/sneakernet scenarios https://indieweb.org/SSB
GaffenSo I started writing and I heard about this project - pretty timely really because I love RSS, but if feels like it's been left in the dust somewhat because social media
GaffenI'm very interested in webmentions. I do think for blogs comments can be pretty useful, but not so common off of social media any more. Webmentions seem to plug the gap a little.
GaffenI'm running a static rendered site using eleventy.js, powered by a wordpress backend and using buddy.works as a CI server. I'm thinking of cutting buddy out of the process but need to find a way to run builds on a webhook - I have a VPS that could potentially do it but it's pretty cheap. I soppose if I'm not constantly running builds that's less of a problem though.
LoqiEleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
GaffenAny discussions on how best to do comments via static sites? I guess for me it's probably best to piggyback off wordpress and integrate commenting via the REST API
Loqi[Greg McVerry] So proud of Ben as he filmed his STEM experimment and edited the video using screencast-o-matic. He made a catapualt out of house hold items and then reflected on his iterative design. [video]
LoqiStatic site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/SSG
[jgmac1106]Then Calumryan showed some of his recent edits and how he trackes what he is doing on his wiki and drafts blog posts on the wiki, he uses emacs
[amit]It was great being part of the HWC event. Could progress on the draft that has in my to-write for long. Also was good to chat and know from the projects of all.
doubleloopI liked the format too but wonder if it could be offputting to new joiners - if someone new arrives at the beginning but everyone is quiet for an hour, it might not feel so welcoming?